the magickal motto
Any particular method to go about choosing a motto or advice for the undertaking? Perhaps something I can read by those who have successfully completed the task?
Any particular method to go about choosing a motto or advice for the undertaking? Perhaps something I can read by those who have successfully completed the task?"As kuniggety stated, taking this 'particular moment in time' as the alignment to your aspiration, ask yourself what motto, name, phrase or word best suggests my DESIRE and INTENTION in this Great Work.
Meditate on this daily until the motto, name, phrase or word arrives.
Other methods can include taking Latin, Greek and Hebrew phrases that suggest the Light of your Work and adding these to a bowl and then while focusing on the luminous brilliance above your head [as in the LBRP] and reaching into the bowl retrieve what has been chosen for you, but your HGA.
Let your 'Intuition' guide you in the method most suitable to your nature.
I hope this gives you some addition options in your choice....tick, tock, eh?
Thanks Rey!! Yes on the tick tock... I cut my meditation short in order to have it post marked today on the Solstice before the Moon started waxing because it seemed like the most powerful time to accept especially since Neptune is conjunct my MH/Sun. I trust the timing makes up for what the motto might lack and the fact it doesn't express my ultimate goal but is appropriate for Malkuth and my here and now focus- one step at a time.