birthdates, astrology, numerology.....
Sometimes I get into a funk and cant see the forest for the trees.....
I would like to share somethings about myself and I get some feedback.
I do value this forum and the people here, and think you may be able to shed some light for me.I will try to not spew up a million words, honest.
I think first of all I shall tell you my birth data as I feel that has bearing on my question
2-18-1971 12:41 pm Rochester NY
my quandry is this, for some reason I have a collection of important female relations born on April 22.
First off my biological mother 4-22-36
my brothers (non-biological) daughter 4-22-82 (he hooked up with the lass's mum while she was pg)
My best friend 4-22-68
My mother-in-law 4-22-59My very first niece was due on 4-22-79, but came early 4-4-79
my "new" mother, my mentor and friend born 3-22-44 (shes got the 22)and of course Gaia Herself is celebrated on 4-22 as Earth day.
I have come to understand that a grouping of planets in a sign or house has possible significants in astrology.
Yet I cant seem to get an angle on this.When I first "awoke" so to speak, it was because I realized a polarity, a Goddess for the God that I had heard so much about. (I was brought up non-religious but both parents had baggage ie. dad spoke of Gods little black book in whihc my evil deeds were recorded and would be accountable). It was through my embracing of this little blue planet called Gaia or earth, that I was able to heal myseslf and become, well.... the nice person I am today. Earth day is everyday to me. I consciously act to honor and respect all things on this planet, it is just ingrained inm y being....I have sorted my trash, composted my food, grown my food, conserved my water, all out of love for Gaia, and of course The Sun;)
When my biological mum passed (6-16-96) I could not perform spell work or rituals. I could not honor the passing of time....I'll admit I felt cheated robbed and wounded. At that time spiritualy I turned my attention to learning about biology, health, healing, herbs, and yoga asanas and breathwork. (She died of lung cancer, with in 6 months of getting ill). Let me clarify that while I no longer consciously did spells, my desires are manifest like crazy. It is like I can just tap in and pull what I need or want to me with out having to do all the bells and whistles that traditional spell work entails.
Sometimes I read this forum and I wonder what the heck am I doing here. What can I possibly say to contribute? What do I have in common with Thelema? (dont worry, it only a fleeting thought, and I have yet to be publicly spanked for my inappropriateness). I know that I am among a group of mostly strong willed, brilliant men who are very kindhearted and genuine. Something I have never expierenced IRL. I too am very strong willed, confident and genuine.
I am curious as to what you can see. I do not understand how you (you meaning High Magicians in general, not anyone specific) think and see numerically, and can percieve relationships and connections.
I do hope that you all enjoy this beautiful spring and in your own way honor Our Mother on Earth day. When I see beauty such as this world has my heart sings and my spirit soars and I am in Love.....
Quick reply on the first part...
The usual reason for a special link to a particular day is that the Sun's longitude on that date (essentially the same every year) touches something in your chart. In this case, there's no major contact; but the usual April 22 Sun does sesqui-square (135 degree aspect) your Mars. I don't think this is the answer, although I'll mention that these people likely have a knack for motivating you, setting you in action, etc.
Ah, here is an interesting one: That April 22 Sun degree is your Ascendant/Midheaven midpoint - the exact degree halfway between them. That's a fairly personal point. However, there isn't much to distinguish it from the opposite and square points (though it is the strongest of the four).
And one more that you might like a lot, though I think it's, at best, an uninterpretable factor: One of the small planetoids found in recent years out past Pluto has been named Sedna (after an Inuit sea goddess). The April 22 Sun is conjunct the exact degree where Sedna was when you were born. It moves very slowly, and was in approximately that degree for years. (You might want to look up her mythology.)
first thought is that there must be some important point of your horoscope around seventh degree of Aries or anywhere square or opposining it ... so that this date - and specifically as a female birthdate - 'activaes' that part of you...
and at the first quick inspection nothing simmilar arrives...but, after a short search, I found this:
(using Solar Fire; look in chart reports -> sensitive points)
this zodiacal point is connected with 3 of your planets: the Moon, Mars and Neptune.
in short, this could mean: on that particular day of the year (and a day-more/less) the Sun activates those 'parts' of your being (principles of your multilevel-existence) represented by the planets (and their symbols) mentioned. and persons born on that date can be seen as specific embodiments of that kind of energy...I'll leave further possible analysis to more skilled astrologers.
Thank you both very much for your replies, I am still sitting with with you've said and trying to see better.
I have looked up Sedna and found it most interesting. I inherited a few fine pieces of whale scrimshaw from my paternal grandmother as a child, and the name I was given at my dedication Tigara seems to have meaning in Inuit. In the past year too several things have come my way talking about distant planetiods...Nibirui specificaly but a few others....
I did wonder if this grouping related to my own grouping of planets in Scorpio....
Danica Thank you espically for the chart, I have never seen my chart with the houses arranged/sized that way. I am still getting over the culture shock of sidereal astrology as compared to tropical and eagerly await the return of Solarlunas.Of course any other ideas and input is welcomed.