contemporary Black Brothers
@Solitarius said
"You are obviously not a rational man, and do not respond to reason, and on those grounds I have nothing more to say to you."
Welcome to the club!
Love and Will
There are no such things as angels, so if I see one, it is an hallucination, or a trick, or a dream.
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence
The evidence for angels is ummm nothing. So we are not justified to believe in them.
Now the sort of evidence we need are some video tape may help, a large siting.
Fossils, some wing feathers, a nest, a bit of angel DNA. Etc.
@Froclown said
"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence
The evidence for angels is ummm nothing. So we are not justified to believe in them.
Now the sort of evidence we need are some video tape may help, a large siting.
Fossils, some wing feathers, a nest, a bit of angel DNA. Etc."
Gravity is evident by the action it has on the material but gravity is in no way materially existent.
Here is a list of black brothers.
The Phelps family, these so called Baptists are a nest of vipers, full of hatred of life. A black lodge to rival that of Douglas in Moonchild.
Michele Bachmann: the republican candidate who is not only anti gay marriage, but on a puritanical crusade against sex in all forms, even banning all forms of pornography.
Barak Obama: whose crusade for liberalism and entitlement is about to plunge the whole world into bankruptcy.
"Thus. Attainment is acceptance of a purely scientific materialism reality, and the leaving behind total all that is the inner, spiritual, or subjective awareness. The hardware stripped of all software, is the body without a name. And that is the Magister Templi as opposed to the black brother who refuses to give up his name, his soul, and his subjective perspective "personal reality" over to the cold meaningless objective truth of the abyss."
The main debate here, I think, has become about the primacy of consciousness. This is a good video on the topic. -
I will asert that mind gives rise to matter. It is not the ultimate reality, it is created by the ultimately real being. Your true, core identity is this real being. It is the source of all creation, but it has none of the characteristics of any creation.
Here are some excerpts from some of my thoughts on this that I posted on my blog. -
If you think of God as simply that creative force that creates things, and if you think of the space in which these things are created as a mind, then what do you call these things that have been created? I think that you would call them imaginary. This is why I say that God is alone and that all creation is imaginary.
There is only one being that is real and infinite and perfect. We are that being, temporarily seeing itself as an infinite number of imperfect, finite beings and things. I believe that we are in a cyclical process in which we perceive something that is not true (this is the state we are in now where we see our self as separate beings and things) and then we return to reality and there is just YOU, that one infinite perfect being. It is that part of you that was the only thing that was real to begin with. It is that part of you that transcends a name and matter and death. What are we doing in this imperfect state right now?....we are defining and reaffirming our true nature which is infinite and perfect. There is only infinite, there is no finite. It’s like looking at a one and a zero and insisting that there really is in fact a zero there next to the one. In a sense there is a zero there, but it just represents nothing. All it really does is define the one.
Enlightenment is the understanding that you are coming from and going to infinite perfection and that your purpose is to give and receive unending fulfillment. Enlightenment is the realization that the deepest core of your being is the infinite source of creation behind all things. You are both empowered and without ego because you see that One is all there is. Enlightenment is also the understanding that the way in which giving and receiving is accomplished cannot be reasoned since the means of accomplishing this feat is to abandon reason. Enlightenment is seeing the full circle of existence and discovering that to be filled one must first become empty. It can only be said that when you are full you cast away your oneness (this is where you give, this is where you abandon reason and this is where the illusion begins). Illusion is finite but Truth is infinite, therefore illusion must give way as you awaken once again to the joy and peace of your unchanged infinite perfect state of being. (This is where you receive, this is where you find your reason, and this is where the illusion ends).
@Jim Eshelman said
I would actually state the question more narrowly; because this is not (for example) a general Thelemic forum. It's specifically the forum of Temple of Thelema, a mystery school that teaches occultism, magick, etc., with specific goals such as the furtherance of one's spiritual awakening. It would (from one point of view) be quite reasonable to limit discussion topics here to the particular teachings (or, at least, areas of teaching) of the College & Temple of Thelema.
"I think the better question is does an active (as in daily posting) general Thelemic forum actually exist anywhere on the internet? I have found plenty of general occult forums, but none specifically Thelemic, and I have been wondering if it is merely a case of the major search engines not indexing it, or if in fact it does not exist because of the actions of the secret chiefs (or some other more mundane reasons.)
It is very clear that mind is matter, amd matter is not mind.
