Promulgating the Law.
93, I've been following a thread on another site on the promulgation of the Law. Some think it can be done passing out fliers and such, without being pushy in the Christian way. Others feel they promulgate it by mode of living by example. I find I don't stick up for any specific way, only that the Law should be advanced. How do ya'll feel about promulgation of the Law and how, if you do, do you do so? Personally, i lead by example, but I also find ways to make the subject come up. Could be as simple as setting Liber AL out on the table at the coffee shop while i read a book. I am currently working on a periodical with a permanent section on Thelema. I am also interested in ya'll's ideas on the best way to promulgate the Law in the 21st century and the great variant of worldwide cultures. it was another hot point in the thread....
Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole Of The Law
Greetings and used care salesmen,
During the past week or so it has been the other way around for me. Out of the blue people ask my beliefs and opinions on spiritual matters as they relate to this manifesting world. I had one person actually listen!I do believe that the Law promulgates itself, in one way or another. Whatever is in your own head will reflect in the world around you and in the people around you. I think the very same things that influence me in a public environment influence everyone to some degree, it really depends where they are at.
I read on here mention of one of the libers in which A.C. said to look someone dead in the eye and give them the Law. I think this is the best way, without caring either way.Love is the Law, Love under Will.
Well, the primary way to promulgate the law is to "Do what thou wilt" and be a beacon to the world. People are attracted to successful people and wish to emulate them.
But there's no harm in clubbing together and putting out flyers either. Just as there's no harm in having a few of one's artistic works be propaganda for one's views (every artist has done it now and then). But those are definitely secondary IMHO.
Primary is to be the best *you *you can be, then the best artist, mother, dockworker, philosopher, doctor, layabout, etc., etc., you can be.
I am a full time student, and I study religion. I spend hours studying at my wife's coffee shop quite often, and inevitably end up in conversations with people. I guess I have it a little easy in that respect, since I get asked about religious things quite often. I actually used to slide occult pamphlets into books at a bookstore, but that was more retaliation for all the christian tracts in our books... lol
One good way I've found, under those circumstances, is figure out the thinkers the person is familiar with, and use analogies from things those thinkers have said.
Any half-decent Great Thinker will have said things that echo Thelema in some respect (it's just that often, they may not have seen the whole picture), so by cherry-picking quotes from the kinds of thinkers your interlocutor respects, you can (theoretically) build up in their mind some kind of understanding of what you are talking about.
93 Guys,
There are literally thousands of ways to promulgate the Law. The greeting is one of the most blunt and sometimes effective ways but that sometimes leaves one unfulfilled in a sense that the setting is usually not right for an in depth conversation.
I personally have set up a study/discussion group and have fliered for it in the surrounding areas, book stores and occult shops. I also leave cards in the 'magical studies' sections in larger book stores. Then each meeting is started with an explanation of the principals and general outline of Thelema and Crowley.
Other than that the College in my area has a radio station and a friend of mine does a show on it. We are planning a show where we will discuss Thelema and on there I'll mention the group.
Like I said, thousands of ways.