The Ego Structure Across one's Personal Timeline.
I think I would agree with you about the connection between the ego and one's "Personal Timeline". It seems to me that the ego is the thing that connects our impressions into a unified identity. Notice that the ego forms around the time of the 'terrible twos'; and this is about when we start having islands of 'memory' coalesce into self-awareness.
Also arising at this time, is our notion of a future identity. To use an anecdote to support this, I would mention that my very earliest memory is from a little before 2, being in diapers, aware that my older brother had different underwear, and then deducing that when I was bigger like him, I would get to wear underwear instead of diapers too (apparently, I was easy to potty train, and I suspect that this was a factor!).
Of course, this is all the computer program that is the Ruach...