Questions about the HGA.
This is the one thing that completes everything or gives the appearence of being so. But for us the K&C of the HGA is central to Thelema.
Since obtaining the great work of this relationship, how has it changed your life?
How different are you from your previous self?
I can't imagine staying the same person after encountering my angel.
Do you remember the first encounter? What was it like for you? What where your perceptions and how did you react?
For me it was a very powerfully and moving encounter, everything he was I just kind of felt unwhole next to him. Like it was all I was ever looking for. He would approach me in my sleep for quite awhile before I learned not to leap awake out of my sleep. It was like the moment I felt him close, I would be startled awake. It was something about his presence, how pure it felt, unlike anything on this plane of exsistence. The love and softness that was emanated from him spoke of themselves the inside need to be similiar, alikened or in relationship.with someone like that. Even without words we spoke, it was as if there was an understanding, a relationship with bonds of fellowship and endless understanding.
I will stop.there, i'm just being a witness for what I percieve as being real to me.93
I remember being totally surprised more than anything, that was not what I was expecting, receiving a name right out of the blue during my meditation, and thus beginning an active association. However, I believe that was more of a preliminary, and every experience since has been different.
It does throw a light on a few things though, and to put it simply, although the relationship so far is somewhat under the threshold of my everyday awareness, it has led me back to where I started in many ways, and now it seems to be gradually burning through my bad habits and Character flaws, which aught to keep it occupied for some time.However, as a beginner I have not attained K&C, so it would be unsuitable for me to comment further.
For many of us who have attained to the K&C, you may find a reluctance to talk "overmuch" about it. To me at least, it is something intensely private.
What I can tell you is that the biggest change in my outward and visible self was that I no longer thought I needed a bunch of things that were actually substitutes for the HGA.
My apologies, you must understand my zealousness. I understand and respect the desire for privacy. My reasons for asking is for research and identification reseans. Given the level of intimacy of the relationship I completely can comply if that be your wish.
But also in the interest of 'not so unwisely of casting your pearls before swine...' not nearly enough of this part the relationship has been written about. And now I think it may impart that way because none of us has said anything. I apologize if you thought the questions were a little personal about that work. But being in the hands of that angel is the greatest place, the safest place to abide, and I am so very just wanting to learn more about that powerful aspect of our religion??93
I'm working on a book right now that contains one long account of an Abramelin working and the resulting K&C. This isn't the start of the relationship you're asking about (since that happened many years earlier), but intimately explores the ripening of it.
Expect it sometime next year, probably in the first half of the year.
@Swamiji said
"For many of us who have attained to the K&C, you may find a reluctance to talk "overmuch" about it. To me at least, it is something intensely private.
I agree.
What I am willing to share, though, is that after Angel, first few months, I was in deep sh*t, lots of stuff was leaving my field of consciousness.
First encounter with Him/Her was in the Light of samadhi, it all went so smoothly.
Good luck.
@Jim Eshelman said
"I'm working on a book right now that contains one long account of an Abramelin working and the resulting K&C. This isn't the start of the relationship you're asking about (since that happened many years earlier), but intimately explores the ripening of it.
Expect it sometime next year, probably in the first half of the year."
Your account?
Yes, the Abramelin op can and does really deepen the realizations etc. even after the attainment.
For me, that is.