Present Aeons Zodiac?
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law,
The Book Of Thoth tells us that the symbolic representation of Libra in the Aeon Atu fore-shadows the Aeon which is to come after this one.
I realized I am not aware what Zodiac this current Aeon is assigned to in the Thelemic context.... whats the system behind it? sequence of the atus ( as in the yearly assigmnets) or sequence of zodiacs? or something completely different?
Love is the law, love under will
@Herr Sorath said
"I realized I am not aware what Zodiac this current Aeon is assigned to in the Thelemic context.... whats the system behind it? sequence of the atus ( as in the yearly assigmnets) or sequence of zodiacs? or something completely different?"
There was some discussion of astrological aeons in a thread (here in the "Thelema" forum area) called "Basis of Aeons." I think this link will get you there:
Going by a common (but naive?) interpretation of the Aeons: Isis=Aries, Osiris=Pisces, Horus=Aquarius, the "age" of Libra is far, far in the future. Libra is associated with Aries by virtue of being opposite it in the zodiac, so I've heard talk of the "Aries-Libra" axis corresponding to the age prior to the last one.
Libra will be "squared" (90 degrees separated) to the sign of the "next" age (Capricorn). They're both cardinal signs.
You mentioned a "sequence of the atus (as in the yearly assignments)." Not till reading that did I realize that in the standard Thelemic year-numbering (22 big, 22 little) there should be a Tarot trump assigned to each year. What is this year's trump? Do people do "natal" trump-ology?
Kicking at the ox-goads,
Steve -
thnx for your pointers!
this years trump is XIV-Art-samekh. We're almost halfway through with it, as autumnal equinox is almost upon us.
@Steven Cranmer said
" [...] the "age" of Libra is far, far in the future. "
according to Book of Thoth the Libra-Aeon "is to follow this present one, presumably in about 2,000 years - the Fall of the Great Equinox; when Hrumachis shall arise and the double-wanded one assume my throne and place."
@Herr Sorath said
@Steven Cranmer said
" [...] the "age" of Libra is far, far in the future. "according to Book of Thoth the Libra-Aeon "is to follow this present one, presumably in about 2,000 years - the Fall of the Great Equinox; when Hrumachis shall arise and the double-wanded one assume my throne and place.""
I get it now, I think!
Libra/Lamed corresponds to the Justice/Adjustment trump. Maat is the goddess of Justice. She is also the double-wanded one (the old GD Hegemon) who will follow Horus (the old GD Hiereus).
Okay, by that logic (starting with the trump symbolism) should the previous aeon (Osiris) correspond to the Hanged Man, and thus to Mem and the element of water? Would Isis have corresponded to the High Priestess (Gimel/moon) or the Empress (Daleth/venus)?
What about Horus? I guess the Aeon trump in the Thoth tarot is "Thelemically" assigned to the dawning aeon of Horus, but there's nothing uniquely Horus-like in its traditional "last judgement" symbolism...