Self Love & Stardom
For those who wish to comment, feel free. Although it is my understanding that Samadhi is "the self slain" & death; I was curious to know whether any other Thelemites, have experience with the law of identity [according to the book of lies] & the black brotherhood? It's been my experience that samadhi on the sphere is the only true union with a Thelemite priestess. Hadit: "In the sphere I am everywhere the center, and She the circumference is nowhere found." Devil's Pie anyone?
June 1, 2008 Meditation:
Ipsissimuss is conscious of samadhi on the sphere in varying degrees; which is the formula of the star ruby & the oath of the abyss. With the pentagrams manifest in man, the tzimtzum conceals the mystery of god & life, that god may win a true love from the vast ocean of her self, & know love without being tainted by vanity. The oath of the abyss is the perfection of love itself. Liberating the mind from vain thoughts of ego gratification, it binds the magician to the cross of the microcosm. Though samadhi on the macrocosm or external & exoteric object of worship, the One experiences the anihilation & absolute of the opening of the EYE OF HORUS; and the pillar is established on all plains; or one is enveloped in the clear light of Kether, liberated from the shell & the Great White Brotherhood is understood. Devil's Pride anyone?
A Balassius Ruby to God.
From My HGA:
white reflects the mystery of love & the sound of AUM; as it has no hue it is not besmirched by tendency or preference. it is for this reason white represents the unity.
Black is the color of dispersion.
Crowley travailed for 91 days to birth his child. For anyone who would like to take a look at Thelema's NAEQ proof begotten from the Master THERION & the Book of Lies; drop me a line with an email address that can accept attachments.
red cloud -
@red cloud said
"For those who wish to comment, feel free. Although it is my understanding that Samadhi is "the self slain" & death; I was curious to know whether any other Thelemites, have experience with the law of identity [according to the book of lies] & the black brotherhood? It's been my experience that samadhi on the sphere is the only true union with a Thelemite priestess. Hadit: "In the sphere I am everywhere the center, and She the circumference is nowhere found." Devil's Pie anyone?
June 1, 2008 Meditation:
Ipsissimuss is conscious of samadhi on the sphere in varying degrees; which is the formula of the star ruby & the oath of the abyss. With the pentagrams manifest in man, the tzimtzum conceals the mystery of god & life, that god may win a true love from the vast ocean of her self, & know love without being tainted by vanity. The oath of the abyss is the perfection of love itself. Liberating the mind from vain thoughts of ego gratification, it binds the magician to the cross of the microcosm. Though samadhi on the macrocosm or external & exoteric object of worship, the One experiences the anihilation & absolute of the opening of the EYE OF HORUS; and the pillar is established on all plains; or one is enveloped in the clear light of Kether, liberated from the shell & the Great White Brotherhood is understood. Devil's Pride anyone?
A Balassius Ruby to God.
From My HGA:
white reflects the mystery of love & the sound of AUM; as it has no hue it is not besmirched by tendency or preference. it is for this reason white represents the unity.
Black is the color of dispersion.
Crowley travailed for 91 days to birth his child. For anyone who would like to take a look at Thelema's NAEQ proof begotten from the Master THERION & the Book of Lies; drop me a line with an email address that can accept attachments.
red cloud"I enjoy your ruminations on Samadhi etc.
Some worship black as the highest color and white as the beginning of differentiation.
When I see the two words "NAEQ" and "proof" juxtaposed, I throw up a bit in my mouth.
"AUM418 Wrote:
When I see the two words "NAEQ" and "proof" juxtaposed, I throw up a bit in my mouth."
I'm Glad you mentioned it; this should make it easier to swallow:
The significance of the Book of Thoth spelling of the name THERION is Eta+Epsilon [8+5 = 13] Nun; HE - G.O.A.T.
The Cross of ORION; Chariot of The Stars etc etc etc
The Oath of p. 218 of the Book of Thoth & The Ritual Dispersion [Shell] of the Star Sapphire in the Book of Lies:
Surface Area of the Sphere Equation:
A = 4 x Pi x r^2From Wikipedia:
Surface area is important in chemical kinetics. Increasing the surface area of a substance generally increases the rate of a chemical reaction. For example, iron in a fine powder will combust, while in solid blocks it is stable enough to use in structures. For different applications a minimal or maximal surface area may be desired.Strongs # 6842
from 'tsaphar' (6852); a male goat (as prancing):--(he) goat.Strongs # 6852
a primitive root; to skip about, i.e. return:--depart early.A Solitary Rite of Initiation for 11th Dregree OTO [Messiah]; Minus the ass-rape & subsequent anal leakage. I.e. Minus the Sodom Apple. Eat Up!
