12 rays of the Crown?
Quoting from Liber vel Ararita:
"11. But though thus he worked, he tried ever his work by the Star 418.
12. And it deceived him not; for by his subtlety he expanded it all into the Twelve Rays of the Crown.
13. And these twelve rays were One."Someone with knowledge please elucidate. Am researching this online but receiving varied opinions.
Thankyou -
What's the specific question? Is it, why does the crown have 12 rays? From his Second Order G.D. training and other Qabalistic exposure, one of Crowley's preferred names or cognomens for Kether is HVA, pronounced Hu and litearlly meaning "He." This word enumerates to 12.
specifically i was wondering why the "star 418" bore the possibility of deception, hence the need to expand into the 12 rays. I was pondering the esteem of 12 rays knowing it must not refer to the 10 sephira.
Intersting that crowley calls kether HU. When I was a student of Naqshbandi sufism, one of the meditative practices employed was to vibrate "HUUUUUUU", meaning obviously He in arabic. This practice had a dramatic effect too.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law
from context, chances are he's talking about the phashoutoth, the twelve hebrew letters that represent direction, elemental forces and so on.
see "Metatron's Cube" for more on twelve-from-one maps of the universe.
Love is the law, love under will
"specifically i was wondering why the "star 418" bore the possibility of deception, hence the need to expand into the 12 rays. I was pondering the esteem of 12 rays knowing it must not refer to the 10 sephira."
Similar phrases are used in vv. 11 nd 12 of each chapter of Liber ARARITA. The book is a book of Unity. The overall structure in each case is to bring wide diversity of expression (through the first 10 verses) into a "coordinated fusion" (I just made up that term) in the number 418 - the number especially expressing the 5=6 formula and the Knowledge and Conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel. But this is still a duality - a significant attainment but one which (in the particular form it first appears) is in time overcome. He does this through finding the place of this one star among the field of all stars and identifying it with the Crown - where they are, in fact, One Thing.
"Intersting that crowley calls kether HU. When I was a student of Naqshbandi sufism, one of the meditative practices employed was to vibrate "HUUUUUUU", meaning obviously He in arabic. This practice had a dramatic effect too."
Yeah. It's a good Name.
The crown is Kether, and the 12 rays are the 12 points of the zodiac, i.e. the 12 signs. The 12 signs are united in the 13th idea in the middle, the sun, just as the 12 apostles are united and revolve around Christ. I think he is not deceived that these twelve things are separate, he knows in truth they are One. The deception or ignorance is that things are divided, separate, dualistic, etc. (avidya & maya in Hindu terms), and ARARITA is a word (as is 418) that asserts the Unity of all things (that is elsewhere called "Nothing" or "Not" for various reasons).
65 & 210,