Liber Trigrammaton sub figura XXVII
Here is a link to the Liber. It's a quick read and I would like to hear everyone's thoughts about it since it's not an often-discussed work.
It's interesting to me, but I feel like I like the idea of it more than I enjoy reading or find myself applying the actual text. It gets related to Liberty, Will, and the Wand in De Lege Libellum and I can only think this is because it's a book about creation.
The idea of adding a point to the broken & unbroken lines is interesting, but I'm not sure if there is any practical application as far as I Ching is concerned.
So I guess I value it as a hypothetical and archetypal model for creation.From the Synopsis in The Holy Books of Thelema:
"being a book of Trigrams of the Mutations of the Tao with the Yin and the Yang"
One thing that gets to me about this and his attribution of the Trigrams to the Tree of Life, is that he ignores Te, instead seeing Yin and Yang opposed to each other, being combined in the Tao.
I tend to see it more like Tao/Yin/Love/Nuit vs. Te/Yang/Will/Hadit.How do you feel about it?