Thelema and Qabalah
[These are copied verbatim from my journal. I am most aware of the subjective nature of these things. I am mostly concerned with whether or not these statements are correct regarding the Thelemic cosmology.]
Nuit is the infinite, unknown space and Hadit is the source or position through which Nuit's unknown is made known. Or rather Nuit is unmanifest and Hadit is the Malkuth of that unmanifest (Kether).
Plainly put:
Nuit = Ain Soph
Hadit = Kether
[Though in MiTP, Ch. 0, Crowley states that both of these are unmanifest, but in 777 Nuit is 0 in column XIX and Hadit is 1. Thus my confusion.]Nuit is All and Hadit is any point which comprehends any of the myriad aspects of this All.
Any help would be appreciated. Notes in []s were added for this thread. Thank you. -
@StercusAccidi said
"[These are copied verbatim from my journal. I am most aware of the subjective nature of these things. I am mostly concerned with whether or not these statements are correct regarding the Thelemic cosmology.] "
Funny how you acknowledge they are subjective then ask if they are 'correct...' Are you aware of this contradiction?
"Nuit is the infinite, unknown space and Hadit is the source or position through which Nuit's unknown is made known. Or rather Nuit is unmanifest and Hadit is the Malkuth of that unmanifest (Kether).
Plainly put:
Nuit = Ain Soph
Hadit = Kether
[Though in MiTP, Ch. 0, Crowley states that both of these are unmanifest, but in 777 Nuit is 0 in column XIX and Hadit is 1. Thus my confusion.]"The Supernal Triangle is often taken to be 'ideal' rather than 'actual,' and hence unmanifest until the Lightning Flash gets to Chesed, the Demiurge. Further, above the Abyss, in the Supernal Triad all things are one (or None), hence the doctrine of the 3-in-1 of the Christian Trinity (see Meister Eckhart for the mystic interpretation thereof) and the doctrine of the Three-in-Naught of Thelema (see book of lies, ch.1 & 11)
Sometimes Crowley refers to Kether as Horus/RHK with Hadit & Nuit above as 0. In Book of Lies he uses the symbol '0!' to mean this Three-in-Naught with the 0 being Nuit, the point at the bottom of the exclamation being hadit and their union being the 1, Ra Hoor Khuit, the world.
"Nuit is All and Hadit is any point which comprehends any of the myriad aspects of this All."
Perhaps, but Hadit is All also. He is 'everywhere the centre.' They are complementary notions of infinity (infinitely expanded/contracted). You can also say Horus is the All. Again, above the Abyss all things are one, contradictions are obvious complements, etc. My favorite image is Atu XX: Aeon which shows Nuit, Hadit, and Horus in double form (RHK & HPK) all as one image (a stylized version of the Stele I might add).
@Aum418 said
Funny how you acknowledge they are subjective then ask if they are 'correct...' Are you aware of this contradiction?"Ha, now that you mention it, yes. Poor wording on my behalf, I aplogize.
Thank you for that information. You have given me a good number of places to look and even more to ponder. I appreciate your taking the time to give me this advice. Again, my thanks.
@StercusAccidi said
@Aum418 said
Funny how you acknowledge they are subjective then ask if they are 'correct...' Are you aware of this contradiction?"Ha, now that you mention it, yes. Poor wording on my behalf, I aplogize.
Thank you for that information. You have given me a good number of places to look and even more to ponder. I appreciate your taking the time to give me this advice. Again, my thanks."
My pleasure, brother. We're all fellow-students.