The Gods of Thelema?
Hello, I'm actually fairly new to studying Thelema(not Aleister Crowley however) and although I don't yet consider myself to be a Thelemite I certainly leaning towards it. My biggest issue is, trying to find a place with information, what is what and such.
The question(as hinted at in the subject) is:
Are Nuit, Hadit, Horus, Babalon, Aiwass and Ankh-af-na-khonsu the only Gods of Thelema? Or are there more? Or are we free to believe/worship any others we choose as long as we do so as well for the base Gods(base Gods in this sense being the ones I listed)?
This part has had me quite confused, and I think The latter of what I mentioned might be correct due to the law to follow ones own will however I wanted to be sure of this.
Thank you in advance for your help,
EDIT: since this hasn't been replied to yet, I decided to go ahead and add another question.
I had read somewhere that Thelemites don't believe in the soul(ie. in this case a part of the consciousness that exists after death of the physical vessel). Is this true?
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Michael, 93,
Question is, how many gods do you feel you need? Thelema isn't quite as prescriptive as you're stating here. Sure, you have the main list of 'gods', though divine principles might be a better term. After all, They is us.
Every Thelemite would have his or her own view of what the soul might be, and whether he/she has or is one (or several, if the Thelemite is a classically minded Qabalist)). There are no points taken off for being 'wrong' on this kind of issue. The only thing keeping us out of the 'club' is ourselves.
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