I'm going through the experience of the Abyss...
@Legis said
"So, once one has opened to Briatic consciousness, what is the task of the Abyss? How do you know when you're done?"
There's no single answer. It's highly individual. But, perhaps, a few things are evident.
The Ordeal of the Abyss has three "gates," corresponding to the developmental stages of Geburah, Chesed, and Da'ath. The Ordeal of the Abyss (per se) is the third, although it is a progressive matter (just as was the HGA relationship, which is wholly evident at Malkuth long in advance of the K&C). The Geburah stage already has nearly every symptom of what people generally expect for the Ordeal of the Abyss in much the same way that a 21-year-old finds it nearly impossible to distinguish what he or she is then passing through from what others report of their Saturn return: the markers are the same, but it just isn't the same experience and doesn't have the same result.
So, one thing is clear: You ain't even close if you haven't attained the level of Chesed. That's the first marker: Let the road signs along the highway help you keep track of where you are in the trip.
Many other symptoms are well documented in St. John's Dark Night of the Soul, though that experience has lesser and greater phases. It isn't an exact map, but if you saturate yourself in it you will get the main elements.
After the attainment of the K&C of the HGA, the other adept stages are distinctive steps in the deepening of the intimate relationship with the Angel. 6=5 is a decisive step, practically reversing (turning inside out) the position of the Lesser Adept. 7=4 has distinctive elements of (to pick one way of saying it) "settling in" with the Angel, and the practice of Parabhakti yoga deepen this even further.
In time, certain things become apparent. I wouldn't venture to describe these universally and (if I had a universal list) I wouldn't be inclined to share it because it makes it too easy for the ego to falsify the symptoms.
"Interesting. Could you share some ideas? Some key points you would modify if you were to create an order from an AA basis?
I'd change nothing at all, the training system is completely effective. Whilst to join the A.'.A.'. one has to be of sound body and mind, I would stress that therapy would be a good prerequisite; especially some CBT and some memory regression and dealing with past events- the most important of which probably occurring in childhood.
The 'stirring of the pot' i.e. the bringing about of petty little things which accumulate over time are, as far as I can tell, a part of the path. Doing the practices seems to bring things up which we have to step back and deal with, if we let it consume us we are lost. Whether these things are perceived as physical manifestations which cause annoyance, or just plain psychological symptoms. The latter, if undealt with, could become huge.
I think therapy before work, and during the work would most definitely useful- barring this simply having someone to talk to is helpful. I am too stubborn to see a therapist (again)
, but it would probably help. (That may seem like an odd statement, but it what it is.)
So in my opinion the A.'.A.'. is good as it is, we have to take the bad with the good as with all areas of life. I would argue they are a completely natural part of the process of 'attainment'. I would argue life itself can be an initiation particularly if the individual learns to cope with things and along the way reaches consciousness without consciously doing any magickal work. Of course I would also think these cases are rare and hard to identify without knowing the person well.
I say all of the above without professing to contain any more than a tea-cup full of knowledge BTW....
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.
Before I went to sleep yesterday the realization of meditation seemed to have reached a high degree of crystallization. I now even can’t pretend that I am going to set out to meditate. It just happens by itself… I keep slipping in and out of being “aware” without having any sense of control over it anymore. I said that the only job I now have is staying relaxed and thus letting it happen. But there is no “letting it happen” or “staying relaxed”: It happens by itself and either I am relaxed or I am not relaxed, slipping back and forth without any sort of control.