Idealist ontology is absurd.
Matter is only one spectrum of the rainbow; one narrow view of a single thing.
And that one thing that is being seen is a creation of that which is unseen and uncreated.
@Froclown said
"It is very clear that mind is matter, amd matter is not mind.
Idealist ontology is absurd."
"It is very clear" are meaningless words at this level of debate. It is not at all clear.
Please stop with the technique. It's beneath you. As is your screen name.
"Mind is matter"?
"Matter is not mind"?
These are your core beliefs. Your faith. Your unprovable axiomatic presuppositions. Nothing more.
"Idealist" is a meaningless shadow label. Are you blind to your own idealism? I am not.
"Absurd" is merely a negative opinion. Thirteen year-olds are adept at this.
Not being able to transcend faith, it becomes called "science."
But it's faith.
@Froclown said
"It is very clear that mind is matter, amd matter is not mind.
Idealist ontology is absurd."
It is very clear that matter and mind are neither the cause nor the effect exclusively.
Cause and effect do not exist without relation to the linear model.The difference between matter and mind is the perspective of dualism.
Materialism is monism.
Contradiction!Materialist ontology is only one half of the equation.
Equations are not complete without a relation.Again, it always comes down to this paltry philosophy 101 argument.
And to identify with an unchangable belief system is absurd.
When our eyes look at the world, all we get are a series of 2D flat images.
Our brain mixes the two images of the eyes and constructs a 3D virtual model from those cross cuts. So we see a kind of mental construct of the room around us, but we do not get every single possible 2D slice from every angle at one time, only the view from where our eyes are located in relation to the rest of the room. Thus some one else in the very same room, has a different mental consctrution of the room. We also combine the different constructs from memory as we move about the room, to create a not immediately seen construct of the room, but a inner combination of many diffent perspective angels, into a single room. But these are all mental constructs, all we ever actually see are various 2D slices.But the room exists independent our our seeing it, it is really 3D and it's real 3D space transcends all of our constructs based on 2D images. Thus malkuth is out virtues models but the real reality of the Supernals is the actual real physical room, that transcends all individual constructed models of the room.
The room is not in your mind, the mental construction build out of 2D slices is in your mind. As is everything you ever directly experience or know about anything, is actually a virtual construction put together from cross cuts and limited input filtered through your sense organs and brain that makes this constructs.
But beyond those constructs is the real physical room, with physical matterial objects, which are only hinted at and distorted as the brain tries to model them from limited sense data. The brain is itself a physical object, that is part of that room, part of the whole universe of reality that exists outside if the mental constructs. Your idea about a brain, is a mental construct that refers to but is not the brain itself.
Reality is physical and it is analogous to what we see and touch and experience, only our experiences are constructions which are subject to flaws, since they use limited data and fill in the blanks between cross sections of sense data, also the physical reality includes elements that our sense organs do not pick up. (no that does not mean angels, ghosts, and astral planes, those are things that your brain creates to model experiences and events that come from unusual sense perceptions, that the brain doesn't quite know what to do with, but also does not ignore, misperceptions and cognitive glitches) Reality does contain light wavelengths we can't see, sounds we can't hear, organisms too small to see, etc.
reality is not a construct of your mind, but your personal perspective is a construction of the brain tying to gather loose cross cuts of limited sensory data. So in a sense everyday phenomena are illusions just as much as the effects of rituals are illusions. Only the models we use everyday are tested constantly refined to fit the real world, while seeing an angel in a dark mirror, is the result of an ambiguous sense data, fleeting in nature, causing the brain to construct some explanation and project it into the model of the world around you, as a best fit for some bit of inadequately perceived data. And the communication with such spirits is a communication between parts of the brains processes working on assumptions and trying to build a coherent explanation and rationalization of the strange sensory data, processed through an unusual trance state of cognition.
Crowley says as much in "the initiated understanding of ceremonial magic"
@Froclown said
"reality is not a construct of your mind"
Prove this without using your mind. Read this without using your mind.
Is this post reality?Oh, and if you type a're using your mind.
@Froclown said
"Crowley says as much in "the initiated understanding of ceremonial magic""
An early essay during a brief rationalist phase before he had any substantial initiation - later discarded.
But we have wandered far away from the original topic of the thread and are not returning to it, so I think the time has come to lock this thread. (I will unlock it at the request of the person who started the thread, if he disagrees with my assessment that we have permanently veered OT.)