Visualizing Aiwass.
Perhapse we shall consider aiwass as a plasmate linked with the book of the law. Which as the book is read more and more the plasmate will infect the minds of more people and produce major changes in the world. Maybe get time back on tract since we were stuck in the black iron prision of 60AD for like 2000 years. Maybe the Aiwass is just the plasmate we need to get time flowing again, like the tears spoken of by the proverbial policeman.
@Froclown said
"Maybe get time back on tract since we were stuck in the black iron prision of 60AD for like 2000 years"
"Black iron prison" ?
"60 AD" ?
Can you explain these a little more?
I can't really elaborate on it, because it's kind of allot of gibberish mixed with actual gnosticism
but I'll let Phil speak for himself.
Sorry Froclown, but I found nothing there that even came close to clarifying what you were talking about with that iron prison 60 Ad stuff...
You said it, right?... what did you mean ?
"Real time ceased in 70 C.E. with the fall of the temple at Jerusalem. It began again in 1974 C.E. The intervening period was a perfect spurious interpolation aping the creation of the Mind. "The Empire never ended," but in 1974 a cypher was sent out as a signal that the Age of Iron was over; the cypher consisted of two words: KING FELIX, which refers to the Happy (or Rightful) King."
That is the sort of thing I was talking about.
Phillip K. Dick believed that time stopped in 70AD I thought it was 60, oh well. He wrote in his novel "Flow my tears, the police man said" that history between 70 and 1974, was actually an illusion and it was all a re-telling of the book of Acts, over and over again. He also believed that reality is actual a holographic construct that we are sealed into because we are actually 3 eyed aliens from Sirius beta, but our third eye is sealed shut. These aliens send a signal in the form of a pink laser that beams information directly to the third eye, and informs the those who are receptive to it.
The black Iron prision is a term he uses to mean the Iron bonds of the holographic information sealed into our minds than locks us into the false reality, the time that does not actually move forward. The Empire he means the Roman empire, a cyborg empire in the future and the American empire which he claims are all the same thing, because they are extra-temporally linked.
I was combining some of these idea's with Crowley's short story "Across the Gulf" where Crowley claims he recounts his past life as the prophet of Osiris as a mirror of his present life as a prophet of Horus. I was taking that idea with Dick's belief that he could from time to time speak fluent kionic greek and Latin, because he was simultaneously living as Phil dick, a Roman from 70AD and an android/cyborg in a future empire, all these of course really existing at the same time, because time had stopped.
Time only began to start again when the seal on the Nag Hammadhi find was broken and the Plasmate a being of pure information (The holy spirit) which bonds to humans to create homo-plasmate beings, was stored in the gnostic texts. Once opened the plasmate was able to influence reality again and Time is merely a measure of the progress of the plasmate. Thus true time restarted once the plasmate was released, part of it's action in effecting the black iron prision of our material world is to help people awaken their third eye and contact the signal from our true home planet. And the reality outside of the prision. The Empire then works against the plasmate to keep us trapped in the black iron prision.
In any event I was just drawing parallels between Aiwass and the pink laser.
Is that serious stuff?
I thought it was the outline for some sort of Dungeons and Dragons game.
It is indeed from a fictional work, "Valis" by Philip K. Dick. He is best known for his work in the science fiction genre and posthumously has become quite popular. Several of his works have now been made into moves, such as, Blade Runner, Total Recall, and A Scanner Darkly. PKD was still alive when the movie Blade Runner was released, the screenplay is based loosely on his novel "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?".
Connections have been made between PKD's novels and Gnosticism. In fact, PKD has been called a " Gnostic Prophet of Science Fiction". Dick himself did claim the experience of receiving some transcendental visions in early 1974. He described the initial visions as laser beams and geometric patterns, and, occasionally, brief pictures of Jesus and of ancient Rome. As the visions increased in length and frequency, Dick claimed he began to live a double life, one as himself, "Philip K. Dick", and one as "Thomas", a Christian persecuted by Romans in the 1st century A.D. Dick wrote about these experiences in the semi-autobiographical novels VALIS and Radio Free Albemuth.
(Alleged) Self-description of Aiwass to an (alleged) channeler other than Crowley:
"18. Thou wonderest at the fierceness of my expression, the icy blueness
of my skin — where there should be gold, the spinning kaleidoscope
of my eyewells, the sky-hewn cape I have wrapped about me, snapping
and glittering with electricity and wisdom unrevealed.
19. A wind arises from within the circle, unfelt, but perceived.
20. My hair is uplifted into the clouds, which are my hair.
21. I shall strike up a storm therewith such as the world has seen never.
22. A hammer for my chosen — an anvil for the wicked."
~ Liber 75 vel Luciferi, available at -
This poem by Yeates would seem to tie in with both Crowley and Phillip K. Dick, as it referenced the "beast" and "twenty centuries of sleep":
The Second Coming
Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.Surely some revelation is at hand;
Surely the Second Coming is at hand.
The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out
When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi
Troubles my sight; somewhere in sands of the desert
A shape with lion body and the head of a man,
A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun,
Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it
Reel shadows of indignant desert birds.
