Screwing up the True Will?
Hey all, just a question that has been bothering me for awhile. I read as many of the threads on the forum specifically regarding True Will as I could, including the one about "obstacles" to completing it, and none seemed to answer my question, so here goes:
Do any of you have thoughts about whether or not it's possible to literally and completely screw up your ability to achieve your True Will? I know that's vague. I can't think of a sufficiently rich example at the moment to use, so I'll use a terrible one instead:
Let's say my True Will is to become an Olympic runner and inspire people with my performance, or something like that. Now, I mean that this is absolutely my True Will, not just what I may think is my True Will. What if I got into an accident and lost my legs? I know that's a bad example but I can't think of one where the True Will is more obviously "thwarted" (maybe because it's impossible? I dunno).
A side question, if anyone feels like answering it: How does Thelema view suicide? Is it part of the path of the True Will or is it actually a way to "screw it up?"
Thanks in advance for any thoughts on the matter
Welcome to the forum. I'll take a shot:
@Ash said
"Let's say my True Will is to become an Olympic runner and inspire people with my performance, or something like that. Now, I mean that this is absolutely my True Will, not just what I may think is my True Will. What if I got into an accident and lost my legs? I know that's a bad example but I can't think of one where the True Will is more obviously "thwarted" (maybe because it's impossible? I dunno)."
The short answer is no. Either by way of time or an alternative route, the True Will will find a way to manifest.
The long answer is more complex. The True Will may include these failings or being 'thwarted' as trials and lessons, so a Star might learn and grow in experience. The theory then goes that you would incarnate again with a even more intense Will to become an Olympic runner, and even get a 'second round' at keeping your legs."A side question, if anyone feels like answering it: How does Thelema view suicide? Is it part of the path of the True Will or is it actually a way to "screw it up?""
I'm sure it shares the Buddhist view that it certainly doesn't help, and offers no escape from reality (or suffering, for that matter): Want to end your incarnation, flip off the gods and cry 'I don't like this ride, I want to get off!'? Whack! The Wheel of Samsara knocks you back to birth again!
Alternatively, this too could be a manifestation of your True Will - so you might better learn the value of a life in the flesh. Personally I think suicide's a cop-out.What you need to keep in mind is that the True Will is continuous. It cannot be stopped, thwarted or 'screwed up'. It's not like if you fail hard enough the True Will groans 'Bugger this. I'm going out for a smoke.' Like a mighty river, there are bumps, eddies, rapids, twists and turns along the way: but ultimately, in this life or the next, it will keep on.