cool thanks i will check it out!
I was systematically working with the chakras, tattvas and mantras using Mumford's system outlined in "Magical Tattwa Cards" and "Chakra Kundalini Workbook" (I had read Mumford was the "REAL DEAL" and my research seemed to confirm this) when I began to have bizarre experiences.
I felt as if I was being pulled up by my pelvis, as if an imaginary hook had gone right through my pelvis and was lifting me. There was no pain, but it shocked me out of meditation. This happened a coule times. And it was impossible to meditate afterwards due to being freaked out.
I was paralyzed, swooning under the pressure of an immense source of energy that felt connected to my heart chakra. I remember it felt like a big, circulating black hole of energy and it felt GOOD, which is when I thought, "this is what it means to 'swoon.'" But, shortly after this thought, I realized I couldn't move and I suddenly panicked. I tried with all my might and eventually broke out of it, shaking like an epileptic for about 5 seconds.
I shared these experiences with the guy who recommended Mumford's work to me and he said that HE TOO had similar experiences and he had to stop because it was freaking him out. When I asked why he recommended it to me, he said "because it works."
When I told a member of this HeruRaHa forum community, his advice was simply, "DON'T DO THAT AGAIN." I asked him why and what he thought was the cause of my weird experiences, but he never replied.
Is this typical progress with Kundalini or are these things not good?
The Tattva cards are best saved for when you have considerable experience in meditation. Even more so for Kundalini techniques. Warnings for awakening Kundalini are there for a reason.
Redd Fezz wrote:
"1) I felt as if I was being pulled up by my pelvis, as if an imaginary hook had gone right through my pelvis and was lifting me. There was no pain, but it shocked me out of meditation. This happened a coule times. And it was impossible to meditate afterwards due to being freaked out. "
The first thing to learn in any program of meditation is to quiet the mind. The untrained mind is like a monkey, highly active. All the imaginary images you experience should be resolved before undertaking deeper meditation. Learn to let go of them; observe them as an outsider. It generally takes several months to a year of regular practice.
Redd Fezz wrote:
" I was paralyzed........But, shortly after this thought, I realized I couldn't move and I suddenly panicked. "
This is a very common experience. When you reach a relaxed enough state, your body falls asleep while your mind remains conscious. Early experiences of this can be quite scary. You'll get used to it. When you reach this level of relaxation, you can "actually" begin to meditate. But in order to do this, you must have your mind silent. Emotions are powerful and can often disturb meditation. They too must be quieted.
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@Draco Magnus said
"The Tattva cards are best saved for when you have considerable experience in meditation."
I disagree. They're top-notch beginner tools.
"Even more so for Kundalini techniques. Warnings for awakening Kundalini are there for a reason."
"Redd Fezz wrote:
"And it was impossible to meditate afterwards due to being freaked out. "
The first thing to learn in any program of meditation is to quiet the mind."
Yes! Understandably, though, some events can shake you up too much to get right back on the horse. It's important to get back soon, though - perhaps the next night, for example.
"Redd Fezz wrote:
" I was paralyzed........But, shortly after this thought, I realized I couldn't move and I suddenly panicked. "
"Not all that unusual. It was more likely parasthesia than paralysis. There are a lot of results that dissociate you from the usual conscious connection to the body. Quite commonly, one can move but one is very settled into the decision not to - I'm not sure how else to describe it - it's like a very conscious mental block against believing one can move.
bumping an old topic
these may be dumb questions but i have to ask them because im sure people here wont give me "new-agey" answers:
what are the symptoms of kundalini awakening? most of them sound very dangerous, like seizures and other kind of "medical problems".What is the difference between a person who has awakened kundalini and one who hasnt? I'm not expecting siddhis here
or super-human states but im sure there has to be some differences (internal ones)
How can kundalini be measured? Can this be evaluated by someone other than yourself?
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@nirbiraja said
"That's dark, ill-humor if I've ever seen it. You use it in the 3=8 curriculum? That's interesting."
Well, it's not that I use it in 3=8, but that it's part of the original system there. From Liber 185: "Further, he shall pass in the meditation practice S.S.S., in Liber HHH."
"Meditation SSS doesn't raise Kundalini; it's a practice to create a vehicle by which an orgasm can travel up the spine to the brain in sex magick or Tantra."
A passingly similar technique - quite different in key features, though, and not nearly as elaborate - does what you say. But SSS is quite explicitly a method for intentional raising of the kundalini. (Bindar Dundat.)
"That's clearly not in the A.'.A.'. schema."
Clearly? Hardly. It's quite specifically there.
"But now that we're near it, what extensive internal precautions are you giving your students using SSS as a Kundalini raising regimen? Are you having them stop raising at the anahata chakra?"
No, that would not be the full practice. (Besides, Anahatta is already naturally open in most who have gotten very far into the 2=9 grade, as a side-effect of that grade.) The precautions I meant were completion of the standard A.'.A.'. curriculum through 2=9 - primarily (but not entirely) the yoga training and testing. (Or, of course, equivalencies.)
@nirbiraja said
"For the record: You're telling us that a full blown raising of Kundalini straight to the ajna or sahasrara chakras will result in, what, exactly? The next grade is still Without."
Exactly. Raising of kundalini is an important development but seriously over-rated by the rank and file. It's not inherently related to the primary goals of the system, but (like other developments) does open certain channels.
"Even were it not, are you suggesting a full blown Kundalini raising to chakras above the abyss wont cause detrimental problems for an initiate?"
This bioenergetic phenomena as nothing direct to do either with the K&C of the HGA or crossing the abyss, I don't care where in the body they are located.
@nirbiraja said
"The ordeal may not seem like a big deal to you, simply because you're mistaken in labeling the experience."
Anything is possible. This was, however, not the conclusion of of the teachers who reviewed my work.
The imagination is merely the preparation. Put it in the context of a situation where kunalini has already been flowing in greater and lesser degrees for years.
As for scope of effect... the initial break-through of Kundalini that I experienced in 1=10 very significantly altered my life. I'm not saying it's inconsequential. It's a very big deal in context of when it occurs. But, proportionate to the primary goals toward which 1=10 is an early preparatory step, it's just one of several phenomena that pave the way for something against which it pales.
just immagining a serpent coil up my spine makes me terrorized.
i prefer to let mine asleep -
chrys333 -
If this is accurate I'm a Master of the Temple, or completely ungrounded, either way...