Thelemic Tephilah
"I have followed the Thelemic holy season since April of this year with the Atus. But, I haven’t worked with the other material yet. I have found that just working with the tarot is enough for me now."
Fair enough.
But, if you ever feel inspired to incorporate the use of the Atus coupled with the writing of the Holy Books of Thelema, I believe this tool is exceptional.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law
this looks kind of neat, but what's the theory behind the positioning of the books, verses from the books, periods of silence and so on?
Love is the law, love under will
"this looks kind of neat, but what's the theory behind the positioning of the books, verses from the books, periods of silence and so on? "
Actually, it's very neat. [grin and smile]
As to the cycle of the reading, I will enclose the link to webpage instead of pasting it all in here. Enjoy!
"this looks kind of neat, but what's the theory behind the positioning of the books, verses from the books, periods of silence and so on? "
Actually, it's very neat. [grin and smile]
As to the cycle of the reading, I will enclose the link to webpage instead of pasting it all in here. Enjoy!
@luxinhominefactum said
"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law
this looks kind of neat, but what's the theory behind the positioning of the books, verses from the books, periods of silence and so on?
Love is the law, love under will"
No particular theory. Just a matter of convenience and workability to create a particular rhythm that takes on a life of its own. The divisions are according to convenience.
There's a particular pattern that can be observed on inspection. The progress up the Tree is broadly work of the elements, then work of the planets, then the Supernals - which corresponds well to LXV, VII, and CCXX, in that order. Coincidentally (?) the sequence in which chapters of these books are memorized in formal A.'.A.'. work of 0=0, 1=10, and 2=9 is also LXV, VII, CCXX. So the pattern of the year is the 22-day working of the Holy Season followed by working through the three books in that sequence.
Since the 22-day Holy Season ends on April 10, the LXV pattern begins the next day, and it's cool to start on day 11 of the month - so, for most of the pattern, this is what's done. Each chapter of LXV is given one month (working through the elements one per month), with a day of silence between on the 10th. Then Liber VII is moved through quickly, one chapter per week (a 7 x 7 pattern). Then CCXX in the chapter-per-month sequence... except, to get back to the 11th of the month to begin there is a gap that conveniently corresponds to the Abyss between the planet series and the Supernal series. This leaves 37 (or, in leap years, 38) days of silence at the end.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law
very curious indeed, and interesting. i may incorporate this into my work.
Love is the law, love under will
I never noticed this before. I'm glad lux posted here to bring it back up to the top. Thanks for creating this, Jim. I'm going to use it
@kuniggety said
"I never noticed this before. I'm glad lux posted here to bring it back up to the top. Thanks for creating this, Jim. I'm going to use it
no kidding! this is great! - though I do have one question: why is March 21 equipped only with one reading for Shin when it, like Tav, has dual attributions?
@KRVB MMShCh said
"I do have one question: why is March 21 equipped only with one reading for Shin when it, like Tav, has dual attributions?"
I wanted to save the Spirit chapter of Liber LXV for a different path.
Most techniques are intended to bring someone toward the ideal. Smaller steps...
@-iblis- said
"Smaller steps are indeed what some people believe they need..."
For me, it's not so much a belief as an understanding of a method that works for me. If I could in an instant dash open the doors of perception or reach the "end" by kicking down the walls of the maze, or teleport to the city of the pyramids, or in the snap of a finger and a slap on the back of my head become a master of the martial arts, it would be done. I've tried it. And I've convinced myself in the past that I've accomplished it. But invariably, every time I think I've done the impossible and think I've discovered the secret of secrets, I realize that in truth, I've just smoked a lot of pot, and I'm just wishing I could get the results without having to do the work.
But the results are the work. There is no journey without a whole lot of walking (steps).
I set up a Google calendar with all the information from the Thelemic Tephilah. I don't use Google's calendar directly because I don't like how data is displayed/formatted once you click on an event but many applications can pull the data directly from it and display it differently. For any one interested here are the links:
Google Calendar ID: <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e -->
Rather late but I just added the XML feed to my browser. Thanks for to Jim, again, for putting this together and thanks to skytoucher for taking the time to set this up in XML format.