Manas cakkra
Studying up on the cakkras outside of the normal seven I have been, and caught my attention this did regarding attributes of the Manas cakkra.
The 6 petals associated with it, encompassing the five senses and sleep have the following attributes:
Yellow - Earth - Smell
White - Water - Taste
Red - Fire - Form
Grey - Air - Touch
White - Space - Sound
Black is of course sleep, when in said state, turns the other petals of this cakkra black.Confused I am, regarding the reason behind Earth being associated with smell, and Air associated with touch. Suppose I do, that when one is alone in meditation, that Air is the only element that would cause sensation on skin, unless of course it was raining.
Very appreciative I would be, if someone might share their insight into this attribution set.
Many thanks for reading,
93/93 -
I'm not sure,
You might have better luck using the keyword
Anja Chakra