Light in the head
Generally speaking, meditation is my magick. I just came out of meditation a few minutes ago and decided that I might pose a question to the members here. Oft times during meditation, I experience a brilliant white light slightly above the if the sun were just resting there, within reach. The light can become so intense that I do not see darkness behind the eyes, but rather a brilliant whiteness - the exact opposite. Other times, I would, shall we say "come to" after the meditation only to find that my eyes needed time to adjust to the darkness of the world around me. Has anyone had similiar experiences, I wonder?
Thanks for your time,
QaZsE - Fr. T.E.U.
Not at all unusual
I have not... yet. But I am curious what type of meditation method you are practicing. Care to share?
"I have not... yet. But I am curious what type of meditation method you are practicing. Care to share?"
Indeed I shall, Escarabjo - infact, I would have last night but I was working on my hand-held again which severly limits my capacities where message boards are concerned. ...Let's just say it's a royal pain to write responses because of the way the device handles certain aspects of the reply forms.
That said, times a wastin':
Last night, I realized (some time after initiating this thread) that it might have been a wiser idea to have included as much detail as possible concerning the event(s) such that any discussion therewith might be more fruitful. Thus, I am hoping to remedy this now - which will reveal a bit more to you, Escarabjo.
Generally speaking - at the moment - I am working the system of Raja Yoga as delineated by Patanjali (and interpreted by others), however I have tried out various other systems of Yoga (and otherwise) prior including: Mantram Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, and - to a degree, even - Pranava Yoga. I've also tried my hand at CM a la GD but to no real avail - not that I didn't get any results (I did), but rather I do not take to it in nearly the same way as I take to the Yogas. As I mentioned above: I find that meditation is my magick.
Now, I'm not sure just how early this sort of experience has happened as I hadn't always kept records - understand: I began meditating (sporadically) as early as eleven years of age, after seeing an Indian Saddhu doing it - something "clicked", I suppose we could say.
The earliest "recorded" (and thus remembered) experiences of the Light in the head phenomenon would have been during this past summer when I was practicing a particularily rigorous routine of CM and Raja, Mantram, and Pranava Yoga. I would head out each and every morning to a spot near the river, on a piece of land - just big enough to be seated on - that jutted out of the steep river's edge. It took some skill to get at the spot, but it was always worth it; it was akin to a perch over-looking the river and the forest below. Anyways, I often started by seating myself in some one asana (often Siddhasana at that point) and placed my hands in passive Jnana mudra (index fingers and thumbs touching as opposed to thumbs pressing upon the index fingers [active Jnana mudra]). ...I'm going to skip ahead here...
Generally speaking, the Light didn't show up until I began practicing Pranava Yoga - sounding (vibrating) AUM, or - at times - MUAUM, whilst concentrating upon the meanings of the word. Ie: this practice wasn't just a new-agey chanting session meant to "clear the mind" or some such. As I would do this, the Light in the head would often show up, just as it had last night while I was meditating. However, there is a difference:
I haven't been practicing Pranava Yoga of late...largely because of my surroundings - I am practicing Raja Yoga. Thus, I am - somewhat - surprised to have that Light in the head re-appear; I had connected it with the Pranava Yoga exercises but do not usually see it while meditating in this fashion. The lo-down is thus:
I entered into my meditation period sometime after 7:00 PM last night - all was good; I seated myself in half-lotus upon my chair facing East (as I usually do - something I've adopted from CM I suppose) with my hands neatly folded in Dhyana mudra. After a minute or so of just relaxing into the position, I closed my eyes and focused upon the object of my meditation: the point in the circle (a symbol). As I focused upon the "image" I began to deliberately think upon the symbol, essentially "running the well dry" as I call it - running through all the information I have on the symbol, leading me into a state which is akin to a "tense waiting". This can take a - surprisingly - long time; most of the time meditating is spent running the well dry, with the flashes of insight occuring near the end of the meditation period.
...However, I switched gears about half way through the meditation period the other day. The above is exemplar of how I usually do things, ...but not always. Instead, I played with the point in the circle symbol in lieu of a personal analogy; in short, I identified "myself" with the point and my "instruments of perception" with the periphery. I was practicing discrimination at the time, in other words, by using the symbol. In reflecting upon this analogy, I began to notice the Light in the head - I found that the more I identified with the point - realized the "difference" - the Light would grow, in a sense. So...for a time, I kept pushing that identification process. BUT, alas, my meditation was disturbed at this point - it had to stop.
...Sorry, Escarabjo: I suppose I have hardly answered your question. I suppose that, if you really wanted to know my system of working you really wouldn't have to look much farther than that which is laid out by Patanjali in his sutras.
ASIDE: I should probably mention that I have been meditating upon this symbol for about a week straight now, at least once a day. ...Not sure that this matters much, but it might in the end.
Hopefully this is more informative?
Thanks for your time,
QaZsE - Fr. T.E.U.
