Liber TAU Vel Kabbale Trium Literarum
@RifRaf said
Reading through another thread I seen where Jim mentioned this Liber and I have a few questions concerning it.
Since it is a Class A document I have always been under the impression that Crowley "received" it as he did with other holy books such as Liber AL.
Yes, he did. (Note that the comments at the bottom in The Equinox are commentary appended later and are not part of the book itself.)
When did Crowley write/dictate this Liber, and how was it "received"?
Liber Tav was received December 13, 1907, part of the rush of material outpouring in the "one year after his late 1906 attainment" period. Liber VII was received October 29-30; Liber LXV from October 30 to November 3; Liber Stellae Rubeae on November 25, and then a big concentration in mid December: Liber 231 (the text part only) On December 5-6 and 14; Liber Porta Lucis on December 11-12; Liber Tav on the 13th; and Liber Trigrammaton on the 14th. Over the rest of the winter of 1907-08 (on unrecorded dates AFAIK), he received Liber Ararita.
As to "how" ... there is nothing much to distinguish how he received one of these from the others. The usual passage from Confessions seems to summarize them all, where he wrote that it was "in a way which I hardly know how to describe. They were not taken from dictation... nor were they my own composition. I cannot even call them automatic writing. I can only say that I was not wholly conscious at the time of what I was writing, and I felt that I had to right to 'change' so much as the style of a letter. They were written with the utmost rapidity without pausing for thought for a single moment, and I have not presumed to revise them. Perhaps 'plenary inspiraiton' is the only adequate phrase, and this has become so discredited that people are loth to admit the possibility of such a thing."
Is there another purpose to it besides putting a heading of sorts on certain grades and the initation into those specific grades in correspondence with the appropriate letter and path?
That was AC's only comment Liber 231 (the 22 textual verses) are parts of a greater whole, each completing the other. I think it was Liber Tav that displayed what Ra-Hoor-Khuit / Aiwass specifically meant when instructing Crowley to "Paste the sheets from right to left and from top to bottom: then behold!"
Crowley wrote that Liber Tau was "an attempt to find a Periodic Law in the system." In the curriculum of the A.'.A.'., the Practicus is tested on this book.
I keyed the seven palaces to it, but the names of the palaces 'Purity', 'Negation', 'Formation' etc. are given according to an educated guess (so may be incorrect).
Not entirely familiar with the topic, though upon looking at Alrahs image:
I feel it should be ("going 1 to 3" ) : Life -> Negation -> Formation