11 December (Hadit) Liber CCXX, 2:1-2
(v. 67) 1. Nu! the hiding of Hadit.
(v. 68) 2. Come! all ye, and learn the secret that hath not yet been revealed. I, Hadit, am the complement of Nu, my bride. I am not extended, and Khabs is the name of my House. -
As the seed of today's bhakti working, the cue verse 2 gives me is: Be ready for what you don't expect! Be open to what the Angel is communicating that might not already have fertile ground in my mind. Learn the secret that has not yet been revealed.
That's my particular headspace for today. (Not so hard, especially with a progressed Mercury-Uranus trine exact this month!)
A few remarks on the text...
Verse 1 is the obvious complement of 1:1. Chapter 2 is witnessed from the point of view of Nuit. It is within Her that Hadit is hidden. Even as Cap. 1, v. 1 was verse 1 of the entire Book of the Law - corresponding to Hadit as Kether - so is this verse 67 of the Book overall. 67 is the value of Binah (BYNH).
Hadit is the Hidden One, Hades, "The Unseen." THis identification is of tremendous importance. He is Lord of Hell, the Hidden Place, the unconscious, etc. Even his obvious Mercurial elements are due to Hermes being a guide of the dead, conductor in the realm of Hades. The chief difference, however, is that, where Hades is purely God of the Dead, Had is God of Life. This, too, is part of what we shall encounter in the verses ahead.
Immediately, in verse 2, the tone is utterly changed! This verse is practically the patter of a circus barker, even a little clownish. This effect swarms around the first person pronoun which is at the heart of the verse and stands in acute contrast to the whole flavor of Nuit’s words in Cap. 1.
Presumably the first sentence merely summons our attention to the fact that there is a further Mystery than that of Nuit. Beyond that which is revealed is that which is Hidden, SVD = 70 = Capricorn, Set = Had, &c.
It is in this verse that we are told certain basics which we have long come to take for granted. Hadit is the complement of Nuit. He speaks of Nuit as his "bride," which further establishes the particular nature of their polarity.
He is an unextended point. "Unextended" refers to more than spatial dimensions. AC had already developed, in his essay "Berashith," the concept of every characteristic whatsoever being a "dimension" in which an object could be "extended." The idea of "the unextended" (or unconditioned) he represented mathematically as zero to the zeroth power. Mathematically this equals 1; and qabalistically "the unextended" is the Point which we call Kether, Sephirah 1.