HGA appearing to aspirants in lower grades
Aspects of the HGA would surely appear at various stages of growth. Everyone's different, but most people have gradual openings at intervals all the way.
As far as the HGA 'appearing', you'd have to define 'appear'. In other threads, we've discussed the fact that the various visions of the different sephiroth, which would all reveal aspects of the HGA, may entail anything *but *actual vision. That is, you might have an understanding, a broadened awareness of the physical world (or the astral), greater empathy for others, etc.
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i mean an entity which appeared to be in the Sun itself (which was blazing through my front window one morning) and simultaneously in my front room (i used to sleep on a settee downstairs). This phenomenon was the result of my initial experiements with The Royal Ritual of the Tree of Life. naturally i attributed this entity to be Tipareth based. A solar Angel perhaps
Ahh well that answers a question I've had, and as of yet haven't actually asked. When is it appropriate to perform the HGA ritual?
Re: invoking the HGA.
The rule most often repeated here is, if you need to ask, you're not ready to do it. The HGA itself would prompt the process in some unmistakable way.
As for solar angels, that sounds seriously cool. But you would have to determine what its relationship was to ADNI yourself.
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@Edward Mason said
"The rule most often repeated here is, if you need to ask, you're not ready to do it. The HGA itself would prompt the process in some unmistakable way."
Well as true as that can mostly be, with the fact that so much knowledge is available in so many books, sometimes it can be more harmful to be tampering with forces you don't fully understand yet. This doesn't stop some people however I would rather be more responsible and wait for the proper education.
The HGA is always there and properly worked, the HGA should begin communicating with the Aspirant in the Zelator grade of the A.'.A.'.. When the astral waters are calmed, one should receive the reflection of Tiphareth and that light is what leads them to the HGA when one ascends to Tiphareth.
Have you ever seen someone sing a song or give a speech where they were so radiant and perfectly in their power at that moment the best way you could describe it is just plain righteous? There's no doubt in your mind they're not doing exactly what they're supposed to be. This is how the HGA can "appear" to the aspirant... or at least it does to me.
i think it's Franz Bardon who points out that the HGA can appear to aspirants at any time i.e. in our case in the pre 5=6 grades. What do you think?"It is my personal belief and experience that the HGA is there at the moment we are conceived and enters into our sphere of influence as we become consciously aware of the presence of the divine in our life. For me this moment was experienced when I was six years old and has shaped my experiences from that moment to now.
I think a value judgment that the HGA can only be communicated with through a A.'.A.'. lineage or even a Western Magical Tradition is a limited perspective that warrants caution -- there are many ways and paths to that Door which opens to the Knowledge and Conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law,
@King of the Wolves said
i think it's Franz Bardon who points out that the HGA can appear to aspirants at any time i.e. in our case in the pre 5=6 grades. What do you think?"It is my personal belief and experience that the HGA is there at the moment we are conceived and enters into our sphere of influence as we become consciously aware of the presence of the divine in our life. For me this moment was experienced when I was six years old and has shaped my experiences from that moment to now.
I think a value judgment that the HGA can only be communicated with through a A.'.A.'. lineage or even a Western Magical Tradition is a limited perspective that warrants caution -- there are many ways and paths to that Door which opens to the Knowledge and Conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel."
Exactly. Tiphareth is a part of the consciousness of man. In most people Tiphareth is a passive sephirah, to "attain the K&C of the HGA" is simply to make Tiphareth active. People have been doing so for thousands of years from all walks and traditions.
I have had three very clear occasions of tapping into some kind of HGA
kind of voice and inspiration in the moment.. The First and most important being a particular occasion with psyilocyban. In this I distinctly heard a voice
sounding other then my own and coming from a different place on my consciousness then my own. It spoke within and instantly understanding it,
the understanding brought the most amazing sense of oneness and perfect peace. This experience marked my birth. The story is beyond my ability to describe at the moment. The others involved occasions of threat and fear. These were felt as a nausea and heard in voice giving directions, such as "Run!" These two occasions happened nearly exactly one year apart. They were both times in which I was "jumped" or gonna be "jumped". On the first one I declined the guidance. The second case in which I "got it", I was blessed with a strange physical grace in speed and agility all as everything went by as if in slow motion.. I have certainly not had enough study to claim any kind of certainty outside the certainty which was in each of these experiences in the moment. The certainty of the guidance and the voice.
And the certainty which was thereafter..93s
@Shunyata said
"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law,
@King of the Wolves said
"i think it's Franz Bardon who points out that the HGA can appear to aspirants at any time i.e. in our case in the pre 5=6 grades. What do you think?"It is my personal belief and experience that the HGA is there at the moment we are conceived and enters into our sphere of influence as we become consciously aware of the presence of the divine in our life. For me this moment was experienced when I was six years old and has shaped my experiences from that moment to now.
I think a value judgment that the HGA can only be communicated with through a A.'.A.'. lineage or even a Western Magical Tradition is a limited perspective that warrants caution -- there are many ways and paths to that Door which opens to the Knowledge and Conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel."
Exactly. Tiphareth is a part of the consciousness of man. In most people Tiphareth is a passive sephirah, to "attain the K&C of the HGA" is simply to make Tiphareth active. People have been doing so for thousands of years from all walks and traditions."
Of course! It would be foolish to think that it was other then the language which changes, right?!
Old thread, new post. You work with the HGA through the whole process of Initiation. My first instructor once spoke of "kisses from your HGA" in reference to moments of extreme insight or minor initiations. In progressing through the A.'.A.'. grades there are a series of visions that must be experienced (after the 0=0) for one to pass on and these are listed in 777, as well as trances. The Visions though are the various stages of contact with the HGA and start with the Vision of the HGA, which is OFTEN mistaken by aspirants as actual K&C of the HGA.
@frateruranus said
"The Visions though are the various stages of contact with the HGA and start with the Vision of the HGA, which is OFTEN mistaken by aspirants as actual K&C of the HGA."
I made this same mistake myself...