AA Neophyte Grade
I was reading the AA book recently and see that the Neophyte grade corresponds to Malkuth. I also see that one of the main tasks of this grade is to gain mastery over the astral plane. If the Astral plane is attributed to Yetzirah, why would a Malkuth grade concern itself with it's mastery. Why is this not in the Zelator grade attributed to Yesod?
Because the astral corresponds to the path of Tav, leading from Malkuth to Yesod. Hopefully, one has a pretty good mastery of Malkuth before they become a Neophyte...
Yes, that's right. The grade is "Malkuth and the Paths necessary to get to Yesod." Then, in Yesod, the task is "Yesod and the 2 Paths necessary to get to Hod," i.e., Shin and Resh. Etc.
It might be helpful to note that A.'.A.'. is a *work before *system meaning that the Work of the Grade is done before it is conferred. The Path of Tau leads one into the Grade of Zelator which opens one up to *Yetzirah *& therefore more fully to the Astral Plane. To my understanding this is why mastery of the Astral is required before one is more or less permenantly opened up to it.
Or, another way to say that: Becoming a Zelator means that one has already "reached" Yesod, rather than indicating that one has a new leg up on getting there.
But, of course, the Four Worlds are even more important, so, in this example, the most important distinction is that one is moving from Malkuth in Assiah to Yesod in Yetzirah (and has "made it").