Star Sapphire Analisys of the Key-Word; Descried by me from Ch. 23 of The Book of Lies:
1.G. O. A. T.
2.Gimel. A’ain. Alef. Tet.
3.The Master – Aiwass:
a.Mother, moon-maiden, playmate, bride of Pan
b.God’s Angel Minister to Every Man.
4.The Eye – Nuit:
a.Io Pan! Upon the summits the God-goat
b.Leaps in wild lust of ecstasy afloat.
5.The Ox – Ra Hoor Khuit:
a.Truth, laughter, lust; Wine’s Holy Fool! Veil rent,
b.Lewd madness is sublime enlightenment.
6.The Serpent – Hadit:
a.The Lion-Serpent begets Gods! Thy throne
b.The rampant Beast, our Lady Babalon!
7.Behold! It is revealed by Aiwass, the name, foursquare, mystic, wonderful:
8.Do What Thou Wilt. And the name of his house: ABRAHADABRA!
9.Sign of Horus [enterer]: Fiat N. O. X.
10.Sign of Hoor Par Krati [silence]
11.+ - the sign of the phoenix
12.L - the sign of sulphur
13.V - the sign of mercury
14.X - the sign of salt
15.+ L V X – G.O.A.T.; goat: Moonlit Magick & The Night of Pan.93
Ankh F N Khonsu -
I agree with Aum for a change
There isn't much I would say this about, and I'm not going to make this an Administrator's rule - just an expression of personal feelings about the matter...
I really wish you wouldn't take up space at this forum with NAEQ bullshit. We tolerate many kinds of bullshit, but this kind is just too pathetic.
So all this occult knowledge isn't just a very long romance culminating in sodomy?
:Wins Silver!:
@PainMeridian said
"So all this occult knowledge isn't just a very long romance culminating in sodomy?
Culminating in sodomy? Of course not. Don't be silly.
Sodomy is just the start!
Still, I don't get how you can give thoughtprovoking kabalistic answers to some questions on this forum, and then draw the line at this post.
I am missing out on something is "NAEQ" for suckers? -
I got tired of writing intelligent critique of NAEQ over the years and finally settled into, "O, crap, not that again!" mode.
@Jim Eshelman said
"I agree with Aum for a change
There isn't much I would say this about, and I'm not going to make this an Administrator's rule - just an expression of personal feelings about the matter...
I really wish you wouldn't take up space at this forum with NAEQ bullshit. We tolerate many kinds of bullshit, but this kind is just too pathetic."
Thank you for calling a spade a spade.
I've heard the same song & dance from senior members of every forum I've belonged to. Not only were they not willing to consider my work as a thelemite; once I actually joined a fraternity, I became the "not high enough initiate" to share said information with. I'm not trying to $#!t in anybody's breakfast of champions; I want you to acknowledge the failing of pecking orders & group politics in respect to Thelema, & respect the sublimity of the Prophet Ankh F N Khonsu's commentary on the book of the law.
Tell me, what is the harm in helping a person understand the spiritual transformation they are experiencing? I've had the presence of mind & done enough research to ask specific questions; and so I've received atleast some explanation about the process of spiritual unfolding & ALL of it was from personal experience. My quarel with Thelema is not the individual Thelemite's quest for truth, it is the outrageously deceptive practices of organizations that do little more than breed co-dependance; literally. Not only do you withhold valuable information from solitary practitioners who are experiencing the ordeals begotten from actual work [which is a crippling blow to any spiritual transformation]; you spoonfeed all of your initiates until they begin to rely on the order, & not themselves for truth.
For any solitary practitioners out there who are struggling with the work there is an unbelievably simple method of initiating the Night of Pan; that can be found at <> There is a three step process to the pattern of initiation; a process that will continue to recycle itself until so-called mastery is achieved. There is a link to the forum in the PDF manuscript; a place to discuss any & all aspects of the work.
