I don't have much to add on the whole, but all the Grade Signs are mudras (though not a specific Hinduist or Buddhist mudra, which perhaps is what you meant).
I do find Buddhist mudras cool, but don't have any urges to do them nor do I see any relevance in them for myself.
We use them in my local Aikido dojo along with misogi practice (A sort of Japanese Yoga, derived from Raja yoga with a heavy Shinto influence). They are used to enhance concentration and in a banishing ritual which is not unlike the LBRP in essence.
I've never used them by design, but at various times have found myself using them spontaneously. In this, I don't mean any of the classic ones. On those occassions, it always felt that the energies of the moment needed the configuration - it felt like a particular neural arrangement was needed, or as if I were a tree growing in some unusual terrain that expressed the environment by growing in a particular twisted configuration.
A while ago, when I had a kundalini experience, one side effect that popped up often over the following weeks was spontaneous mudras. I didn't know anything about them, except for the common ones seen in religious artwork.
Afterward, I would look the ones I had used up, and was interested to find that the intent of the mudras matched the contexts I had used them in.
I find yoga mudras and so on a little bit boring and without much sense, I always thought of mudras about things close to spontaneous or improvised dancing, similar to this singer:
Kairos? What is that?
@Patthana Gati said
"It's always a little bit of a surprise when the mudras in my hands (or feet) get activated. When it comes to the hands there is usually a sick person in my vicinity. I have Chiron in a prominent position in my chart. And then I find I've got all this energy and golden heat coursing through me wanting to discharge into the sick person and realign the balance of their DNA. It's very trippy. But it doesn't happen with just any sick person. It just happens at the right time and with people who are ready to get well. So I've never thought to be a healer except when it comes upon me in this unannounced and surprising fashion.
... it's even more interesting if it suddenly happens with a lover.
93 Dara,
It seems your talking about a chakra, I was talking about a positiin if the hands. Or am I misunderstanding? Interestng tho, thank you.
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J -
My father was the director of the Association for the Blind for a while, and taught us a lot of sign language. So I grew up up with the idea of using my hands as an extention of my self, and as a way to translate.
I also grew up close to many near eastern families, who also use hand gestures to communicate and translate. I have learned more about them from my sister who teaches Iyengar Yoga. If you google mudra, and click on the images option you will see many great visual guides.I like to use them when I am experiencing a powerful feeling as a way to help my being regain homeostasis. Depending on the feelings different mudras have different effects.
I have also learned hand gestures in polynesian dance (hula like) and bellydance.
They are very functional, as well as a beautiful expression of inward states. I do many with out even thinking about them anymore. -
@Patthana Gati said
@J L Romer said
@Patthana Gati said
"It's always a little bit of a surprise when the mudras in my hands (or feet) get activated. When it comes to the hands there is usually a sick person in my vicinity. I have Chiron in a prominent position in my chart. And then I find I've got all this energy and golden heat coursing through me wanting to discharge into the sick person and realign the balance of their DNA. It's very trippy. But it doesn't happen with just any sick person. It just happens at the right time and with people who are ready to get well. So I've never thought to be a healer except when it comes upon me in this unannounced and surprising fashion.... it's even more interesting if it suddenly happens with a lover.
93 Dara,
It seems your talking about a chakra, I was talking about a positiin if the hands. Or am I misunderstanding? Interestng tho, thank you.
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J"There are no chakra's in the hands. But I read 'Mudras' and was thinking of the Marmas in the hands - so my bad! (Unless the activation of the Marmas caused you to adopt a spontaneous Mudra?)"
93 Dara,
I always heard there were chakras not only in the palms, but tge soles of the feet. There's actually many chakras throughout the body besides the main 7 you usually hear about. My moher was heavily into holistic healng, such as acupressure, shiatsu, reiki etc., I read many eastern medicine books and they describe many chakras (sub). Never heard of Marmas tho, ill look it up. Thank you, maybe it explains it idk.
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