new aeon
These few social changes are just the beginning, not the whole project.
I am talking bio-genetic augmentation, cyborg implants, brain enhancements via drugs and computer implants. Full conscious upload or integration with a continuous network of computers and minds.
Mixing of animal and human DNA, telepathic communication not just with each-other but between species and even machines.
I am talking the complete transcendence of the mind from the finite material forms that support it. The body Sluffed off and a new body taken as one changes coats to paraphrase the Ghita. With the "atman" safe and secure in the collective mind of the network.
I am talking about leaving all biological concerns in the dust of ancient history. Marriage and the group mentality that goes with territorial disputes are certainly biological concerns. Which include Status symbols and other such semantic posturing of dominance which are only useful in conditions of limited resources used by biological beings.
In truth we have enough resources now that there is no reason for wars and the concept or ownership, especially ownership of people or exclusive sexual rights. These persist only because people are too weak Willed to exert their TRUE WILL over their obsolete biological heritage, Is man to be ruled by a chemical cocktail in his blood, or shall he master his instincts and behaviors, shaping then to reach their desired ends via scientific study rather than reflex and emotion.
If it feels right Question the hell out of it, discover what result you want, observe what result you behavior gets, then correct that behavior. Use whatever psychological method works for you. Use magick ritual if that works. Do what it takes to be more that human, more that a dumb beast slightly more clever that a monkey attempting to live in the technological wonderland based on genetic responses wired from life in the Grasslands millions af years ago.
@Froclown said
"I am talking bio-genetic augmentation, cyborg implants, brain enhancements via drugs and computer implants. Full conscious upload or integration with a continuous network of computers and minds."
LOL, those will probably come a lot sooner than the social changes or consciousness changes
The current trend is for technology to precede, and sometimes be the genesis of, social changes, and for consciousness changes to come later than both. The tech is the easy part. (Of course, those are Osirian trends.)
"The body Sluffed off and a new body taken as one changes coats to paraphrase the Ghita."
Well, we already do that routinely. (And some of us do some of the other things you mention routinely.)
"I am talking about leaving all biological concerns in the dust of ancient history."
I seriously doubt that during the few thousand years of the Aeon of Horus. I could, of course, be entirely wrong.
During this Aeon, I expect humanity to stabilize at the consciousness level where a sane, well-developed adult is stable in the Knowledge & Conversation of the HGA, and what we currently call adult consciousness (reasonably mature Ruach consciousness) is typical of adolescence.
Of course, for any of this to occur - your view, mine, or any others - we do need to salvage the ecosystem to keep the earth from becoming uninhabitable in the next few decades.
Why does marriage itself have to be replaced? If it is the Will of two people to do so, it is their Will. The covenant of marriage has a power of its own.
Of course, we have to remember that in an individualistic society, people... well, have to be allowed to be themselves. There can be no such thing as "mandatory," the word because has fallen.
Cybernetics? I am happy with my body, it may not be perfect but it is perfectly me (and its one thing).
The second you have thought of what the society is to be , you have stopped thinking about it all.
@Froclown said
"I am talking bio-genetic augmentation, cyborg implants, brain enhancements via drugs and computer implants. Full conscious upload or integration with a continuous network of computers and minds."
I agree that this kind of transhumanist, Singularitarian, Kurtzweilian development (whatever you want to call it) could be a key part of the development of the new Aeon. I guess I understand why so few Thelemites seem to be conversant or comfortable with this kind of technological "fix," though. The ideas are sometimes pretty far out... Hell, I'm not so comfortable with many of these ideas, but I think there's cause for optimism!
Here's to adding Greg Egan, Vernor Vinge, and Eliezer Yudkowsky to the A.'.A.'. Student reading list!
"If it feels right Question the hell out of it"
I love it!
@Jim Eshelman said
"Of course, for any of this to occur - your view, mine, or any others - we do need to salvage the ecosystem to keep the earth from becoming uninhabitable in the next few decades."
If you replace decades with centuries, I'd agree. Don't let the alarmists get you down (or keep you up at night)!
individuals may or may not be able to do alot of things, but what I an talking about is the removal of social conditions that put expectations on individuals to live a certain sort of lifestyle.
All the social rituals must change. from the notion that a suit an tie is a mark of respectability to the taboos on curse words. The fact that wearing a cross wins brownie points at the office but pentagrams are banned.
The fact that women chitter on about their wedding bullshit all day, and all the ceremonial bullshit.
I say any institution older that 100 years is bogus superstitious [censored] and should be disdained in the public eye.
Any reference to such should be satire, as per the church of the subgenius or the discordians.
@Steven Cranmer said
"If you replace decades with centuries, I'd agree. Don't let the alarmists get you down (or keep you up at night)! "
I think the so-called alarmists tend to be pretty much right on target.
On the other hand, I sleep very well
"The fact that women chitter on about their wedding bullshit all day, and all the ceremonial bullshit. "
Hey, all those women are doing what they will. They are pursuing their true will. Leave female ceremonial bullshit alone, please.
In L.V.X.,
chrys333 -
I should think women can get WILLs of their own and not be so obsessed with latching on to men like parasites and perverting the purity of that mans WILL.
I mean they can go drive a race car, cure diseases, invent new technology, walk on mars. These are worthy things for human being to do.
Growing fat and old in suburbia or even being a rich CEO and becoming a stressed out drunk getting soft on success. These things are a waste of human potential.
