19 December (Hadit) Liber CCXX, 2:22-23
(v.88) 22. I am the Snake that giveth Knowledge & Delight and bright glory, and stir the hearts of men with drunkenness. To worship me take wine and strange drugs whereof I will tell my prophet, & be drunk thereof! They shall not harm ye at all. It is a lie, this folly against self. The exposure of innocence is a lie. Be strong, o man! lust, enjoy all things of sense and rapture: fear not that any God shall deny thee for this.
(v.89) 23. I am alone: there is no God where I am. -
@CCXX said
"(v.88) 22. I am the Snake that giveth Knowledge & Delight and bright glory, and stir the hearts of men with drunkenness. To worship me take wine and strange drugs whereof I will tell my prophet, & be drunk thereof! They shall not harm ye at all. It is a lie, this folly against self. The exposure of innocence is a lie. Be strong, o man! lust, enjoy all things of sense and rapture: fear not that any God shall deny thee for this."
Perhaps the most important thing in these verses is the idea that intoxication and its ecstasy are essential to the religious expression of humanity. Whether caused by chemicals or not, it is the real key of religion.
Hadit identifies Himself further and overtly as Kundalini. The “Snake” idea also confirms the 8 or infinity symbolism, among other things; and, especially (as the eighth verse in the current set) conforms to the relationship of Hod to Kundalini phenomena.
"Knowledge & Delight" could be a Hod-Netzach polarity, but are surely, instead, on a higher plane. “Knowledge” is likely gnosis, and the rapture of the Rosy Cross (intimate knowledge). This result is intoxicating (of the inmost, not the outermost - see Liber LXV.)
The admonishment about drugs knocks down old taboos. However, the abuse of these, as is well shown in our time, can destroy. Yet what is destroyed is only shadow. One’s health, one’s sanity, and one’s life may be destroyed; but from Hadit’s point of view, that which is truly you, beyond those shadows, will be harmed not at all!
With their proper use, there is happier news!
It is the unfit, the outcast, the sorrowful, the pained, the inwardly impoverished - the shadow souls - who are most likely to be damaged by drugs. The sane, healthy, fit, joyous, and inwardly rich are likely to obtain a very different effect with the right use of the right drugs.
Most importantly, “this folly against self” is a lie. Self-abnegation is a lie. Who you are is infinitely grand and holy and glorious. Your essence is that of a god, like Dionysus. Celebrate this with your rapture!
"(v.89) 23. I am alone: there is no God where I am."
89 = "silence." This is the supreme annunciation of Kether. The second phrase begins with the Pass Word of the 9=2 Grade. Ultimately, it says the same thing as v. 10. “Allah has no Allah.”
So I'll shut up now.
Why is it that I read v.88, and I feel so empowered.....especially sexually,
But then v. 89 seems to.... Burst my bubble....It seems like a sad lament....
Oh look at the pretty, yummy
Happy, lovingOver there
but here I amAll alone....
@Veronica said
"Why is it that I read v.88, and I feel so empowered.....especially sexually,
But then v. 89 seems to.... Burst my bubble...."The v. 88 makes total sense.
I'm not sure why v. 89 bursts the bubble, though. Wondering... there's a paradox at the moment of orgasm. One can feel entirely alone or entirely connected. They are actually the same thing... just felt differently... sharing the characteristic that "there's only One here."
Does that rambling help any?
I don't normally nap after [censored],
I often forget that others do.This makes me aware of meaningless [censored].....
Or to put it better
The many levels of meaning that [censored] can
And should have.Ramble on Rose
Is a favorite tune of mine...
Reflecting on this - I remember in my early teens going to church (pentacostal), listening to some energetic preachers, and praying on my own. I would sometimes get filled with an ecstatic joy that would fill me and energize me. This was a pretty rare occurence, but very important to me. I remember in my late teens, while rebelling against those earlier days, that with the combination of drugs and music I would experience the same ecstacy. This confused the hell out of me. Why is it that the thing that seemed so holy and innocent in my early teens was still there even when I was doing "evil"? There is still a mystery there, but I've let go of viewing it as good or evil.
"Invoke Often" and "Inflame Thyself with Prayer" - I'll take these verses as a reminder of this and find my way of putting it into practice.
Drunkenness results in the loss of inhibition, and without inhibition, we become like children--i.e., prone to doing "wrong" things. The barriers of the conscious mind come crashing down, and when that happens, what is left? --The flow of the subconscious mind, rushing forth like water through a freshly-opened dam.
The advent of adulthood requires the subconscious to become stifled--almost like someone holding their breath. Thus by indulging in drugs and liquor, we "open our mouths" so to speak, and fill our lungs with the sweet taste of air. Overindulgence, however, would be like hyperventilating, an act that results in unconsciousness.
It feels good to be irresponsible every once in a while. Otherwise, how would life be interesting? What purpose would we have to act responsibly in the first place? A system cannot function without some form of counteractive force to validate its existence. If we didn't get drunk and say/do stupid things, we would suffocate in our own tight-assery.
93, 93/93
I don't need to get drunk to say silly things,
And if I had any less inhibitions....When you are feeling happy and safe, you become flexible and receptive.
I try to be flexible and receptive all the time,
But some times modern life and my part in it
Leave me cold and hard.And then some one walks in my kitchen with joke, a bottle, a smoke, a baby or a song.....and I get to be all loosey glossy again.
@Veronica said
"I don't need to get drunk to say silly things,
And if I had any less inhibitions...."