Thoughts on Thelemic Government
I've toyed around with the idea of something along a mixture of the Spartan two-Ephor system, combined with the format of the early Roman Republic. I have an essay on that very subject somewhere around here, and I might dig it out if I feel like gracing the lot of you with my profundity and wit. (j/k
"Myself and a few brothers actually considered starting a political party based on Thelemic laws in Australia in the mid 90s. Why not? We were young, intelligent and strong willed. Stupider people were in power after all. We intended to openly buy into a brothel and use the profits to help fund it. We saw this as a suitable statement in the annihilation of sexual repression within our society. "
I like your thinking. Not so sure about the brothel, as there might be a tendency towards the objectification of women/etc.--but we don't need to get into that. 'Twas a nice pipe dream. (Or in this case, can dream, I suppose.)
Edit: Actually, a brothel decorated on Egyptian/Grecian lines with women dressed in period would be kinda cool.
this is like I have said, that the lose of noble elites allowed the money powers to take over control. The problem is that governments are basically bribed by the money powers, the sanctions hurt the competition of the big business and we run wars all over the world to open markets for big business and to secure poverty conditions in places to outsource labor, the government is supported by and works for the big businesses.
What we need is to restore the aristocratic class and the monarchy, which has power and authority without dependancy on money and big business. a power that comes for their character virtues and noble disposition, and ability to prove their skills and ideals work in practice, not based on popularity contests of democracy nor on the ability to pander to the big businesses. Men of genius and vision who do not give in to what the masses want but guide them with a form hand to what they need to grow and prosper as a community.
These are the Tory ideals which Crowley was a life long supporter.
I am to blame. I spoke the name we do not mention on another thread and woke the ancient evil.
My apologies to the forum.
Love and Will
lol... For waking the ancient evil... lol..
For speaking of Him Whose Name We Do Not Speak.
It's a joke about a certain awkwardly beloved forum member and a debate that he had forwarded adamantly for years.
Even now, I wonder if this is a harbinger of things to come...
[Dunh, dunh, dunh......!]
@he atlas itch said
@Priory Soul said
"What are your thoughts on how to integrate Law of Thelema into western culture toward the governing of a Thelemic Nation on the world stage"Vote for Ron Paul in 2012."
I agree with altlas itch. I realized a few months ago that every argument he makes can easily be re-framed in Thelemic terms of Hadit, Nuit and Ra-Hoor-Kuit. A Thelemic friend of mine didn't care for him and after asking him a few questions I realized he didn't really understand Paul's positions. Once I re-framed them using BOTL characters he all of a sudden got it. I think it's because Paul always takes the position of liberty.
More interesting than a theoric conversation about attempts to link the Thelemic point of view with any kind of past structures of government, we have the extremely interesting events ocurring at a world wide level in the last years. Things are changing, and to the worse, by disgrace. ¿Didn´t we have a conversation about it in the forum? Meh.
Anyway, puting it in a theoric comparison and so on, I think that more recently, the most "libertarian" and for it seems in extension "thelemic" posture, it was the Iceland "revolution", refusing to pay it´s debt and so on. The rest, a pure and increasing concentration of power on banks and big corporations, increasilingly allowed to directly "buy" countries and make it slave feuds. In the past this points in economy cicles were marked with classic wars and so on, the new and radical point now is the manner in which this is ocurring right now.
Unfortunately, the most of the people is still anchored to the rancid forms of politics and ways of thinking of the past, in were this ways were still "valid" in some way (even in a "revolutionary way"). But I think that, on the other hand, things like Anonymous, the Ocuppy movement and so on, are spontaneous responses of the people to this situation, and are exploring the modern economic and power wars and trying to fight it in new ways, more acording with the new situation. But, anyway, the thing is very fucked up, and it´s not a fight for hope, but for rightness.
The "Thelemic point of view", I think, must be more closer to this last point. Certainly, it doesn´t be happy with the bank and corporations avarice. And certainly, it cannot be no more comparised with any kind of political structures of government of the past, for the reasons I mentioned. I mean, "anarchism" for example, is today a too much prostituted word, and say "anarchism" today leads not only to the original concept, but to the interminable prejudices that this word has gain since today. The point is, ¿why we need to use that word in particular? ¿Why use any other viced word, when in fact the actual situation have no much in common with that other in which that concepts were created? I think that is a point that horizontal movements like Anonymous or the Ocuppy movement are beginning to understand, despite the habitual rancid propaganda that ones and others put it upon them.
Should it happened that in one moment all the inhabitants of this planet refuse to pay taxes, and it is theoretically possible. What is next.. -:)
My ponent would be that Thelema is a contradictory, as in ordinary life, because it is so little recognized there, and instead of money and comfortable life. I think that Thelema does not bring easy living under the guarantee at all, as in real life as also in a theory ,and that would be a law for most of the people thees days .
But you do not listen this guy. -:)
Who said we needed a government.
I love questions like this. If were just thelemites left on the planet. It would be wthin our best interest, and those who would come after us, not to repeat the same mistakes of our predecesors and expect different results. And in that I would bring to question in my mind how even having a government leads to the same societal messes we as humanity grieve our selves with. Why does someone have to be the boss, who made that rule? Thelemites have a set pattern of rules per se that we keep as individuals by our own choices, it isn't fair to make or limit the choices of others, even if those arent the same ones as mine. No rules needed. Rules point to a forced standard.
