Gnostic system according to Samael Aun Weor
I think the guy was over-optimistic if he believed in the total eradication of the ego. But then, he admitted his teachings came by inspiration, not from a tradition and a good teacher.
I hung out with a group of his people for a while, and I was forcibly struck by the fact that anything resembling a joke received a deadpan response. They had no sense of humor. I don't think you can grok the Universe if you can't laugh.
93 93/93,
Transmuting the energy is possible/useful. But trying to never have an orgasm may be an unreasonable perfect ideal, for some, especially depending on one's ability to transmute the energy. And, I think that it's really easy to focus on orgasm avoidance, and forget about transmutation.
Combine insufficient transmutation, a high sex drive, and trying to maintain this state, even for a couple weeks, and a person's emotional maturity can drop to a pretty stunted state.
So, for some, it might be better to work with this for shorter periods of time, with more focus on the transmutation, and cyclical nature of this. There's a couple interesting threads if you do a search for "chastity". Here's one that talks about the "purification" and "consecration" phases.
As far as the transmutation goes, I still have much to learn, but I've noticed that some of the Taoist transmutation techniques (like "the big draw") feel pretty similar to Regardie's Middle Pillar Ritual.
If the notion of suppressing orgasm as a spiritual practice is something you want to learn more about, you might want to check out the writings of Ida Craddock. Some important essays and pamphlets of hers can be found at:
love and will
Ooo, I like the Victorian feel of putting restrictions on sex. It's kind of kinky.
I guess my question would be:
What are we trying to transmute the sexual energies for? Who is telling us it is a good idea and why?
Deconstruction of the ego has introspective benefits. So does concentration.
Tension and release goes a long way, from music to drama to magick. From pshycological repressions being let go to enacting other changes in accordance with Will. As far as accumulation, there are benefits, but celibacy can lead to some interesting results with Father O'Hallahan.
Powers of the Sphinx, anyone?
@RobertAllen said
"If the notion of suppressing orgasm as a spiritual practice is something you want to learn more about, you might want to check out the writings of Ida Craddock. Some important essays and pamphlets of hers can be found at:
love and will"
While celibacy did indeed form part, it was not the defining element of Craddock's system. For instance:
"But asceticism should never be an ultimate aim. It is useful only as furnishing a gateway to higher, purer, more refined and more spiritual, as well as more enduring, sense-pleasures." (Psychic Wedlock)
Craddock prescribed a 3 degree system which consists of celibacy followed by suppression of ejaculation & finally prolonged orgasm.
It's also taught in some types of Taoism, Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism, etc. as seen here:
Having come to understand the body as an energy system, I actually believe stuff like this now. I still blow my load regularly, but I can see how it could be beneficial to be trained otherwise.
i have heard that those people are extremely cultish. not to the jim jones level but pretty bad. i think the no orgasm for men thing is just another control mechanism they use on their "initiates." theres lots of good info, with several helpful links, here:
Yeah, I don't buy into Weor's anything, actually. But that's why I mentioned all the others. If you do some experiments with different diets and masturbation vs. not masturbating for a damn long time, you can see big differences in the way you feel. If you learn to enjoy and release tension without releasing anything else, it is possible that that energy would accumulate and be directed elsewhere in a good way if properly instructed how to do this. I mean, it's pretty obvious to me that after a good orgasm, I'm ready to fall asleep. And boxers and other athletes avoid orgasm prior to big fights/games/marathons, too.
I don't know about how healthy prolonged retention is. Recent evidence actually points to the contrary. I have noticed that retaining for short periods to build up the "magick force" but I always release and often times consume it as a sacrament while visualizing on a sigil of desire or spirit. The Great Rite is perfect for this.
It can only be described as a high that matches no other.
"If you do some experiments with different diets and masturbation vs. not masturbating for a damn long time, you can see big differences in the way you feel. If you learn to enjoy and release tension without releasing anything else, it is possible that that energy would accumulate and be directed elsewhere in a good way if properly instructed how to do this."
i definitely agree with you here and wasnt intending to contradict anything youd said earlier. just to point out that there may exist ample existence that weor himself was a charlatan, and that he perverted the meaning of certain teqniques and methods to suit his own ends.
@TheSilent1 said
"I don't know about how healthy prolonged retention is. Recent evidence actually points to the contrary."
When recent evidence studies tantric practitioners (or the like), it will be more meaningful. As a contrast of regular joes who stress out or jerk off? Yeah, I'm sure it's good to clean out the ol' chamber as opposed to walking around with a loaded gun.
@poor+blind+misfi said
i definitely agree with you here and wasnt intending to contradict anything youd said earlier. just to point out that there may exist ample existence that weor himself was a charlatan, and that he perverted the meaning of certain teqniques and methods to suit his own ends."Oh, I didn't take it contrarily at all, that's why I wanted to let you know I agree with you on Weor but just also wanted to clarify my point in case it wasn't already clear because I was pretty lazy with my first response. Not a fan of Weor at all. Had 40-something pdfs of his work and I trashed them all because I determined they were that worthless. Not even worth a free read.
I have noticed a definite 'cult' atmosphere among the Samaelians.
From what I saw these followers do not demonstrate much in the way of Growth or any kind of special ability that would justify the extreme practices they expound.
They are easily offended and will delete posts and remove members who even ask simple questions of the wrong sort or point out blatant errors in the writings of "The Venerable Master"
Samael made several dire predictions for the world that simply did not come true in the time frame he stated. (and still haven't)
When I ask how does a man who preaches and practices no orgasm tantra, father at least six children from three different women? they go nuts.
He preaches monogomy and rails against lustful pursuit of multiple partners but at least one group admits the truth of the rumors of his taking several new 'alchemy' partners' after his wife went through menopause. Pure hypocrisy but they invented some new Cosmic Law to excuse it.
They claim that after he died he took on the form of his Egyptian mummy body and is now walking around among us (apparently wearing a turban... even though ancient Egyptians did not wear turbans - hahahahhaha)
There are lots of strange rules.
- You are not allowed to shower within 24 hours of practicing alchemy (orgasm-less sex-tantra)
- It is suggested to practice the alchemy once every day (doesn't leave much time for hygiene;)
- Women are not allowed to shower or even wash their hair during their period. (They usually comment on how they get awful cramps and their practice is shot to heck when they break this rule... but the apostates report that the apparently psychosomatic ills do not manifest after they leave the cult).
- Eating pork is a horrible sin and they commonly report being consumed by LUST! when they even just accidentally consume miniscule amounts of pork additives at a restaurant or in some product that wasn't properly labeled.
- After even ten years of daily effort and practice, just one orgasm will reset all gains to Zero.
- You must remain celibate for one full year if you get divorced (which many do in order to leave the spouse that is not interested in this alchemy practice)
- They are obsessed with Astral Projection (Samael apparently could project at will as could his wife). They think the astral plane is a form of eternal heaven, but they recognize levels above.
- I once observed that with all the mortal sins they list basically 99% of humanity is going to Hell, "The Abyss" and one of the senior Teachers replied, "yes".
- and much, much more ridiculously strange stuff if you care to investigate.