Elucidations of the True Nature of Thelema
"There seems to be much misunderstanding about True Will ... The fact of a person being a gentleman is as much an ineluctable factor as any possible spiritual experience; in fact, it is possible, even probable, that a man may be misled by the enthusiasm of an illumination, and if he should find apparent conflict between his spiritual duty and his duty to honour, it is almost sure evidence that a trap is being laid for him and he should unhesitatingly stick to the course which ordinary decency indicates." -- Aleister Crowley
I will not put my ascertainings directly onto this page for reason that an adept yet unlearned in Agape vel Liber vel Azoth may not wish to divulge or hear divulgences pertaining to the 9th book. However if one does wish to continue to hear my dissertation it is available here. Do not continue lest ye are ready to understand the Gnosis and the truth of the Hermetics of Thelema; if ye dare, despite this forewarning and are spoilt by the contemplations, know that ye hereby agree by viewing it I am not to be held responsible for the course in which such discussion steers you.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.