Everything in my life now seems to happen by itself…
Before, during these 9 months I at least had the feeling that I was occupied with cultivating “awareness”, that I was somehow in control over my own growth. I'm not anymore… Either it grows or it doesn’t grow… all by itself…
I had some trouble sleeping because of this growing realization of not being the cause of anything; it was a little frightening to understand this because out of ignorance I actually had done some planning (!): I said it would take years to reach the other shore. But now I simply don’t know anymore... I am totally clueless! And due to this I found myself thinking thoughts like: “I want more time.”, “Don’t let it happen to fast.”. I also have had more thoughts than I usually have, during these last days. My interpretation is that the mind is perhaps putting it all out there in an effort to stay alive… trying to gain control by having me believing in it… racing…
I also felt that these last months has been some kind of effort trying to stay alive, "clinging", to techniques and books. I thought the same thing about my presence here on these forums; that I am somewhat clinging – simply entertaining myself (there is also a sense of wanting to share.)... But there is no turning back, there is “no trying”, no trying even to “let go”. There is no “letting” it happen… Since, it all happens by itself, anyways! I will therefore “cling” as long as I will cling to these forums and I will let go when I will let go…
I have as much control as those little flowers opening themselves up early in the morning when touched by the very first rays of the sun. It all happens by itself… without any special cause… There is no “because”! Be he damned for a dog!
Someday I suddenly will be gone... It doesn’t matter. I won’t be able to do anything for you muddle-heads here anyways… I am a man of earth lacking the technical jargon necessary to treat the insanity you all are suffering from. Doctor Jim Eshelman on the other hand is well equipped for treating your illnesses (The complexity of your minds). He has treated mine so far with excellent results; he is working on all of us whenever we are aware of it or not. But I have been a tough case; since I’m not very knowledgeable he really had to put some effort in there using simple language as talking to a child, knocking me in the head with sentences like:
@Jim Eshelman said
"*“But there's no need to wrangle and wrestle with it so (unless, of course, y'know, there's something in you that needs to wrangle and wrestle with it right now).
"You just need to move past and find the new formula of connection, your own next step."
"That's very interesting; and gratitude is a feeling of the heart opening."
“no try”*"
My own work on the other hand, will be of some other kind… I have had glimpses back in the days while working with the Angel… From the knowledge that was given to me, it wasn’t very hard imagining in what kind of framework my life is about develop itself within… But it was hard accepting it at the time… terrifying… the responsibility it carries with it still is terrifying…
Oh my Lord! I’m just a 34 year old kid for god’s sake! I can’t take responsibility! I hardly know how to take care of myself!
But I have to help watering the seed of love planted by the prophet so many years ago – from below – a revolution from below! I’ll wash the feet of the criminal, the homeless, the drug addict, the beggar and the prostitute – heavenly trash like myself carrying the world upon our shoulders! What do you guys really think!? That the prophet is going to stay a prophet for a few thousand crazy followers? What kind of prophet would that make him to be? What kind of truth is that? No, someday this crazy beggar will do his best to help him become a world-wide phenomena! All of my life the knowledgeable man (The politician, the scholar and the priest) has driven me mad with his stupidity! All of my life I have had to put up with these fools and their ignorance!
I will do my best to take their power away… I will not be lecturing. I will not be teaching. I will not be aiming for the mind at all! I'll aim below the head "striking them hard & low" – going straight for the hearts of men... (TBOTL is a message of love, not a message for the mind!). As I wrote 3 years ago about my future as a "speaker": “[]… I will not give in before the sky open up and we will see a deluge of tears flowing down from the beautiful cheeks of men.” It will come out of nowhere – from nowhere expected – it will be coming from below!
But “how” cries reason! How does one go for the heart!? Shut up you dog! I don’t know how! I am totally clueless! I don’t care! And I certainly don’t care about the “how”! The only thing I know is that I can’t help myself from doing it! Don’t you see?
It will all happen by itself…
“I” will not even be there to witness it…
Love is the law, love under will.
Peace low
I'm inclined to my original opinion, yes. I can conceive that it might be the ordeal of Geburah - which, of course, requires that he has attained to Tifereth. However, it most resembles the characteristics of Tav.
I'm willing to be a little agnostic on this.
I think the most important thing is that he's going through hell and asked for some support.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.
@kasper81 said
"By the way HHead I know it's annoying people talking about you in your thread so don't be offended."
