Joining the A:.A:. long-distance
well not that the OTO has anything to do with the AA, but there are OTO bodies in south america.
but dont confuse the 2 they are 2 very different things.
@Mysteria said
"I want to join the A:.A:. and i already have read the student curriculum but i live in SouthAmerica. No Temples of Thelema or OTOs around."
A.'.A.'. admission as Probationer and the 1=10 and 2=9 initiations as written can only be done in person.
Some special provisions have been made historically - especially with the 1=10 initiation - for a person to do it at a distance on his or her own, but those are special cases; and Crowley would, most of the time, skip the 2=9 initiation altogether when it wasn't convenient (I don't actually know of a time he actually did it except for Neuberg; there may have been others, but I don't know of them). I think that's a disservice to the aspirant, but that's the deal.
But I can think of no way that has any ring of authenticity to it at all that the Probationer admission could be done except in person.
So you have to find an appropriate contact where you can and will periodically visit if you can't find someone where you live.
Remember, in ancient times, aspirants would travel weeks or months to find the guru they sought, and then plan to stay there at least for many years to receive their training. Our modern world, so connected in many ways, is so disconnected in so many others.
Ironically, one of the greatest A.'.A.'. success stories - James Thomas Windram, 6=5 - was in South Africa. Did he really leave no successors? (I've never heard of any.)
due to present obstacles, I am looking for a person I can physically contact, a member of some large magical network capable of preventing my continueing life as a magical slave
I also wouldn't mind going through initiation ceremonies to get this done. obviously, the most immediate concern is telepathic intrustion, and related intrusions/manipulations
I have a similar problem. I live in East Europe. In my country O.T.O. exists. I am starting y new camp actually but I really feel the time has come for me to start the real A.'.A.'. program. I really wish I would know a Powerful and 'in Understanding' guru. I don't have a lot of money but I am more then prepared to go to places for meetings. I would even move if necessary. I am a programmer so maybe I could even find a job.
Actually the more I look at my life the more I feel I lost years (well everyone gets what is needed) of my life not trying hard enough to find an appropriate Adept willing to teach me.Hmmm this was a cry call It just poured out of me.
I'm laughing at myself even more now since you both are so much farther away physically than me.. My most recent email correspondence with an adept I met in Berkeley back in 2001 gave me the impression he didn't realize I no longer live there and I asked if there was a contact here in Seattle I could meet. If I still owned a vehicle I certainly would have never thought otherwise and just start driving since I'd prefer to meet with who life has lead me to naturally. Obviously I need to think more positively on logistics instead of hindering myself with silly obstacles like time and money...
I feel though, if I may say, you are giving up your power a bit by seeking "understanding" outside of yourself which just may be the reason you've placed yourself at such a distance, to learn the lesson. There's no part of you not a part of the gods! I too long for the allegiance with my kindred but I know the only way to find a single door of that palace is within, or intuitively...
Many blessings to you all on the accomplishment of your will! I wish you nothing but peace!
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I am working on the not physically present problem with my SL A.'.A.'. group.
I am hoping to have some gestures and animations designed for ritual use, pentagram sweeps etc.
But even with these, second life presence is comparable to a weak astral projection at best.
Maybe a the initiations can be adapted, even if diminished somewhat in effect.