Money and economics would disasterous as well. Why even try, why live by money....i dunno jusr a few thoughtss... -
I think there are some valid thought here that relate to a 'Thelemic-type' government:
In Sumerian days, the Priests where in control of the banks.
When the day comes and the Ancients return to rule- i beleive- it will be the priests true that should control the banks once again- bleeding good theory to me. Especially in the light of modern days events. If we had control of the banks we could stop the 'top heavy' monetary system we have- and more. Think about it.
As for the actual government- does it matter? Let the slaves vote for who they will- most of them are idiots anyhow- does it matter? The Priest, (who are in contact with the Ancients and Great Old Ones)- have control of the banks, jailing crooks, banning 'Isle of man tax havens' 'money laundering schemes' 'Tax dodgers' and all through the internet.
For example: The Gaddaffi 80 Billion would go back to the people of SirriaQ
Speaking of banks Here's a vid of political Slaves freaking out!!
I think this is in turkey or somewhere!!!
Their starting to freak out! Yay!! Let them crumble before the rising sun of man! MMany more countries to come!
Slaves being exposed as slaves!
Hopefully more of this will happen this decade -
@pile_of_graemle said
"Slaves being exposed as slaves!
Hopefully more of this will happen this decade"It is obvious that you have not understood anything about Thelema.
The only thing not 100% obvious is, do you believe all this stuff or are you just trolling?
An excerpt from The Stellar Man!
"Aristotle defined a slave as an "animated malleable instrument." This terrifying
description has never been more true than it is today, if applied to human
beings in general. The individual is merely an appendage and a sounding board
for the species. Homo sapiens is the same as other animal species: he has a
collective soul which regulates and directs the evolution of the human race. The
collective soul produces the migration of the birds, regulates reproduction,
directs different changes and adaptations, brings about periods of mating, and
in general, directs the instinctive behavior of the beasts. As he belongs to the
animal kingdom, sapiens is not free from this directing force which in effect
controls, directs, supervises, and regulates the species, acting as a common
brain, which stifles individual thought.
This common soul has been called the "collective unconscious" by Jung.
He did not talk of an "animal soul" but he
certainly possessed this knowledge.** This "collective unconscious" is in truth
the animal soul of sapiens.**" Emphasis mine!
That is, the beast mind!This sure explains alot! Imagine linking all these ideas that supposedly came into being at the same time! Could this in fact be the akashic record, which the Theosophists and the New ager/Hindus brag about so much! makes a bit more sense than them claiming a link to the monad thats for sure!!"The mere fact of understanding, accepting, and
comprehending the significance of this subject means visualizing the most
important foundation of sapiens' life, because the bestial impulse acts as the basic motive of its actions.'Such as in the video which has been removed for some reason!!
change in the collective soul means ???? Do they even know!!Again
" Hermetic philosophy maintains that there can be no true spiritual and
moral progress if man does not cut the umbilical cord which ties him to the
central computer of the species, which nourishes "bestial" characteristics.
This notable and unique event is far-reaching and irreversible, and it takes
place in the heart of true Hermetic schools. Other schools do not in any way
deal with the animal soul of the student, and are limited to only transmitting certain teachings, which doubtlessly, will be used to further bestialize his
The bestialization of intelligence is a common phenomenon in this age.
The more intelligent an individual is, the more powerful his beast will be,
and the beast will use this intellect to satisfy its own instincts, without any
concern for anything else."So when blind bestial sapiens in the role of the "public intellectual" or "religious leader" or "conciousness expert" goes off to Burning Man or speaks in front of the UN or GOOGLE or TED among others and promising changes in the collective unconscious, again not knowing the occult truth of these fact but only a perverse materialist reflection (Saklas, thou art in error!!!), people talking of Overmind's they know nothing of must be recognized as dangerous?! Should these folk really not be taken into asylums or killed, if indeed they reflect an unknown idea of the collective soul, some deiurgic idea, but are in fact blind! As long as they whore around enouigh, they can find some wealthy NEW AGE WIDOW from New York or California all of a sudden this random idea is spoken about as a "SPRITIRUAL TRUTH" for all the bestial men to cloud! Men with gnosis shall surpass the anyway so let not their departure be delayed!!!
LEt us assail these beasts with the hordes of choronzon!!! In light of this knowledge I do believe we can surely declare them pyschopaths, lunatic (luna- moon- the false light)!
I elieve if one is truly serious aabout ccreating a thelemic world order, these types have to excluded form the decision making process! I elievve it will havve to e totally post larval and free from ALL The minutae influence of the previous! Many of us already have some idea of what this might entail so I shall not mention that here!!
Because of the great diversity of people who live on this planet, and some are just passing through, some leaving some coming.
It will take a lot of water under the bridge, before the establishment of sam order is possible. And that's all about what the government actually is.
At least what they(the governments) give us to know.93
@danica said
"I see a tendency among some here to view the Government as something outside which essentially acts as an enemy to personal freedom.
do you govern yourself, individual? if so, than no outside government is an enemy or a threat."
Depends of the context. I don´t know exactly what are you referring to, but well, in an ideal world, ok, no government and lollipops for everybody. But in the world of today, what you say sounds pretty vain and cliche, and it´s inevitably that it leaves you aside of that same governments, who precisely wants you to pray the same God who is fuking humanity, and drop off your individuality and join to the most non-dangerous crowd mentality of apolitical people. And have a political position doesn´t really mean to play with the rules that they bring us, choosing A, B, or even C, and discuss over them, but to learn to think for oneself and be aware of the dynamics of dirty power presents everywhere, and what to do with them from your most deep convictions.