Also, its important I should mention that, the cyclic pattern of the initiation process is three fold. First is the cycle of initiation based on the LBRP & Star Ruby, which culminates in the manifestation of PAN in the psyche of the practitioner; which is like unto the rising of the kundalini or the light of the Heart/Tiphareth unto the Crown/Kether. It is the Blind force of Horus illuminated by the Priestess AIWAZ [chief of all]. When this is achieved it will be necessary to direct that force according to your true will; by taking the oath of the abyss, with the motto that has revealed itself to you then, & only at that time. Once the oath is taken, please don't panic at the severity of the ordeals, that are initiated by it. Always remember the obligation of your oath, and you will never fall. You may feel inspired to receive the mark of the beast tattoo [which conceals & reveals the mystery of Kether & the Grade of Ipsissimuss described in Thelemite Liber B vel Magi as well as in the oath itself] one has bee provided in the file's section. Please wear Hadit/Khephra proudly!
Also, though it is not required to transcend the "abyss of mind"; you may, if you Will, make use of the Star Sapphire version of the Eucharist rite, with the G.O.A.T. keyword analysis; in order to effectively birth your star. I am still re-organizing & revising this manuscript; and it will be published to the forum's file section shortly.
For any person that experiences an inordinate amount of fear or turmoil or psychological upheaval due to the three-fold process of initiation; please don't panic! Please contact the forum administrator & seek professional psychological help. If the symptoms of your ordeal in any way resemble mental illness, do not be afraid to turn to your psychiatrist or your loved one's for help maintaining psychological well-being; & always remember that any medications etc. will not effect or interfere with the spiritual transformation you are undergoing. As with any magickal rite of initiation, it is wise to expect at least SOME psychological upheaval from the forces at work; ESPECIALLY the enochian angels; which will not rest until your psyche is fully integrated & harmonized with the God-head.
I bid you all Hail! & Welcome to your future! Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law!
93 The Word of the Law is ThELEMA.
Ankh F N Khonsu
Soul-Safari Moderator Administrator -
@red cloud said
"I want you to acknowledge the failing of pecking orders & group politics in respect to Thelema, & respect the sublimity of the Prophet Ankh F N Khonsu's commentary on the book of the law."
If you mean the so-called Class A Commentary, you picked the wrong angle with me. I don't regard that as an inspired commentary at all - just as an emotionally wounded man's opinion of the moment. (You can find earlier discussons of this matter on this forum, so I'm not going to repeat myself on details.)
"Tell me, what is the harm in helping a person understand the spiritual transformation they are experiencing?"
The harm is in putting forth a fiction as if it were an objective measuring tool. This is harmful because it misleads students easily entranced by it when they couod be studying legitimate techniques instead.
"My quarel with Thelema is not the individual Thelemite's quest for truth, it is the outrageously deceptive practices of organizations that do little more than breed co-dependance; literally."
I'm not quite sure what you're arguing here about the preceeding. I was specifically commenting on a technical method.
"Not only do you withhold valuable information from solitary practitioners who are experiencing the ordeals begotten from actual work [which is a crippling blow to any spiritual transformation]; you spoonfeed all of your initiates until they begin to rely on the order, & not themselves for truth."
Since you said "you," I will take it that you're talking about me personally and will respond briefly. First, at all levels we encourage reading of pretty much whatsoever someone chooses, so we aren't blocking any information they want to pursue. Second, we've published openly a large amount of our private material (enough that more than one senior member has expressed surprise at what got published). Third, I will unapologetically admit to having spend decades building a system that lays as safe and secure a foundation training as possible - there is no reason to expose people to unnecessary dangers, neglect, or known false paths when these can be weeded out. Fourth, independent of that, I have spent even more decades supporting a system that is individual rather than group-based, and this appears to be what you're pushing for. My public teaching over 20 years (including this year's lecture circuit talk) has always provided practical and immediate and accessible teachings - just ask the people, for example who attended my recent NYC lecture.
I even spend hundreds of hours a year creating, managing, moderating, and participating in this forum which doesn't require any affiliation with anything.
So any accusation of mystery mongering isn't likely to stick very well.
I haven't even interfered with your using this forum to reasonably publicize your own favored approach.
@red cloud said
For any person that experiences an inordinate amount of fear or turmoil or psychological upheaval due to the three-fold process of initiation; please don't panic! Please contact the forum administrator & seek professional psychological help. If the symptoms of your ordeal in any way resemble mental illness, do not be afraid to turn to your psychiatrist or your loved one's for help maintaining psychological well-being; & always remember that any medications etc. will not effect or interfere with the spiritual transformation you are undergoing. As with any magical rite of initiation, it is wise to expect at least SOME psychological upheaval from the forces at work; ESPECIALLY the enochian angels; which will not rest until your psyche is fully integrated & harmonized with the God-head."
