Where to start
Greetings everyone,
I hope this is the correct area to post this, if not I do apologise. I am very new to Thelema having followed a Wiccan path for approx 15 years now. For some reason there is this strong pull towards Thelema and Crowley I can not explain. Maybe it is because I no longer feel that desire with Wicca like I use to.
If possible, I was wanting to see if I could get some information on where to get started with Thelema? I am planning on purchasing the Book of Law soon, for now will read the pdf I got of it. ( Love having the actual book in my hands when reading).
Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated
Hey brother, I would get Liber ABA Book 4, as that book sums up almost everything that is "Thelema" and has many of his books including the Book of the Law and Equinox of the Gods that deals with how he recieved Liber Al vel Legis, and it is in plain language! One book that I really love is the "Heart of the Master" and I'm sure that you will too! Honestly, every book by A.C. is worth getting, but those two are wonderful. If you are interested in Qabalah, his 777 and other Qabalistic writings is a masterpiece, as well as his "Book of Thoth" dealing with the Tarot, together with the actual Tarot deck. I hope that helps.
yes, Equinox(es) and Book 4 are good places to start.
also Crowley's commentaries on Liber Legis (hermetic.com/220/crowley-comment.html) -
@centauros1146 said
"Hey brother, I would get Liber ABA Book 4, as that book sums up almost everything that is "Thelema" and has many of his books including the Book of the Law and Equinox of the Gods that deals with how he recieved Liber Al vel Legis, and it is in plain language! One book that I really love is the "Heart of the Master" and I'm sure that you will too! Honestly, every book by A.C. is worth getting, but those two are wonderful. If you are interested in Qabalah, his 777 and other Qabalistic writings is a masterpiece, as well as his "Book of Thoth" dealing with the Tarot, together with the actual Tarot deck. I hope that helps."
@danica said
"yes, Equinox(es) and Book 4 are good places to start.
also Crowley's commentaries on Liber Legis (hermetic.com/220/crowley-comment.html)"Thank you both very much for the assistance. I was looking at Book 4 on amazon last night and had feeling this would be a good one to get.
Danica I will check out the commentaries as well in a few moments...got to get a extra cup of coffee first
Many thanks to you both. Any other suggestions you feel that may be of importance please let me know
I personally recommend the following books to everyone when they express interest in learning about Thelema:
The Book of the Law
Magick Without Tears (excellent for those new to this whole side of the spectrum)
Book IV
Book of Thoth
Gems from the Equinox (and everything in it!)
The Law is for Allall by Crowley. Also good:
A Garden of Pomegranates
The Tree of lifeboth by Israel Regardie.
Also, The Mystical Qabalah by Dion Fortune is useful, but skip all the introductory chapters and go straight to the chapters on the Sephiroth (you will hear that sentiment echoed here, I am sure).
Finally, last but not least, Jim Eshelman's The Mystical and Magical System of the A.'.A.'. is fantastic.
This should keep you busy for a year or three.
Welcome to the forum, and welcome to Thelema
I recommend reading as many old threads on this forum as you can; there is a TREMENDOUS amount of information that can be gained from doing this - I've read just about every thread every posted on this site at some point or another, and I'd do it again in a heartbeat.[Edited for spelling]
Frater Aster Lux and Ash,
Thank you both for more recommendations. Last night I was going through the PDF version I have of the Book of Law and started to read it again. Didn't get very far in it as it was late when I started reading but I felt much more comfortable with it now then I did in the past. I think the reason for this is because when I first checked into Thelema it wasn't the right time. That was about 7 years ago. During that time I even joined a Golden Dawn order and enjoyed it but found I was having a hard time wrapping my mind around it. So, I went back to Wicca and continued my journey. While I love Wicca the feeling of disconnect I get from it now is probably due to the fact Wicca is so personal. No two people see it the same way and there are so many traditions in Wicca that it makes it hard to build a firm foundation imho. I love Wicca but feel I have gotten all I can out of it and it is time to move forward instead of standing still.
@Frater Aster Lux said
"Just bear in mind that certain things are coming from a wholly Thelemic perspective and so you might have to adjust the way you have been taught to look at it before... not that anything is really different."
This shouldn't be a problem. Back when I was doing me studies for the GD order it taught me to look at things from different perspectives. Not to mention I love a challenge. I will be reading as much of Crowleys work as possible as I feel now is the right time for me to pursue Thelema and Crowley's work and what he has created.
"Of course, check out Jim Eshelman's books. All of the Black Pearl/In the Continuum journals are wonderful. You can download them on thelema.org."
I am in the process of downloading these as we speak. Can't wait to dive into them
"You can learn a lot from the books, but the interaction with other like-minded individuals is invaluable."
I couldn't agree more. It is so hard to find that interaction in other Spiritual paths. From what I have read so far on the forums here I feel very much at home and look forward to becoming a very active member and meeting as many of you as I can.
@Ash said
"I personally recommend the following books to everyone when they express interest in learning about Thelema:
The Book of the Law
Magick Without Tears (excellent for those new to this whole side of the spectrum)
Book IV
Book of Thoth
Gems from the Equinox (and everything in it!)
The Law is for All"The Book of Law I started reading again last night and will continue to do so. Book IV, The Law is for All and Magick without tears are on my amazon list to get ASAP as the book store here where I live does not carry them, but they do have the Book of Thoth and the Cards, which makes no sense lol. Gems from the Equinox I will add to my list as well.
Currently I already have A Garden of Pomegranates, The Mystical Qabalah and Self Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition. These I got when I was a member of a GD order and hey were very valuable in learning the system. I will also add Jim Eshelman's The Mystical and Magical System of the A.'.A.'. to my list.
Thank you both for the suggestions and the welcome. I look forward to learning as much as possible.