3 July (Water) Liber LXV, 3:51-52
Amen. Climatic and Electric.
There is an annihilation into Nuit and thus a blowing away of the mind into super consciousness. When reading this the verse that comes to mind is "The light is mine let its rays consume me". However, here the ravishing source of light is the blackness of the sky and the landscape of stars. The "bright midnight" of eternity.
51. O Thou light and delight, ravish me away into the milky ocean of the stars!
52. O Thou Son of a light-transcending mother, blessed be Thy name, and the Name of Thy Name, throughout the ages!I suppose it's only right that I should retreat to things I have a better understanding of. I'm thinking about the characterization of water, above and below the abyss; but more specifically below because what can I really appreciate about the above perspective that isn't simply a question of trust, hope, and faith in what I have read in books and in what other people have told me?
The dark language from days past of how terrible it all is at least challenges me to think about the darkness in my world as potentially useful; the bright language just makes me feel like I shouldn't have eaten that last sugar cookie.
Down below we are not supposed to sacrifice, as a concept it is out of favor. And yet, the waters will take everything from you when the time comes. As natural disasters go, water is the worst—ask any set designer and they will all agree that water is the hardest element to use of onstage. It has a nasty habit of getting out and destroying expensive things.
Where does it flip? What critical concept, when redefined, changes our apparent darkness into that perfect, unmanifested light? Till then it is still darkness.
If gambling were a magical act, it would be a sympathetic gesture designed to bring storms; the dice are the thunderbolts of Jove, while the attendant downpours are the waters of Chesed. Lightning strikes the House of God and it burns, but in truth the greater damage is caused by the water. Is this destruction the result of divine wrath or love? It hardly matters since the waters will come willy-nilly, and they will do what they will do. Just off the coast was a massive quake; quick, run down to the shore and see what it brings! Join me there and we can explore our motivations to see if our eagerness to meet the waves head on is actually an act of love, or a product of our morbid imaginations.
Love and Will