Rising Signs
I am trying to learn to read natal charts on my own...it is quite easy to determine which sign a planet is in but I am confused as to the rising sign. If it resides on the cusp of the first house then how do you determine the first house? Is it the same for everyone or is it relative to the sign?
@Lapis said
"I am trying to learn to read natal charts on my own...it is quite easy to determine which sign a planet is in but I am confused as to the rising sign. If it resides on the cusp of the first house then how do you determine the first house? Is it the same for everyone or is it relative to the sign?
<!-- w --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.astro.com">www.astro.com</a><!-- w --> is your friend.
The houses are not all the same. If everyone was the same, everyone would have the same rising sign.
They are determined by date and time and to an extent what system you are working with (sidereal vs tropical)
@Lapis said
If I were looking at a natal chart - & only a natal chart - then how would I determine a rising sign?
"There is a line that cuts across the middle of the chart horizontally (it should be a little thicker than the other lines).
From the center, follow the line to the left. The sign that it ends in is your rising sign.
In terms of natal charts, check out solunars.net . It's a sidereal astrology board run by our very own super-magus Jim Eshelman himself! The free natal charts on the web out there are mostly tropical, and tropical astrology is completely inaccurate as it does not take into account the procession of the equinoxes. On the Solunars forum there is even a place where you can request your own sidereal natal chart and you'll get it rather quickly too! It is an AMAZING resource brimming with information, you'll get lost in there
. Check it out.