Chronological Listing of Aleister Crowley's Libers?
Looking on there are some works that are dated or have notated what Equinox they were published in. Is this the best way to determine when a Liber was written? Of course there is also the dillema of initial drafts and then further revisions thrown in the mix as well. I didn't know if there was listing out there that broke it out a bit better.
I find that to dig in a little deeper it is important to know the date when Libers were written. Before and after his acceptance of the Book of the Law especially, but it is probably handy to analyze this in all the Libers.
If there isn't a listing I can take pleasure in compiling my own .
@mojorisin44 said
"Looking on there are some works that are dated or have notated what Equinox they were published in. Is this the best way to determine when a Liber was written?"
Partly. Maybe the best single way to tell. But not entirely reliable, since some things were written long before they were published.
Takem for example, the Holy Books. Liber VII was in no Equinox, but was one of the first received, back in 1907. Liber Aleph was written around WW I, but not published until after Crowley's death. Etc. (The dates each Holy Book was received is summarized in the Holy Books volume, Eqx III:9.)
"I find that to dig in a little deeper it is important to know the date when Libers were written."
I agree with you. That puts much into context, and therefore into perspective. If you have questions about individual items, ask, and we'll do our best.