Hello Folks
Hello there everyone, hope this post finds you all well!
I just discovered this fourm a week or two ago and have spent time reading several threads and appreciating all of the information and support to be found here. Deffinately quite refreshing to stumble across!I have a personal story and various details to my journey from "back there" to here, but i'll spare your time on all that
. Long story short, for many years now I have studied several aspects of Crowley's work as well as general historical/religious philosophy..etc. I am also a student pursuing thirst of knowledge for Psychology, which actually lead me to these deeper area's of existence ((from a 'surface' perspective))
I live in the Deep South. This is quite inconvenient in my pursuits of knowledge - to certain degree's. For a long time I have hoped the universe would move some sort of "guru" into my path, but it seems part of my Great Work is to be relatively isolated from instruction / communion when dealing with the understanding of concepts and most importantly!!!!....the implementation of those concepts into practical workings.
I do not wish to intrude upon anyone's privacy, philosophy, or time but I am curious if there are any of you out there who wouldn't mind sharing a few emails or private messages ((assuming this board has them
)) in regards to helping me frame some of my curiosities and perhaps offer whatever guidence is appropriate to help me become more conscious of my 'walk'.
Thank you again, everyone, for contributing to the existence of this place! It's so wonderful for folks like myself!
@TiredSoul said
"I do not wish to intrude upon anyone's privacy, philosophy, or time but I am curious if there are any of you out there who wouldn't mind sharing a few emails or private messages ((assuming this board has them
)) in regards to helping me frame some of my curiosities and perhaps offer whatever guidence is appropriate to help me become more conscious of my 'walk'.
Not to worry; I am new here myself, been lurking for some time before I started posting.
People here are open, in my experience, and readily helpful; it may be good for all of us if questions are posted here, so we can all participate and share and learn.Welcome.
Welcome to this forum - a forum which I find constantly enlightening and even entertaining!
There are some very erudite people here and they are helpful.
(I am not including myself in that as I am mainly a reader and lurker.)Best wishes to you!
@TiredSoul said
"For a long time I have hoped the universe would move some sort of "guru" into my path"
Well, we are magicians here. If you want a guru, you should conjure one.
Interesting stuff is popping up in the Deep South all the time; you just have to keep your eyes peeled. Maybe you should consult one of those goetic spirits that specialize in finding buried treasure. Geographically, as opposed to politically, the Deep South is one of the most magical territories on the earth. I mean, if you can get away from the darned people, there's magic just lying around for the taking.
More seriously, here's what I think you should do. Go to the Builders of the Adytum web site and sign up for their lessons. Yes, I know, a correspondence course is not what you want. But in the first batch of lessons, you will learn a powerful magic technique that you can use to find a guru. Be sure to specify a Thelemite guru if that's important to you. (It is.)