But he was actually contemplating the opposite: not participating in that kind of activity (at least partly because of, for the moment, lack of opportunities).
Total chastity was not originally part of the Brahmacharya route. Instead, the yogi would refrain from sex entirely for fixed periods. During this period it is necessary to refrain from all thoughts of sex as well as physical acts. This is then released during sex itself.
In the modern world this is an intense discipline, if only because of the way sexual images are used to sell everything from music to clothing. Suppressing sexual thoughts leads to a build up of energy whose release is more intense for it. This is a useful channel - and makes people into great lovers according to the earlier Brahmanas. Later the puritanical aspect entered the literature, but only after the encounter with proselytising Islamic mystics.
Try it, if only for a day.
I like this discussion, right to the heart of the scorpionic energy.
Let's say one is in a required period of chaste. Then you wake up as the body is taking care of the "problem" itself....would that mean you would have to start all over again?
There are specific asanas that deal with nocturnal emissons
Shirshasana the advanced headstand is reliable.
Ayurvedically, chastity increased your Ojas which literally means Vigor.
Ojas is like a condensation of semen that spreads throughout your body and it makes you shine.
Accordingly there are other Ayurvedic practices/diets that stop nocturnal emissions/increase Ojas.93 93/93
Siddhasana, Burmese position deals with that too. And don't go to sleep for 4 or so hours after you eat i.e. food is digested.
Sethur, a true brahmacyari NEVER ejecultates. The power is in LUST not in ejecultating semen. You decrease that power if you ejecultate. -
I'm still collecting data but it seems to me that after a period of chasity that the ejaculation is more intense (expected). However what I did not expect was what seemed to be an increase in magnetism after the ejaculation.
By magnetism I mean a lot of people seeking me out/approaching me (after the release) who I otherwise don't interact with. Not sure if this is from the period of chasity, the intense release, or both but something's going on that seems to be duplicatible.
C'mon, it's easy.
If you exchange energies with a partner, or transform energy yourself you shine energeticaly because you have a lot of it. After 3 months of brahmacyaria I got a girlfriend even if I didn't realy put anything in. As Levi calls it my pentagram was shining so much that it intoxicated her with love. Of course people want your energy surplus. Even cats do.
@Modes said
"C'mon, it's easy.
If you exchange energies with a partner, or transform energy yourself you shine energeticaly because you have a lot of it."
Ok that makes sense, thank you. One last bit of confusion, there seems to be two different views here as far as whether to suppress those feelings or not:
@Jim Eshelman said
"If you become fully celibate mindfully, having (rather than suppressing) the feelings involved, and learning to let them pass through you, then it can be a great gain. One or two periods of daily meditation help redistribute this energy fruitfully."
@sethur said
"During this period it is necessary to refrain from all thoughts of sex as well as physical acts....
...Suppressing sexual thoughts leads to a build up of energy whose release is more intense for it. "
Is Jim and sethur talking about two different practices? To suppress or not to suppress?
Without trying to put words in someone else's mouth... I wonder if there is a semantical issue here with the word "suppress." Certainly it is useful not to entertain sexual thoughts, not to make it hard on yourself unnecessarily. But actual suppression (denying, shoving down, lying to yourself about, etc.) leads to mental and emotional unbalance.
I think we have only one nice not going into details Jim's approach wich is generaly true.
I put forward more details about it but I won't write a book - I recommend Mantak Chia for all the details you ever need. And if you prefer yoga read about it too.
Definitely, there is nothing to surpress - meditate on the taiji. -
Some Western students of the Nath tradition, almost extinct in India, tried to fuse the old Trantric traditions with Western magick beginning I think in the 70s. These Naths are still around as a very small group with an online presence. Anyway, some of these people came to the conclusion that it was extremely difficult to pursue strict Tantric practises outside of the Indian culture and without a knowledgeable teacher closeby. Many returned to Western magick, others went to India. Dion Fortune felt strongly about not mixing the two, although she did practise yoga.
@rein said
"I feel like I'm on fire"
As well you should be.
Keep yer head an' sally forth....
I will say that I have had a problem with this since a teenager and the problem is still persistent. I have decided to do a personal test to see if I could make it 2 months or even longer. I will say that it has been very hard so far, but I have learned that meditating (humming) AUM creates a vibration in my body that creates some type of enjoyment but very little stimulation and helps me pass till the next test of my sanity. I am not sure that I will make 2 months but the results are good so far.
About 3 weeks and still sane
Note: Your results may vary and may or may not be anything like this.
In my view 'chastity' has more to do with discipline and the cultivation of certain sexual energies than anything else.
Being 'chaste' simply for the sake of being 'chaste' is pointless. It depends where you are on the path, some paths require chastity
while some require increased sexual appetite and indulgence. First step is to find out what path you are on, study it and discipline yourself
well enough so that each path is performed in perfect form. Much like lifting weights, as a beginner you have no idea of form or that
self-awareness that gradually accumulates as you learn your own body. The greater the awareness of the path and the more discipline you
have on the instruction the greater the results (at least this is how I have done it). And I used to live a life where I was the typical bachelor so I
know how bad sexual stimulation can get. But after you discipline yourself just a week or two you begin to realize how easy it starts to come.
It's not about being chaste or unchaste it's about not letting these urges control your will. -
I have found that for a practice of Hatha Yoga, chastity is the best option for me, at least at this juncture.
It may have to do with the infrequency with which I engage in sexual activity
My body feeling very tense the next day
I find it far more useful to channel my sexual energies elsewhere in a more controlled fashion,
in lieu of the huge explosion/release via sexual gratification