The darkness drops again; but now I know
That twenty centuries of stony sleep
Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,
And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born? -
"Visualizing Aiwass"
I'm not sure if the two concepts are definitively related but semi-recently i was reading the[]]( by Morihei Ueshiba.
One of the idea's presented in this text [although not literally] is Awase. The simple meaning of this term is 'blending' or to spiritually; consciously unify with another so as to become inherently aware of their intention(s).
Interestingly enough Aiwass in my, non-thelemic, understanding is related to a variation of this idea demonstrated by the concept of Æther. A substance of which we are all supposedly immersed. The meaning and conclusion i drew aside from the seeming titular similarity has more to do with manipulating this substance which would be more in accord with Asian ideology. This substance making possible, spiritual vision or "blending" to use the definition of the Asian term.
Please forgive me if their are any obvious errors in the Thelemic understanding of Aiwass. I'm not very educated in these things and just thought i would share something i saw a relationship in.
edited for further clarity... i'm a little rusty
@Stag-Nation said
"Visualizing Aiwass"I'm not sure if the two concepts are definitively related but semi-recently i was reading the[]]( by Morihei Ueshiba.
One of the idea's presented in this text [although not literally] is Awase. The simple meaning of this term is 'blending' or to spiritually; consciously unify with another so as to become inherently aware of their intention(s).
"Happy to see you are reading the Art of Peace (#s 4 and 5 say it all, really). Aiwass was the name of Crowley's "HGA" and he spelled it with a z for a while (Aiwaz or something). Anyway, if you like Art of Peace, you might like this:
Here is a small sample of the small text:
"If again and again we examine the mind, which cannot be examined,
We see that which cannot be seen, with total clarity, just as it is.
May the faultless mind, freed from all doubts about being and not being, recognize itself.Through the examination of external objects we see the mind, not the objects.
Through the examination of the mind we see its empty essence, but not the mind.
Through the examination of both, attachment to duality disappears by itself.
May the clear light, the true essence of mind, be recognized.Being without intellectual concepts, it is called the Great Sign, or Mahamudra.
Being without extremes, it is called the Great Middle Way, or Madhyamika.
As it embraces everything, it is called the Great Perfection, or Maha-Ati.
May we have the confidence that the experience of one is the experience of the meaning of all."
But, if we don't stay on topic, I don't think folks on this board will be very appreciative. I see similarities in Thelema, but I know that this forum is basically to look at other things from a Thelemic perspective, not to look at Thelema from an other perspective, so sometimes I'd like to talk in greater detail about stuff, but I don't out of respect for Jim and the community here.
In general, I don't like to refer to "spirituality" as it becomes a false dualistic kind of term with all these ridiculous concepts attached to it.
@Redd Fezz said
@Stag-Nation said
"Visualizing Aiwass"I'm not sure if the two concepts are definitively related but semi-recently i was reading the[]]( by Morihei Ueshiba.
One of the idea's presented in this text [although not literally] is Awase. The simple meaning of this term is 'blending' or to spiritually; consciously unify with another so as to become inherently aware of their intention(s).
"Happy to see you are reading the Art of Peace (#s 4 and 5 say it all, really). Aiwass was the name of Crowley's "HGA" and he spelled it with a z for a while (Aiwaz or something). Anyway, if you like Art of Peace, you might like this:
Here is a small sample of the small text:
"If again and again we examine the mind, which cannot be examined,
We see that which cannot be seen, with total clarity, just as it is.
May the faultless mind, freed from all doubts about being and not being, recognize itself.Through the examination of external objects we see the mind, not the objects.
Through the examination of the mind we see its empty essence, but not the mind.
Through the examination of both, attachment to duality disappears by itself.
May the clear light, the true essence of mind, be recognized.Being without intellectual concepts, it is called the Great Sign, or Mahamudra.
Being without extremes, it is called the Great Middle Way, or Madhyamika.
As it embraces everything, it is called the Great Perfection, or Maha-Ati.
May we have the confidence that the experience of one is the experience of the meaning of all."
But, if we don't stay on topic, I don't think folks on this board will be very appreciative. I see similarities in Thelema, but I know that this forum is basically to look at other things from a Thelemic perspective, not to look at Thelema from an other perspective, so sometimes I'd like to talk in greater detail about stuff, but I don't out of respect for Jim and the community here.
In general, I don't like to refer to "spirituality" as it becomes a false dualistic kind of term with all these ridiculous concepts attached to it."
Mr. Fezz,
Thanks for the reply. I'm a little confused by your post, this is a topic entitled visualizing Aiwass? I was sharing my visualization. Specifically, a possible link between an Eastern Philosophical concept AWASE and a Thelemic one Aiwass. Perhaps the link is intentionally tenuous? But a link nonetheless...
My apologies regarding Jargon what is the Thelemic equivalence of spiritual or spirituality?