I'm not at all annoyed; keep making conversation... Don't be afraid.
By the way, Jim's reply to you is really an "mirroring" of your current level of initiation. He won't give you anything above or beyond your own understanding. Where I am at is really none of your concern...Instead of asking questions out of mere "curiosity". You could speed up your own initiation if you started putting yourself on the line more... I'm all-in here man, losing my face, talking about things that really matters to me...
But then if you have nothing to lose it makes it a whole of a lot easier.
Love is the law, love under will.
@kasper81 said
"When I was in Tav I was in a long series of Hells and Heavens and I deluded that I had somehow advanced through the Abyss. There was some Briatic archetype activity also. In retrospect I think I suffered more than most because, at that time, I had not mastered hour long asana and was doing talisman charging. Maybe this Tav/Abyss delusion is a common occurrence for the ill-equipped neophyte?"
Or even a better-equipped Neophyte; but part of that "better equipped" is having a Superior in the Order who has right perspective. and can lend balanced assistance, confirming the value of such experiences (they ARE something, and do represent a breakthrough - just not the one superficially thought). It's back to Liber O basics: Do not give to any such experience the meaning it first seems to have.
Oh boy, do I remember that time! I remember one day of taking a very large dose of LSD and reading large sections of The Vision & the Voice. The things I saw! The things I understood! And, of course, they all had to do with the process of the Abyss (that's what the book is about). One part of my brain knew that no way in hell was I crossing the Abyss, and another part was totally enraptured with how f'ing much I knew I UNDERSTOOD about it. Again... a little of both was true: I did have some very worthwhile insights and, yeah, I also really didn't know which end of my body my head was inserted into.
"One last point, HHead has become a beggar he says. I have heard this before and I know Binah is the great leveller ; that strips us of all attachments but I don't think that this necessitates dropping all material possessions. I understand that this may be someone's karma at that stage but vows of poverty are all a bit buddhist or old aeon."
One has to be prepared to let go of everything. One doesn't then actually have to let go of everything: but one must be willing for it to happen.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.
@kasper81 said
"By the way HHead I know it's annoying people talking about you in your thread so don't be offended."
I'm not at all annoyed; keep making conversation... Don't be afraid.
By the way, Jim's reply to you is really an "mirroring" of your current level of initiation. He won't give you anything above or beyond your own understanding. Where I am at is really none of your concern...Instead of asking questions out of mere "curiosity". You could speed up your own initiation if you started putting yourself on the line more... I'm all-in here man, losing my face, talking about things that really matters to me...
But then if you have nothing to lose it makes it a whole of a lot easier.
Love is the law, love under will.
Some thoughts. Do What Thou Wilt.
Actually, I think Kasper falls in the category of someone who intends to try to help. His "curiosity" seems to have a direction. He just also falls into the category of someone who is probably a little more "certain" in what he thinks about your situation.
From One Star in Sight:
"Any neophyte of the Order (or, as some say, any person soever) possesses the right to claim the Grade of Master of the Temple by taking the Oath of the Grade. It is hardly necessary to observe that to do so is the most sublime and awful responsibility which it is possible to assume, and an unworthy person who does so incurs the most terrific penalties by his presumption."
Here on the forum, this possibility is primarily presented as a "trap" for the unworthy. However, in the text, the warning to the unworthy immediately follows. If it's a trap, the author didn't consciously want to catch anything, and if not, then why bring it up? I accept it as a real possibility given with a warning.
The success of such a possibility would seem to me to require work accomplished in previous lifetimes - otherwise, I just imagine it all as far too much. It would invoke that previous work to be quickly (relatively speaking) and intensely recapitulated in the current life, all in the context of the oath of the Magister Templi. As such, the spectre of the Abyss and its task is invoked from the very beginning, but the final crossing still wouldn't come until after the previous stage-work was recapitulated.
To anyone taking this route: "Thou shalt be vexed by dispersion."
