15 December (Hadit) Liber CCXX, 2:9-13
(v.75) 9. Remember all ye that existence is pure joy; that all the sorrows are but as shadows; they pass & are done; but there is that which remains.
(v.76) 10. O prophet! thou hast ill will to learn this writing.
(v.77) 11. I see thee hate the hand & the pen; but I am stronger.
(v.78) 12. Because of me in Thee which thou knewest not.
(v.79) 13. for why? Because thou wast the knower, and me. -
As a discipline, I have taken these words into meditation today as if they were verbatim words from my HGA, and now take them out into the world. They are completely consistent with everything my Angel has ever communicated, and they ring true from the center out today (a requirement to really getting into it!) - They speak a root truth and then address inherent resistance and keys to penetrating the resistance. (Witnessing the resistance, however great or small, is part of the mindfulness practice for the days as well.)
A few Ruach comments on the particular verses...
@CCXX said
"(v. 75) 9. Remember all ye that existence is pure joy; that all the sorrows are but as shadows; they pass & are done; but there is that which remains."
A fundamental doctrine of Thelema. Here the God who is the Magician and Life, and especially therefore the mysteries of the Lingam - who is Existence itself in any way we may conceive of such - tells us that Existence is pure joy. The rest is Maya, the Devil, the game, the shadow play inevitably cast by so great a light. Existence is eternal, immortal. It "remains."
"**(v. 76) 10. O prophet! thou hast ill will to learn this writing.
(v. 77) 11. I see thee hate the hand & the pen; but I am stronger.
(v. 78) 12. Because of me in Thee which thou knewest not.
(v. 79) 13. for why? Because thou wast the knower, and me.**"
The historical relevance of these verses is well recorded. Crowley, on 4/9/04 e.v., was a confirmed Buddhist. He seriously held that all is Sorrow. His ego rejected the teachings of v. 9, and fought mightily against them. But the Way of Hadit, of ecstasy and joy, was greater. The ego could not prevail against the deepest Seed of Self, nor the personality's obstinacy against True Will.
The basic message is that Hadit - our Hidden Self - is the fulcrum of all leverage, the mighty Source, the inescapable Truth. From such a place we are invulnerable and all-potent; against it, the personality that we mistake for ourselves is impotent.
In v. 11 (v. 77 of the entire Book), note "hand" refers, by a pun, to Yod or Hadit as well. "stronger" is OZ, 77, or 11, “Strength” - matching both forms of the verse number.
v. 12 (v. 78): The "me in Thee" corresponds to 78 in multiple ways - one of which is that 78 is Sum(1-12), the Mystic Number of the Path of Beth, Mercury. 78 is also the value that AC mistakenly gave to the name "Aiwass" (as AYVAS) for several years.
v. 13 (v. 79): AC is Hadit, who is "the knower;" and so are we each. More deeply, this entire Book has been dictated by AC's HGA, of whom all these things are true as well. The strange grammatical use of "me" rather than “I” probably means that AC was MH, "Not" - that is, of the Zero rather than of the One ("I"). This, then, serves to clarify the correct interpretation of the prior verse which might otherwise have been missed: "Because of MH in Thee which thou knewest not."