@Jim Eshelman said
"I got tired of writing intelligent critique of NAEQ over the years"
I discovered the NAEQ for the first time about a month ago, and am very curious to hear some intelligent critique. Sounds like you don't want to write me out some, but might it be possible to direct me to something you, or someone else may have already written on the subject? I want to know what someone with a large amount of experience has to say about its pros and cons. -
I would like to read the past posts concerning this but Im having a hard time finding them
Click Search at the top of this page. Use the Google search option and type (inside of double quotes) "English Qabalah" in the window.
Many thanks for that sweet sunkist eargasm this morning at around 9 am! I'll be sure not to raise my voice in your house again pops. Here is my analysis of your dragon breath:
The order of operation given in the oath adheres to Crowley's Alchemical formulation of Pentagrammaton as the Greek AIThER, as described in Ch. 86 of The Book of Lies, & NOT the Hebrew Tetragrammaton YHVH or the Hebrew Pentagrammaton ALHIM. You can see through the tables of correspondences that ALHIM does in fact reflect a celestial formula:
Aleph - Air - Elemental
Lamed - Earth - Libra - Cardinal
Heh - Spirit - Aries - Cardinal
Yod - Fire - Virgo - Mutable
Mem - Water - ElementalGoing by Crowley's description of the ALHIM formula in Liber ABA, Magick in Theory & Practice Ch, 4, it is the word of Sorcery, 333 [Abrakadabra] & not Magick, 418 [Abrahadabra]. "ALHIM, therefore, represents rather the formula of consecration than that of a complete ceremony. It is the breath of benediction, yet so potent that it can give life to clay and light to darkness."..."It represents Shakti, or te; femininity always means form, manifestation. The masculine Shiva, or tao, is always a concealed force." And, likewise it is therefore the unbalanced logos of the black-brotherhood; blind spiritual force lacking the mediation of the mind. Hence, the necessity of the Oath of the Abyss. This is particularly apparent given the nature of semen, as the medium of Shakti in men; once the thelemite "death" is had, BABALON; the neschamah becomes the directing & uniting intelligence.
Lie to me again; and I'll be forced to use the hose.
Ankh F N Khonsu
Is semen feminine?
I always think about my sperm being male. Shiva not shakti.Shiva as in a concealed force.
A concealed force? so naturally you must ejaculate clouds of dust? HaHa! Force is apparent in semen, regarless if it's used in rites of sex magick,...[+spermos+ greek, meaning "seed"] are living cells with the potential to fuse & fertalize with the female's ovum hence, living organisms. Thus, have we been brought to the significance of their importance in sex magick rites of "sacrifice" where the thelemite ritual rightly performed unto Nuit, Shiva/The Hiding of Hadit begets a magickal force akin to annihilation of the Hidden God, with the potency of (Pi)(Alpha)(Nu) (PAN) the rugged & ruddy selfhood of humanity. The ritual being initiated by God-Kether, that She may lose her self in the joy of revealing Hadit; Him being Her manifestation.
The "Self-Slain Ankh F N Khonsu"; The Hidden God, that he manifests another person's witness of his being; is the hell I've observed. Other's see him as a tormented soul, and so the god seeks solitude to manifest love. God's laughter exists in his knowing that the joy of orgasm destroys all sense of self; and so each child/cell carries with them the seed of her mystery. God is never revealed, or profained.
Either dispersed at ejaculation externally or focused at the gnosis of the orgasmic upward draw internally; each identity conceived is slain in Joy; All of which become one when Unity is manifest in the assumption of the motto of the oath of the abyss. Dive deeper, and the motto is analysed via samadhi on the sphere; the orgasm of the woman/priestess. Dive yet deeper, and the light begotten via the aforementioned mystery of Nuit, is self willed annihilation of subject to object & force is welded to knowledge. Daath is only existant to the oath-breaker. Ra-Hoor-Khuit, exist above the abyss in utter annihilation of All (unity of subject hadit, with object nuit). [Pi. Alpha. Nu.] Unity is never lost nor found; it simply is.
Ra-Hoor-Khuit Lord of the abyss of Reason. The God Has Spoken.