But perhaps not permanently.
Perhaps find your bearings. It's allowed. And you may not yet be at the truly final stage and ordeal.
Persevere, nonetheless.
Indeed, the universe is busy with nothing else.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.
@kasper81 said
"When I was in Tav I was in a long series of Hells and Heavens and I deluded that I had somehow advanced through the Abyss. There was some Briatic archetype activity also. In retrospect I think I suffered more than most because, at that time,I had not mastered hour long asana and was doing talisman charging. Maybe this Tav/Abyss delusion is a common occurrence for the ill-equipped neophyte?"
@Jim Eshelman said
"Oh boy, do I remember that time! I remember one day of taking a very large dose of LSD and reading large sections of The Vision & the Voice. The things I saw! The things I understood! And, of course, they all had to do with the process of the Abyss (that's what the book is about). One part of my brain knew that no way in hell was I crossing the Abyss, and another part was totally enraptured with how f'ing much I knew I UNDERSTOOD about it. Again... a little of both was true: I did have some very worthwhile insights and, yeah, I also really didn't know which end of my body my head was inserted into."
I too made the wrong conclusion 3 years ago in late 2010, when I for a moment started believing that I had crossed the abyss. My intense suffering later corrected and forced me to submit and admitting the error.
Everything was happening so fast… the hours of almost daily crying that took place at the time was not of the ordinary kind. After each session of tears I could actually feel a permanent “change” within myself – not only the usual kind of release and relaxation you feel after crying – but it felt like the darkness surrounding my heart slowly was fading away.
I started to feel a kind of softness in my heart never in my life felt before…
I therefore felt that the crying was a good thing (even if it was very painful) and actually longed for it to happen because of what I felt it doing to my inside (No wonder I thought I was crossing the abyss.). But later, in the middle of January 2011 it stopped having this positive effect.
I had had months of what I identified to be “the beatific vision”. I saw the ways of the universe, the little flowers, their actions and cried to it’s beatitude. I had felt the whole universe as being alive and vibrating; life itself, even if dark & painful, had for months felt magickal in a way never before experienced… But now in late January 2011, the magick was all gone (and has been ever since). Now the tears kept coming with increased intensity but lacking the earlier “positive effect” and felt nothing but awfully painful – the thickness of the darkness surrounding me, the terrible agony of the soul, now was so beyond everything ever experienced in my whole life.
That I for a while actually feared for my own life…
I have said it before: I felt sincere jealousy from watching a man die in the TV-series Dr. House! If you haven’t cried out of the worst kind of despair a man can ever feel, you could never relate to what I then went through... I am quite sure most people haven’t. Once again let me quote Gurdjieff:
"Ordinary men never experience true suffering and sorrow, for they live mechanical and routine lives, and their troubles are routine, automatic and inescapable. But a man who has willfully undertaken the extraordinary and unnecessary burden of the work, he alone knows the taste of real sorrow and sickness of heart, for he will suffer pain and pressures that life does not ordinarily require."
Now in the middle of January, I became very scared because all the energy that had kept me working until this moment (writing a little book, creating poetry, and all kinds of things) suddenly started to leave me… I really had to do everything in my power to keep on working … I was so fatigued I could hardly stand up… and I thought I was dying! It actually felt like I was dying!
Pulling The tarot card death “twice” during these months confirmed the process…
Then suddenly the name of an old friend started haunting me, this woman kept coming into my head over and over again (no wonder I had seen the purity of her heart months earlier during a critical moment of bravery – I think she’s a king!
)… and I felt forced to call her asking for her assistance… It was the first time in my life I had to ask a fellow human being for “real” help. I had never asked anyone for help – until now – when I felt myself forced to surrendering to the feeling that I couldn't pull this one off myself (It felt like I was dying!)… Also when my subconscious mind haunted me with her name as it did… I had to obey…
Me, a man, 31 years old even cried on the phone when I called her asking her to come and talk to me… I even cried on the phone…
It took her 3 days to arrive and during that time I had no energy left for work (it was a strange feeling, because I wanted to work, but the energy was completely gone!) I felt totally dead inside and neither ate nor did anything at all, just lying on my bed all day long for three days until she came.
