19 November (Nuit) Liber CCXX, 1:20-21
20. The key of the rituals is in the secret word which I have given unto him.
21. With the God & the Adorer I am nothing: they do not see me. They are as upon the earth; I am Heaven, and there is no other God than me, and my lord Hadit. -
"...the secret word..." is ABRAHADABRA according to Crowley's commentary. The key of the rituals we do in this aeon have as their purpose the uniting of the microcosm and microcosm, much like Nuit bending down and Hadit buring upon the brows of the worshippers. This sounds very much like the instruction that everything we do is for the purpose of attaining to the K&C of the HGA. Life is a ritual, every moment is a borning idea and living manifestation of eternity. Thus, every moment is a an opportunity to realize this concept. For me, this is one of those things I can sort of grasp by intellect, but I don't "understand" with the fiber of my soul - I guess that is one reason why I'm alive.
I do not know who the God and Adorer refer to, but presumably it is the worshiper and the object of the worship. Even in the act of worship Nuit stands apart as "nothing". Nuit is heaven and is incomprehensible in our "normal" state of mind - it takes a superconscious experience to realize "nothing" and the whirlings back and forth to her? "There is no other God than me and my lord Hadit" explains that they are the "true" objects of worship? Or possibly that they are beyond what the Adorer can conceive of as a God? Juxataposing this against what Hadit says later "I am alone; there is no God where I am" is interesting - possibly it points out the difference of perspective between each.
@mojorisin44 said
"The key of the rituals we do in this aeon have as their purpose the uniting of the microcosm and microcosm, much like Nuit bending down and Hadit buring upon the brows of the worshippers."
I agree totally - provided that you didn't mean to say "...in this aeon, in contrast to the past." (You didn't say that - but I so often encounter people saying things like, "The New Aeon is all about the K&C of the HGA," or some such thing, that I'm popping in on this point.)
These things have been the consistent elements from aeon to aeon, because they are they essence of the Great Work itself. That Work isn't new or different in the Aeon of Horus, though the attitude and approach we bring to it is different.
Just saying...
Good observations overall BTW.
"I do not know who the God and Adorer refer to"
I take both of these to mean Hadit specifically. Certainly the former; and I think the latter (there is no difference). Or, more broadly, "the Adorer" refers to any worshipper (but, still, that's an expression of Hadit).
I take this as a mathematical statement: It doesnt say that TO the God she is Nothing, but that WITH the God she is Nothing. That is Nuit + God = 0. More generally, +X + -X = 0. It is in their union that distinction is obliterated. Before union/extinction, there is distinction. (Even if Nuit is abstractly Nothing, our visualization, postulation, articulation, etc. of Her creates a distinction.)
Sorry for the intrusion of math into devotionalism, but it's the simplest explanation.
If I'm not mistaken, the one other verse that, like I:21, corresponds to both Kether and beth, is II:65
- I am the Master: thou art the Holy Chosen One.
I think that's pretty interesting.
@Jim Eshelman said
"These things have been the consistent elements from aeon to aeon, because they are they essence of the Great Work itself."
I did think to myself - what the heck were we doing before then? That brings up some thoughts in what I've read in another post, "Life and Thelema", regarding the True Will, or rather the "me" that is truly me, never "changing" in the sense that it is the essence of being and only the context changes (or at least that's how I've mangled it).
@Jim Eshelman said
"It doesnt say that TO the God she is Nothing, but that WITH the God she is Nothing. That is Nuit + God = 0. More generally, +X + -X = 0."
Thanks for pointing that out - the distinction is subtle even though it is in plain sight and opens up a different perspective for me.
@mojorisin44 said
"I do not know who the God and Adorer refer to ...."
For one thing, this verse is yet another allusion to the Stele of Revealing. The God and the Adorer are depicted in the lower register "as upon the earth", while Nuit appears above as Heaven, with Her Lord, Hadit.
I speak, I create ; with beauty and joy.