17 December (Hadit) Liber CCXX, 2:17-18
**(v. 83) 17. Hear me, ye people of sighing!
The sorrows of pain and regret
Are left to the dead and the dying,
The folk that not know me as yet.(v. 83) 18. These are dead, these fellows; they feel not. We are not for the poor and sad: the lords of the earth are our kinsfolk.**
@CCXX said
"(v. 83) 17. Hear me, ye people of sighing!
The sorrows of pain and regret
Are left to the dead and the dying,
The folk that not know me as yet."Pretty simple. Cf. Liber Tzaddi.
Of course, Hadit is never to be known. A cynic could turn this, therefore, into a pretty desperate situation. I think, however, that a little license must be allowed to this "Aiwass Soft Shoe Shuffle."
The main point is that life is joyous (cf. v. 9).
The Greek ALGHMA, "sorrow," enumerates to 83, the number of this verse; but the same number also gives Fiat Lux, "Let there be Light (L.V.X.)!"
666, in N.C., expands on the theme of v. 9 here. The "shadows" are not of Hadit, i.e., are not Real.
@CCXX said
"(v. 84) 18. These are dead, these fellows; they feel not. We are not for the poor and sad: the lords of the earth are our kinsfolk."
Continues the theme, and begins the very Teth-like descriptions of Hadit, his gifts, and his ethics. Thelema, without apology, is elitist. Though the law is for all, there is no room within us for "the poor and sad" aspects, or inferior aspects, or defeated aspects, of our own being.
In a more constrained fashion, this elitism applies to those other stars in our environment as well, although here other issues commingle with those of the present verse; consider, for example, CCXX 2:58.
They are "dead," i.e., they are not of Life, Hadit. Also, they "are not for the poor and sad," because the consciousness of Nuit and Hadit dissolves all sadness.
An important consideration here is that all personalities - all personae - are "shadows." They consist of unreality. They are but distorted reflections, greater or lesser degrees of clarity reflecting the true Light for which they are the vehicle.
It's a very binah-esque poem...
Was thinking about AI, transhumanism, etc., yesterday. It seems to me that when the topic is brought up, at some point there's someone commenting that about "the questions it raises about identity and consciousness"
Yesterday, it suddenly occurred to me that that was only an important question for the personality--the one part that doesn't really exist at all. In moments of connection, I know that it's just one life force flowing through everything, and we're all just vessels of different capacities. There's no room for regret or sorrow, just sheer amazement at the crazy, beautiful life that we all share.