This woman is such a pure soul… I actually considered the three days of fasting being a kind of purification taking place… I had to be pure before meeting this divine being!
We met & talked, and all changed for the better… The crying didn’t stop. But from her visit at my place I was filled with strength and a tremendous energy. Don’t ask me what happened… I don’t know what this lovely woman did to me: It must have been the beautiful the flowers she brought and put on my table; it must have been being in the company of this saint; it must have been the spontaneous and sincere comments of my work (she was almost speechless), coming from this innocent & childlike 53 year old woman.
She saw me… and I felt alive…
I actually felt that something was a kind of borne within me – something earlier unfamiliar to me, something that I had never been aware of before… This little happy boy within… Can you believe it, even though I was going through hell, I was now suddenly aware of something deep inside of me being happy and joyous about the whole situation!? Sometimes even giggling! Oh my dear Lord Hadit it is you that go!
Then after our meeting, I later had some more “knowledge” and had to experience the complete break of in relations with the Angel…
In the middle of February I was left with the feeling that there was nothing else for me to do than choosing the life of a beggar… I actually cried out of fear knowing that I had to make such a terrible choice. I had just got my apartment 7 months earlier and was very happy about it… I had the intention to live there for god’s sake! But everything in my universe was arranged in such a way that I knew I had to do it… I actually had after losing my job in the beginning of December, out of fear, thought to myself that “now I will become a beggar.”
Which in reality was a really ridiculous thought to think, because I got 5 months of paid salary from quitting my job, and I also had money at the bank. I even had university students living with me paying the rent! Also there should have been no problem in finding a new job… But my subconscious mind was preparing me for what was to come… Something deep inside of me knew already in the month of December – what I was to be made aware of in the middle of February 2011!
I then understood & accepted my fate. With my newly gained energy I now began a new kind of work. I prepared myself, then finally to give everything away and moved out in early October…
Now in the year 2014 of our Lord – in the early era of the Hierophant – even though the tears and despair is no more… I don’t believe that I have crossed the abyss… I am still in there and there is more to go through… But who cares? 9 months of meditation has left me with feeling quite good… Just this day, I had a nice time talking to this 14 year old girl, who told me that she had walked past by me several times before gathering the courage to come and sit beside me on the street… We talked about society, school, life and it’s struggles… It was a good talk and she felt energized when she left me… In the end, I really can’t help myself from feeling nothing but blessed having the honor of meeting all these beautiful flowers… Having such a good time…
And then it’s you guys on these forums… Can you believe it; I’m actually in the presence of a real Master? I have never been in the presence of a Master before. Not that I have been aware of. I can’t even seem to be excited about it… I have no words for it really; only staying silent seem to do the trick. Staying silent...
*In the end when all of this is going on, who cares about the abyss really? It’s just a really dark place, that’s all.
Love is the law, love under will.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.
The Nordic god Loki, a character played by Kasper in this drama of life has now caused so much tension within myself, that out of necessity, I’m now forced to act through sharing my current understanding of life, the universe and the nature of the HGA.
@Legis said"Actually, I think Kasper falls in the category of someone who intends to try to help. His "curiosity" seems to have a direction. "
The Osirian god Legis seem to have an excellent perception of the truth!It has been said by the ignorant that my Angel can’t be another human being. First, my life and how I experience it – is unique. I’m not talking about objective reality here – it’s the experience of my own subjective universe.
"It is mine UNIVERSE you hear me! MINE!