I wasn't trying to scold you or anything like that. As you said you are non-Thelemic, I just wanted to give an answer to your question and also share a point of interest which I think is related to the HGA as best as I could if by "spiritually blending with another" you meant Knowledge & Conversation with your Holy Guardian Angel.
I was trying to point out that the similar-sounding names is coincidental (I would say) and the rest of my post was related to your Art of Peace link as well as your description of what AWASE is. In there also is a point about connecting with supermundane beings... everything is "emptiness" and this is the "one source" per your link and my link. The HGA is often called your Higher Self or words to that effect. The idea of "spiritually blending with another" could be about as easy as recognizing the emptiness. Doing so is when visions generally occur. I think the Abramelin Operation is about emptying yourself to be filled, pretty much, or you could say you fill yourself with passion, "enflame thyself in prayer." Similar techniques are used in eastern traditions. The major difference I see is the amount of concepts attached to the resulting experience.
@Redd Fezz said
" As you said you are non-Thelemic, I just wanted to give an answer to your question and also share a point of interest which I think is related to the HGA as best as I could if by "spiritually blending with another" you meant Knowledge & Conversation with your Holy Guardian Angel. "
Interesting. I hadn't thought of it that way. Of course, AWASE ** would be a by product of one's K&C. I see my error in explanation. I was attributing a phenomena or possible effect of K&C as an representation of Aiwass (which i also happen to view as an aspect NUIT). In the Eastern sense, a more in depth understanding of AWASE -the technique- would naturally give rise to more questions related to the phenomena and operation of 'blending' which at the highest levels would be to receive mental impressions related to another's intentions. Thanks for the clarification.
@Redd Fezz said
"I was trying to point out that the similar-sounding names is coincidental (I would say) and the rest of my post was related to your Art of Peace link as well as your description of what AWASE is. In there also is a point about connecting with supermundane beings... everything is "emptiness" and this is the "one source" per your link and my link. The HGA is often called your Higher Self or words to that effect. The idea of "spiritually blending with another" could be about as easy as recognizing the emptiness. Doing so is when visions generally occur. I think the Abramelin Operation is about emptying yourself to be filled, pretty much, or you could say you fill yourself with passion, "enflame thyself in prayer." Similar techniques are used in eastern traditions. The major difference I see is the amount of concepts attached to the resulting experience."
Much clearer, thank you.
Great Scott.
I will be super succinct in hopes to be ultra clear.
AWASE is pronounced ah-wa-say. Aiwass is pronounced eye-wosssss. These two things don't really have anything to do with each other. It seems pretty clear that you are interested in determining the intentions of another person or perhaps that demonic spidey suit that you say slips over you. This "blending" is like a siddhi or special power that is really not related to K&C of HGA. If you want to learn this kind of stuff, there are plenty of options available to you, but you have to get into the work in order to develop. I've had all kinds of interesting things happen as a result of honestly pursuing different paths, but I never set out to develop a siddhi and when something happens, I generally ignore it because it makes no difference to me other than confirmation.
I like your avatar picture, btw. Now, if you'll excuse me, this fool is off to drink cheap liquor 24/7.
This post was edited 1x** -
Dear Mr. Fezz,
The idea of AWASE or rather the intent of the practice is to develop a ''heightened' sensitivity; a psychic awareness if you will of Ki [spirit] and then Ai merge with it. The methodology of AWASE is used under the pretext of reaching this ultimate attainment, i presume. The attainment of AWASE enables one, with great finesse, to direct the course and force of Ki thereby etherically influencing another.
Are you suggesting that K&C confers no special abilities? Or maybe that my higher self is the Black Spidey suit? (that seems comical in retrospect, Heaven forbid). Whatever the case it seems further clarification of my view is in order.
I view K&C as 'waking up.' A sort of cosmic AWASE whereby one's consciousness becomes unified with the Universe. I understand this awaking to confer certain privileges which Perderabo explains as, "Working with Mood" and "Influencing Environment.'
AWASE often used interchangeably with AIKI has been called the most profound and mysterious secret in the world. Conferring virtual omnipotence to advanced practitioners?!
AIWASS according to this view could be something of Spirit or a Spirit which could be merged with. Judging by some of the descriptions in this thread could be a veritable Black Spidey suit of sorts? Something of an omnipotent entity which one could engage with AWASE and influence to create tremendous change?
I acknowledge that i do have a tendencey to file all this esoteric; mystical science under a common heading as the results these various schools; traditions seek are the same. I believe the Great Beast empathizes as he was apt to factor all interior and exterior phenomena into simple mathematical principles. My view could certainly compliment his idealzations.
For this Mathematics is as it were the last Veil before the
Image of Truth [...] whereby the Many become One." -
They are so different. One is about falling in love, the other is about fighting. One is a personal entity and one is a combat technique using ki energy. Wouldn't a better comparison be the Augoeides and Kami?
The Romantic Mr. Fezz,
Combat is just another form of intimation.
“Your heart is my piñata.” -Chuck Palahniuk
Uh, the "falling in love" description is not one I came up with. It's a fairly common description. Also, like I said, one is a personal entity, the other is a technique or action.