Alchemical Correlation to N/H/RHK
Anyone ever ponder the alchemical correlation of Nuit, Hadit, and RHK?
RHK=SulfurI was re-reading the whole book from an alchemical perspective and it made a lot of sense to me. Maybe this is obvious and I've missed a prior discussion. Thoughts?
Yes, I've thought of that one.
There are several ways to do it, though. The most obvious of them is that which is employed in a series of public rituals Temple of Thelema has performed over the years. Because the root consideration is Mother - Father - Child, which correspond per se to Salt - Sulphur - Mercury, it swaps your last two.
I think the main issue here is that those principles are below-the-Abyss elements. (By one symbolism, their roots are in the Supernals, as are the roots of three elements; but the alchemical application is primarily below Tiphereth and, in almost every other sense, below the Abyss.) Therefore, these rotate around each other a fair bit.
Another consideration is that one should not include plantary Mercury with alchemical Mercury. It is quite easy to see Hadit as planetary Mercury; but alchemical Mercury is primarily the unpolarized consequence of two polarized principles, e.g., when appearing as androgyne or any "child" aspect.