Serpent Vs. the Dove
@Malaclypse said
"Thanks aum! I'll do my research, but don't be surprised if I come up with more of my theories; it's an excellent way to learn so that, for one thing, you won't, in the end, have to put up with ignorance."
I hope you do!
Have fun with those.
65 & 210,
111-418 -
@Jim Eshelman said
"Go buy a book!
Yes, I shall! It was good for me to have this little "bout", because I didn't think it through enough, which is detrimental to my path. Thanks again guys!
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law
on another plane entirely, "choose ye well" can be viewed as yet another injunction to act in harmony with your will.
as far as the curses in chapter three go, i echo the "read the commentaries!!!" suggestion above. in addition to the commentaries mentioned here, i'm a big personal fan of marcelo motta's "commentaries of AL," which include crowley's "new" comment and motta's own ideas.
Love is the law, love under will
My first impression with the Serpent/Dove, is that there is direct involvement ( the serpent who slithers on its belly, touching the ground) and the more detached kind of love.
One might say, manifestation/principle.
But, I also wonder if it could be a reference to the Tree of Life. The serpent winds up along the Tree, while the Dove flies down from the top. How, the perspective of Love changes the "higher" our perspective goes.
It has been awhile since I've been able to post here however I was able to go to the library today so I can add something I've been thinking about.
Purely from a physical sense of the universe, I've come to understand that the most present, constant force, will always be cold, and darkness.
Light takes fuel, it must be maintained, warmth(fire) follows the same. Darkness just is. It's always. Light needs to strengthen, to maintain existence, however darkness, doesn't. It just needs to wait for the light to go away.
Between the serpent and the dove, I just reread my copy of the Gospel of Thomas today, and noticed a huge opposame between the Book of Law, and the Gospel of Thomas.
It seems that though they both appear to want the same end, how you go about doing it seems to directly contradict one another.
I believe the Serpent and the Dove,are actions.Remember Crowley came from a puritannical up bringing.The Serpent being Evil or a representation thereof ,The Dove being a representation of the Divine [good]. Choose ye well.As High Magicians we learn to use both.But in the end.who are we individually,what have we chosen The Serpent or the Dove. AGAPE 93/93 93 Frater Nocturnus
My question, is that if you are to choose between the serpent, and the dove... what is the winged serpent?
for some reason wajet comes to mind
sorry got to say im a serpant for sure...but I dont see it as a evil force but one of wisdom but defently of a "Reptailian Draconian" current as I see it.
This reminds me of the policatcal qusition of are you are Hawk aggrssive[Right wing] or Dove passive nature[left wing]
i agree