Yoga without Kundalini
A short question: I want to attempt to gain some experiential familiarity with yogic practices such as asana and pranayama, but I don't want to prematurely raise Kundalini to any degree - I know myself well, and I would not be able to handle that at this point in time, or in the near future.
Is there anything I can do to specifically avoid this phenomenon? Are there any practices I should just steer clear from (i.e. practices known to raise Kundalini)?
(Jim, your thoughts would be greatly appreciated, in addition to anyone else who has 2 cents to put into my beggar's cup.)
Sorry, sometimes brevity is less clear.
Pranayama is known to raise kundalini.
No kidding.
From the information I have been given, some people who perform asana flows (ie sun salutation, moon salutation) repeatedly (ie 50 or so in a row) have had kundalini expiernces. So I have been told to not do flows continuously, as it can set you up liken a mantra, or pranayama. I have also been told that while learning corect breathing is imperative, to not undertake pranayama until you have 3 years of consistant asana practices, AND then only to start under the guidance of an expierenced teacher.
Doing asana's are necessary to increase your strenght, stamina and flexiblity, so that you are able to sit still for long periods of time. Taking a yoga class at the YMCA, or fitness gym will teach you the basic physical postures to enhance your body, to find misalignments in your stance and posture and correct them. These classes are pretty safe ways to learn asana and breathing, with out kundalini.
I am not an advocate of the newer branch of yoga in which the participants do asanas in a heated room, with a fast pace. IMO that is reckless, and could trigger kundalini as well.
@Alrah said
@Ash said
"I don't smoke weed anymore anyway, I'm far too paranoid and every single time I do it, I just pray for it to be over."
Man. What a complete bummer.
You've never even had it off while you're stoned? Or gotten into some Floyd (or the equivalent these days... although what could be an equivalent to Pink Floyd at any time?)... Alabama 3? Maybe... No. No.
Sex on the top of a mountain miles away from anywhere with a bagpack full of chocolate cookies, a tangeria for coffee, an adventurous partner (maybe Laura Croft), a warm and sunny day, and a big bag of weed! This doesn't ring your bell?
Rings mine Alrah... I'm packing my backpack now.