Planetary positions for any date and time
High-precision and highly accurate planetary calculations. Tropical zodiac (for 2006, add 5 degrees 10 minutes then subtract a sign to convert to Sidereal). Note that if you add longitude and latitude (and, optionally, altitude) it will correct these for parallax, which can shift the Moon as much as a degree - for astrological purposes, you don't want this.
Oooh, neat! Thanks!
Good to have it here.
It sure simplifies some Hexagram works. -
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
This is exactly what I was looking for! Thank you.
Love is the law, love under will.
How can I find the current conversion to sidereal positions?
@Love and Dissolution said
"How can I find the current conversion to sidereal positions?"
Most astrology programs make this conversion automatically when you calculate a Sidereal chart. The current Sidereal longitude of the vernal point (at the start of 2013) is 5°04' Pisces. Although you can convert current Tropical to Sidereal positions by subtracting 24°56' from everything (30°00' minus 5°04'), the faster (and more usual) way is to add 5°04' and subtract a whole sign.
This VP position moves 5' of arc for every 6 years of time. It increases as you move to the past, and decreases moving into the future. Thus, for early 1963 (50 years ago), subtract one-sixth (1/6 of 50', in round numbers, is 8'): the amount travelled is 50' - 8' = 42'. Add that to the current value (5°04' Pisces) to get 5°46' Pisces for early 1963.
A short table of VP values for current times is given in the front of Andromeda Sidereal Ephemeris of the 21st Century which you can download for free from
Very informative, thanks alot!