Merkaba meditation.
I have begun learning and practicing the methods of Merkaba meditation, as presented in the Flower of Life canon. It is spoken of by its' followers as simply the key to all goals of meditation, so I am curious to see if anyone here is familiar with it and/or practices it, and if so, what are your thoughts about it.
I love geometry
And this one is the best -
Geometry is really what does it for me. The Book of the Law clicked as geometry in my head before anything else. A triangle to be more precise. But did you teach yourself the 17 breaths or go to a workshop? They(Flower of Life people) also seem to really stand by their workshops.
I specifically appreciate the slightly more recent wave of artists using fractal patterns in their compositions. It is so purely natural in every way, how its patrerns and connections unfold and multiply. Geometry just tickles my innermost basis of understanding, I think it is key. If the Galleries still held their place, I believe this art would send ripples into the intuitions of the masses. But in that light, it is an art of another purpose. It is less expression as it is expansion. Though I'm a musician, and I have found shapes there too. Music is crystalline. It has helped me develop my musical intuition by leaps and bounds.
@OneOneEleven said
"Geometry is really what does it for me. The Book of the Law clicked as geometry in my head before anything else. A triangle to be more precise. But did you teach yourself the 17 breaths or go to a workshop? They(Flower of Life people) also seem to really stand by their workshops."
I had been doing some things on my own, when I came across, by "accident". the book by Drunvalo M. It was a series of weird coincidence, of things conjuncting in my life. I have read the books, and I have seen the workshs, but not in person.
The methods taught in the book are a fantastic tool, but they are only a tool. My friend and I have come up with our own methods for achieving the same result.
I will have to read the BOTL again, and focus on hearing the geometry, as I have never picked that part up yet,...... But every time I do read it I. Am able to get a news slant....ah HA! A slant....and angle, well. That geometric
I have since been using Merkaba daily. I have also been experimenting with doing my Resh's while on the 14th breath(when you are focusing on your own solar energy, expanding it). I just fall into free breathing and do the ritual in the astral, keeping the prana sphere in my solar plexus. I find Resh really expands on the "divine love for Father Sun", making the last three breaths, once I have finished Resh, much more.. Potent. I would suggest trying it, if you haven't.
Drunvalo is full of sh-t, of course. Any meditation involving the regular polyhedra will produce results.
Considering he eats food,
Yea I am sure at some points
He is full......I have a lot of issues with DM, but I think that his work is valid, and has helped make many people aware of the importance of balance, harmony and what he likes to call heart centered awareness.
His concept on the rising of Kundalini energy was a fascinating concept, and given the fact that he is not some dork with a mail order degree, who actively teaches, For a fee of course! And apparently know quite a bit about science, and associated with other well known scientists,
I'll take his excrement, with a grain of salt of course, I personally can't stand his writing style.
@Veronica said
"I have a lot of issues with DM, but I think that his work is valid, and has helped make many people aware of the importance of balance, harmony and what he likes to call heart centered awareness."
If half-baked pseudo-mystical speculation and intentional malarky are "valid," then I suppose his work is as valid as it gets. The New Age manner of thinking, which equates unproven and subjective experience with fact, has no more worthy representative than Drunvalo. The fact that he associates with scientists makes him no more scientific than my proximity to my pet goldfish makes me fishlike.
Oh now, if you are not going to be specific about what he is full of [censored] about, well I cant reply. I certainly am not about to champion for the chap, but I have done a lot of looking into him, and his sources.
Gregg Braden, Bruce Lipton, and Johnathan Goldman, also must fall into that popular new age clap trap, even though they have helped lift mankind into some very interesting areas.
I did say I had issues, with him.. The geometric information that he presents is accurate, and while many others have also presented this information ( including Leonardo DaVinci ) DM
Said it and showed it for the masses.considering that that mer ka bah is based on the idea of anima animus, male and female polarities, and that the six pointed star is it's symbol, I would have thought that more ceremonial magicians would be utilizing it. I know that Christopher Pnexack does, but again he is mainstream......