418 ; what? how? when? who?
418 the ultimate goal of Thelemic practice i.e. full illumination of all of humanity. Presumably this means that absolutley everyone on earth commits themselves to Thelemic practices; LRBP,asana,Middle Pillar,vel jugorum,learning a chosen chapter of Liber Al so on.
Yes at present "ye are against the people o my chosen" because the latter frown upon ceremonial practice,vel jugorum and Thelema in general.
Therefore the day they stop frowning upon us and join us is the day that 418 is achieved? Naive sci-fi ramblings or practical observation of the situation?
Maybe I am completely off, but I always took the completion of the great work as our individual attainment of K&CofHGA, not as the totality of all humanity.
Here is a quote from the Thelemapedia:
Abrahadabra (418) is also referred to as the Word of Double Power. More specifically, it represents the uniting of the Microcosm with the Macrocosm—represented by the pentagram and the hexagram, the rose and the cross, the circle and the square, the 5 and the 6, etc.—also called the attainment of the Knowledge and Conversation of one's Holy Guardian Angel.
To be against 'the people' has always meant, to me, to be against the conventional ideas that I absorbed and internalised, as I grew up and (ahem) matured. The task, therefore, is to break free from the grip of such popularly accepted ideas (e.g. : I must comply with societal norms / my sexuality must fit a certain profile of behaviour/ I will not speak in favor of Prophets who took drugs, had sex with lots of people and, worst of all, wrote mystical poetry).
418 is the reward i believe the crown and conquering child gives to deserving thelemites. and 418 is the union of opposites, and as we know there are many sets of opposites:
you with your HGA
you with a physical lover
your lover self with your higher selfand many other but what it really means is levels of balence (mem/40)
40/8cheth=5 also 40mem+8cheth(418)/8=6 5=693s
fr418 -
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law
@gerry456 said
"418 the ultimate goal of Thelemic practice i.e. full illumination of all of humanity. Presumably this means that absolutley everyone on earth commits themselves to Thelemic practices; LRBP,asana,Middle Pillar,vel jugorum,learning a chosen chapter of Liber Al so on."
Stops belly laugh. Clears throatThe world is already enlightened. You alone flounder.
@Edward Mason said
"To be against 'the people' has always meant, to me, to be against the conventional ideas that I absorbed and internalised, as I grew up and (ahem) matured. The task, therefore, is to break free from the grip of such popularly accepted ideas (e.g. : I must comply with societal norms / my sexuality must fit a certain profile of behaviour/ I will not speak in favor of Prophets who took drugs, had sex with lots of people and, worst of all, wrote mystical poetry)."
Smiling and Bowing
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law