30 July (Fire) Liber LXV, 4:46-47
46. In the height and the abyss, O my beautiful, there is no thing, verily, there is no thing at all, that is not altogether and perfectly fashioned for Thy delight.
47. Light cleaveth unto Light, and filth to filth; with pride one contemneth another. But not Thou, who art all, and beyond it; who art absolved from the Division of the Shadows. -
46. In the height and the abyss, O my beautiful, there is no thing, verily, there is no thing at all, that is not altogether and perfectly fashioned for Thy delight.
The third option. The first is the world of generation; the second is the world of no-generation; the third is the relational perspective that equates what is with non-binding delight—a healthy snack.
47. Light cleaveth unto Light, and filth to filth; with pride one contemneth another. But not Thou, who art all, and beyond it; who art absolved from the Division of the Shadows.
Here the contrast between 46 and the first part of 47 is one of bias. The second part of 47 implies someone or something that is free of the curse—the Division of the Shadows.
To call something the all, and that which is beyond the all, and yet to treat the all, in all of its light and darkness, as something that one is not subject to is a hard concept to hold in the mind.
To be all and not be subject to it, to not identify with its dramas. All is a comedy it seems.
Love and Will
@V.V.V.V.V. said
"46. In the height and the abyss, O my beautiful, there is no thing, verily, there is no thing at all, that is not altogether and perfectly fashioned for Thy delight."
Another of my favorite passages. I had always taken this to mean (as of course does) that everything is fashioned for the delight of Adonai. But today, the thought came to me that Adonai has fashioned everything for my delight. This is one of those ideas that is "sweet on the tongue but bitter in the stomach", because there are many things -- like cancer or spousal abuse -- in which I cannot delight. This is only a sign of how far I have yet to travel, I guess.
Also, as I read today, Teresa of Avila says the soul of the just is a paradise wherein God takes His delight.