Chapters of Liber AL in light of Pillars on the Tree
Do what thou Wilt shall be the the whole of the Law.
It occurred to me on another thread that the three chapters of Liber Legis seem appropriately arranged to convey the three paths of Mercy (chapter I), Severity (chapter III) and the Middle Way (chapter II). This strikes me as interesting food for meditation.
I should point out that I'm not necessarily suggesting the Gods themselves should be viewed as Pillars on the Tree (though perhaps they speak from the perspective of the respective Pillars?), but that the three chapters seem to speak from such perspectives. As such, in the spirit of balance all three chapters are of course a unity in the sense that they ballance each other off perfectly.
I'm hoping this might spark off some interesting input...
Love is the Law, Love under Will.
At first glance I like where that correspondence is going:
I can see Nuit as merciful, and I can see RHK as having a great deal of severity...
... however, for me, it breaks down there.
The paths and sephiroth on those pillars don't strike me as getting particular play in the appropriate chapters, and also I don't necessarily get a lack of the other parts of the tree of life from those chapters either.
Probably the biggest thing throwing me is that Nuit, in this scheme, would be on the polar opposite pole as Binah...and that just don't seem right.
But I'm intrigued by the idea.
93, I agree I find it interesting. It's more finding ways to back up the idea. Not all that is gold glitters, and not all that glitters is gold. I'll see if anything arises in looking at it like this.