Fr. I most definitely agree with the meditation being my magick. I do LBRP and have recently started doing some enochian aethyr work but am still on 30. My "New Years Resolution" was to start with the enochian work and not to find reasons to put it off. I started heavily meditating about 2 yrs ago and would spend approx 4 hours daily in meditation then (now I spend possibly 4 a week
(its my fault, but recently I just havn't felt as connected as I used to). During those periods I have experienced states comperable to those you described. For me, I felt as if light was radiating from my crown but could be actively passed throughout my entire body. When this started to occur I would make sure to "consume" my body with the light by consciously moving it around every part of my body. I never opened my eyes but the light seemed to radiate throughout the whole with them closed (From what you described, I'm sure you know what I'm talking about). During this period, I didn't have any kind of tool such as this forum to express what I was experiencing and have any people with similar experiences or knowledge to encourage me. Luckily though, my roomate's girlfriend was a massauge therapist and very knowledgeable in alot of occult matters and she gave me guidance when I was unclear exactly what was happening to me. (In all honesty, I realize that we are all completely connected and that our meeting was in no way luck or mere coincidence, but "divine providence". As is such with all of those things that seem to "find us" just as much as we "find them", this forum included.)
Indeed - the Light in the head (as I call it) however is only one phenomenon out of many that I often experience. ...Perchance you have had some similiar experiences? Consider:
- The Light in the head
- A deep, loud roaring sound as if you were standing in a wind tunnel or standing at the mouth of a cavern
- The sound of chimes or bells high above your head
- Flashing lights behind the eyes, akin to lightning bolts peeling across a darkened sky
- The capability to see - what appears to be - a wavy surface akin to water pouring towards a centralized location in the field of vision
- An extreme sensitivity to sound, so much so that one could detect a cat stalking in the next a sense, the whole body recieves the stimulation
- ...Stuff to difficult to describe.
So; do any of these experiences ring a bell?
Thanks for your time,
QaZsE - Fr. T.E.U.
@Fr. T.E.U. said
"Indeed - the Light in the head (as I call it) however is only one phenomenon out of many that I often experience. ...Perchance you have had some similiar experiences? Consider:
- The Light in the head
- A deep, loud roaring sound as if you were standing in a wind tunnel or standing at the mouth of a cavern
- The sound of chimes or bells high above your head
- Flashing lights behind the eyes, akin to lightning bolts peeling across a darkened sky
- The capability to see - what appears to be - a wavy surface akin to water pouring towards a centralized location in the field of vision
- An extreme sensitivity to sound, so much so that one could detect a cat stalking in the next a sense, the whole body recieves the stimulation
- ...Stuff to difficult to describe.
So; do any of these experiences ring a bell?
Thanks for your time,
QaZsE - Fr. T.E.U."
I get a lot of 4-7, but no 1-3 (I do get auditory stuff, but it's more of a tinny drone than chimes or bells - I also find it interesting that the tinny drone and the chimes and bells are sequential phases of a smoked DMT trip).
I wonder if you've ever felt anything like an electric buildup and discharge in connection with 4. When I hold my attention on an object for long periods of time, I feel a charge growing in my brain. When this charge gets intense enough, I see these lightning flashes behind the eyelids and they are always followed by a strong physical sensation of electric shock which instantly brings me out.
First and foremost, let me just say this: Sorry if I do not make sense at the moment, Fnord - I'm still "coming to" from a particularily revealing meditation. ...You know the kind, I'm sure - where you're left going "Ahh, so that's what I was missing". Anyways...
Concerning DMT trips: I wouldn't know, Fnord - I avoid using drugs of any sort because of the lack of control they represent; you are at their mercy, to a degree and this most certainly is not what I'm looking for in meditation. Infact, one might wonder: is this even "anathema" to meditation?
...Nevertheless the law is: "do as thou wilt", correct?
As per the flashing lights: What I describe in this isn't just one type/kind of flashing light, but rather a whole host of phenomenon understand; tiny balls of light (sparks?), shifting patterns, colored explosions akin to fireworks, ...and what appears to be, slow-growing spheres of light which can even cover the whole field of perception in a dazzling light. This often happens while concentrating upon some object (form), often beginning with the object (form) glowing until it becomes a dazzling light and the form is lost...but not the concentration? Honestly, I hardly pay attention to all the visual phenonmenon - most of it can be chalked up to shitty concentration, after all. Rather it's the other 10% of the phenomenon that gets one thinking "what the hell was that"?! The only real connection here is that all of this seems to happen in the location of the ajna chakram (lower down the head), as opposed to the sahasrara (as in the case with the Light described above).
That said: No, I do not get the sensation of electric shocks, during any phenomenon, although there are certain sensations I've grown accustomed to such as the feeling - of what I might describe - water pouring on the crown of the head and/or certain experiences I suppose we could call "mental orgasms" - the intense sensations of an orgasm which are the providence of the head alone. I find, through my own experiments, that these sorts of sensations can be reproduced via a manipulation of the emotions; ie: these sensations are (theoretically) manifestations of activity within/of the astral body.
...Have I answered your questions, Fnord? Hopefully!
Thanks for your time,
QaZsE - Fr. T.E.U.