Froclown wrote:
"I should think women can get WILLs of their own and not be so obsessed with latching on to men like parasites and perverting the purity of that mans WILL."
I love women the way they are, in all their variety. If you don't, that says more about your confused beliefs then it does about their reality.
93, 93/93
@Froclown said
"I should think women can get WILLs of their own and not be so obsessed with latching on to men like parasites and perverting the purity of that mans WILL. "
In my experience, approximately as many women I have known are doing their Will successfully as men are. - This despite the fact that women per se still have much of the weight of society resisting their success.
The percentage is low in both cases, but the percentage is pretty much the same.
Admittedly, I have been fortunate to know extraordinary women.
Yes, who are you talking about? That sure isn't all women. What kind of women do you attract?
In L.V.X.,
chrys333 -
Don't answer that. I don't want to know.
In L.V.X.,
chrys333 -
Surely you realize that by nature and nature women, that she want nothing more that to find a virile man, so she can sap and impurify his precious bodily fluids (libido, Ogorne. vril, kundalini, whatever) and use them for her personal ends. That is her obsession with filling her black hole of a [censored] with a child, and which is the closest she can come to encapsulating the mans energy and purpose for herself.
Her envy such that she has no vital force of her own and seeks to engourge herself upon a males vital force. The fount of which she rightfully locates in the Phallus.
Such is the danger, that she may weaken the WILL and it this state it may fall short of its target and become untrue to its aim.
She is not this way by nature alone, but learns such behavior from the cultural archetypes, rituals, and norms. These teach her shame and subvert her TRUE WILL, resulting in the perverse state that is more common, and varies in severity with social-economic class.
May the Goddess speak to you.
chrys333 -
Fro', you're going to have a really unhappy life.
I don't get it.
Mocking the chef does what?
chrys333 -
@nirbiraja said
"There's no better way to receive the chef's cooking than to mock her.
101, shite, Jim."
Dude WTF! Your non-sequiturs are occasionally amusing, but mostly frustrating. Could you clarify this remark?
@Froclown said
"Surely you realize that by nature and nature women, that she want nothing more that to find a virile man, so she can sap and impurify his precious bodily fluids (libido, Ogorne. vril, kundalini, whatever) and use them for her personal ends. That is her obsession with filling her black hole of a [censored] with a child, and which is the closest she can come to encapsulating the mans energy and purpose for herself.
"How did it come to this? It was an interesting topic and all of the sudden changed to women-bashing? I liked the initial posting in principle, but I don't think that depicting women as nothing less than demonic vampires is called for. I think, however that in the interest of balance, you may call men something like idiotic chauvinistic pigs that are only interested in power and that use and abuse women for their own individualistic ends including [censored] and/or status.
Seriously, if you don't see how offensive your assertion was, at least see this as an entirely Osirian way of thinking. In the new Aeon, the sexes enjoy the same level of acceptance and they are both integrated in the human psyche. When the feminine aspect of our psyche has not being integrated, it comes out as a demon. The same goes for the masculine aspect. Society has been battling with the feminine for the entire Osirian period in which the masculine aspect dominated, but there has been a shift. Even Crowley wasn't immune to this. He had to overcome this as well. He was, however very progressive for his time.
Keep in mind that the quote above is nothing less than the same rationale used by the Inquisition to burn witches if you think about it. -
Yes I agree that my characterization was of the Osiris aeon woman.
My point was that women are by nature susceptible to this way of being, and by nurture are encouraged to be this way.
Just look at what we hold up as role models for young girls, princesses. A princess who is practically worshiped just for being who she is, not because she earned admiration. I mean that alone is a recipe for narcissism.
With this as her ideal we send other messages, if your not born a Princess you can become an artificial princess by just being attractive. Seek to marry a rich man, or be famous as an actress. Not a good actor, do porn just look pretty and have [censored]. Or just be a worthless [censored] like Paris Hilton. If all that fails just pump out babies, they will love you and feed your narcissism so long as you are knocked up who will know you have no aspirations or practical skills. Just leech off you husband, why should you ever want to walk on the moon, or break the sound barrier, cure diseases or even balance a check book. Hell you might break a nail and go into a fuss out panic because your single asset has been devalued slightly.
And secondly women are taught everything is shameful. Anything that remotely resembles achievement for the human race is shameful. There are very few Women in the transhumanist movement. They don't to be faster, stronger, better. all they want is to leech on, make a "home" and prove she is more normal that other women, her family is better, etc.
Well to hell with family structure, to hell with normal, to hell with the stupid role women have been breed and trained to fulfill, that role is dead.
In the new Aeon we are to free ourselves of all of this. We are not to be normal with a house and kids, and mortgage, taxes, 9 to 5, and all that [censored].
We are to be kings of the earth, unbound by social law, and ultimately our minds unfettered by physical manifestation, as we transcend into pure semantic networks hosted on bio-computer networks.
@Froclown said
"Yes I agree that my characterization was of the Osiris aeon woman.
My point was that women are by nature susceptible to this way of being, and by nurture are encouraged to be this way.
"And my point is that you seem to be blind to the fact that you don't see that your characterization is that of an "Osiris Aeon man".
What progress can we achieve if we still harbor the thought that "women are by nature susceptible to this way of being"?
BTW, check out Jung's work on the Anima and the Animus, and the process of Individuation. With the Aeon of Horus and the Crowned and Conquering Child, the energy is more and more Androgynous than anything.
Let's not go back to that same women are mindless bimbos or demonic vampires... OK?