I stand corrected: It wasn't a "Crowley movie," it was Ken Anger's "Lucifer Rising." Initially, I had the misconception that it was a Satanic ritual; on a third viewing, I perused the writing on the ritual floor and discerned these to be figures of Thelema.
What is the significance of Babylon to Thelema?
Lucifer, to me, is the Sun.
The younger version of Jesus if you will ; a little full of himself and yet to mature.
Kind of like the Holy Guardian Angel before Knowledge and Conversation, where Jesus is the Angel once Knowledge and Conversation has been established.
Lucifer means "light bringer", also known as the "Morning Star". It is the planet Venus at dawn, bright in the sky, heralding the impending dawn.
A... Golden Dawn... if you will.
Also, "Morning Star" in Latin is "Stella Matutina", the name for the order based on the Golden Dawn that Israel Regardie belonged to... -
lucifer is one of the "four great princes of evil in the world" in the abra-melin system, which was a major influence upon crowley. the four great princes are mentioned a few times in the vision and the voice, one of the most important texts regarding the ontology and pantheon of thelema.
there are some interesting thoughts *( on them.