Oh, those precious enemies!!
I recently had a very interesting conversation with two dear friends of mine and that got me thinking. You see, I have a bunch of enemies that make my life difficult, annoy me, oppose me, badmouth me, accuse me and/or and try to deny the basic dignity supposed to be part of any human being. It is not my intention to "complain" here however. I just want to share some thoughts... and this is the thing... I must be a masochist because I think enemies can be lots of fun! They make things interesting! I think the secret is not to take life so seriously and allow for some humor. Life is kind of a comedy, a joke.
Furthermore, I feel that I actually owe so much to my enemies. They test and point out all my faults better than my friends. They are always attentive to my mistakes... and are merciless to throw them back right into my face!What's not to love?
93 Metzareph,
I must be a masochist because I think enemies can be lots of fun! They make things interesting! I think the secret is not to take life so seriously and allow for some humor. Life is kind of a comedy, a joke.
Furthermore, I feel that I actually owe so much to my enemies. They test and point out all my faults better than my friends. They are always attentive to my mistakes... and are merciless to throw them back right into my face!What's not to love?"
I have always wondered why the path of Ayin connects Hod to Tiphareth and now I think I know why.
Thanks Metzareph
@Ankh said
I have always wondered why the path of Ayin connects Hod to Tiphareth and now I think I know why."
The Devil Card
Self Affirmation:
"I will transcend the darkness of ignorance and overcome the chaos of my deepest fears".
"I am the Devil, playful and humorous".
@Metzareph said
@Ankh said
I have always wondered why the path of Ayin connects Hod to Tiphareth and now I think I know why."
The Devil Card
Self Affirmation:
"I will transcend the darkness of ignorance and overcome the chaos of my deepest fears".
"I am the Devil, playful and humorous".
Or because Death & the Devil are the guardians of the Veil of Paroketh in 'going up' the tree... or because they are two ways of manifesting, the two conditions of manifesting (the Snake & the Goat of Liber LXV II:5) in 'going down' the tree, i.e. Duality & Lust/Desire. Also, "On the Tree of Life, Atu XIII and XV are symmetrically placed; they lead from Tiphareth, the human consciousness, to the spheres in which Thought (on the one hand) and Bliss (on the other) are developed. Between them, Atu XIV leads similarly to the sphere which formulates Existence. (See note on Atu X and arrangement.) These three cards may therefore be summed up as a hieroglyph of the processes by which idea manifests as form." (Book of Thoth)
"The formula of this card is then the complete appreciation of all existing things. He rejoices in the rugged and the barren no less than in the smooth and the fertile. All things equally exalt him. He represents the finding of ecstasy in every phenomenon, however naturally repugnant; he transcends all limitations; he is Pan; he is All." -Book of Thoth
65 & 210,
IAO131 -
93 Metzareph,
The Devil Card"Yes, since the path of Ayin flows from Tiphareth, I believe there must be a Liberating aspect involved. To see through the illusion of appearances; to laugh at adverse conditions. What I get from ATU-XV is this; there is no such thing as matter. All things proceed from The One Identity, what appears to be against us is transformed into the means of our release from bondage.
"I will transcend the darkness of ignorance and overcome the chaos of my deepest fears"."Nice affirmation.
"They test and point out all my faults better than my friends. They are always attentive to my mistakes... and are merciless to throw them back right into my face!"
Sound like the big tester himself according to the bible or the weighing of the heart according to the osiris legend.
But i guess it's true, dont expect to get the truth from youre friends
@Ankh said
" there is no such thing as matter. All things proceed from The One Identity, what appears to be against us is transformed into the means of our release from bondage."
I just want to let you know that the statements 'All is one' and 'Everything is matter' are not mutually exclusive... in fact that is a specific breed of philosophical 'Monism' called 'Materialism' which is actually the most prevalent viewpoint (especially in psychology with the jumps in neurological studies). Your notion is most likely (as are most occultists) closer to the form of 'Monism' known as Idealism, i.e. all things are mind, part of the One Mind, all things are mental events, etc. I personally don't want to go to one or the other (I lean towards Spinoza's 'Neutral monism' that was talked about by William James & Bertrand Russell in the early 20th century)
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
@Metzareph said
" You see, I have a bunch of enemies that make my life difficult, annoy me, oppose me, badmouth me, accuse me and/or and try to deny the basic dignity supposed to be part of any human being. "
Whoa! How did you get so many enemies? I don't think I've had "enemies" since grade school.
Don't get me wrong. I think you're approach to the situation is novel and wise... but what have you done to make these people afraid of you?
Love is the law, love under will.