Second, we actually all share the same “inner nature” – God (Hadit) is but one. Everything around me, everything entering my consciousness is only a projection of this one light within – the projection of Hadit upon his bride Nuit.Failure to unite with any phenomena therefore is a failure to unite with a man’s own projection of the light within – it’s actually a dismissal of and an offence to himself! “Love all”, “Refuse no one!”. An humbling understanding causing the will to turn the other cheek! Invoking the words of Jesus: *“Forgive them Father for they know not what they do.” *
I am the universe, I am the creator… You all are a part of me… In reality I’m talking to myself here (I have not yet had the full realization of this being the case, only a glimpse.). You all are the projection of the light within myself. And when one of you ignorant Gods tells me that the spiritual entity you call the HGA, is “different” from the physical manifestation I call mine – is nothing but an error made by the limitations of your own faculty of reasoning.
In reality none of them is “real”, whenever physical or spiritual, both are still projections of this one light within. And the apparent difference between the “spiritual” and the “physical” is nothing but a “dualistic illusion” created by the mind itself (How one comes to know one’s own projection of light within [the HGA] depends on the mind of the man experiencing it… Some see Aliens others see Angels etc.). Now, Life is a religious experience – all is one – all, whenever we call it spiritual or physical, is nothing but the projection of this same source of light coming from within:
As above so below…
Kether is in Malkhut and Malkhut is in “Kether”. When I’m saying that I am dealing only with Malkuth. I’m at the same time dealing with Kether! The kingdom of heaven is already here (Malkhut means “Kingdom”) and a man’s failure to see it, comes from that big beam in his eye, causing all that darkness of ignorance in him.
It's the mind that keeps a man from recognizing that he has in fact never left the Garden of Eden.
When I’m dealing with my life in Malkhut, I’m dealing with the projection of light coming from within myself (Kether!)… I have no need to travel other worlds or to search for that which is “spiritual” – life is sacred – everything is holy holy and should be treated that way! – and saying this probably makes me one of the sanest men in the world.
Perhaps the semi-god of knowledge “Los”, would be proud of me for not chasing after ghosts & goblins and other projections of the mind?
The great work is about the melting together of Kether and Malkhut – the joining of opposites, the joining of the spirit and the flesh, the joining of man and woman, the joining of Hadit and Nuit. I’m simply going for Kether through my love for this world, uniting with Nuit (Malkuth, the kingdom and my bride) through all of her lovely experiences… And when she sees me fit: Someday the physical manifestation of the Goddess shall once again stand before me in her brilliance. I shall then unite with this physical projection of the light within myself – realizing myself – through union with my beloved soul mate.
As you now should be able to understand the HGA whenever physical or spiritual – is nothing but the projection of the light within – a projection of the Lord living in the hearts of men. Therefore you guys can go on and invoke & unite with whatever projection (as filtered by the mind) you will want to unite with… I care not at all… But this very incarnation of Dionysus will someday unite with the physical projection of himself.
I want no other experience. My heart desires nothing else. Actually the whole world is like a woman yearning for it to happen… End of discussion…
Love is the law, love under will.
Now, crossing the abyss mean that one should find a new way of communication with the Angel. Well last year after the prayers of gratitude, relations were up taken once again. I then understood that he had been inside of me all of the time! That silent inner voice had simply been silent since back in the days when the physical projection of him still was present in my life. I back then didn’t recognize this inner voice of the awakened heart to be the HGA itself. But now I know better…
EDIT: I almost forgot, to mention that overall My Lord now uses whatever medium he sees fit in reaching me. Sometimes the Master appears in other people. I have had drug-addicts and 8 year old children telling me things of importance for my own understanding of things...
I hope its ok to bump this thread with a few questions on this subject rather than start a new thread. I don't claim to be crossing the Abyss, but there was an experience involving the Abyss and I could use some help.
I feel as if I was stumbling around in my Father's House and got wound up in the drapes and ripped them down like a bumbling fool. I applied the secret keys from Liber 963. My consciousness began a reversion through which seemed many web like tunnels that ultimately emptied into a great sea. At that point, there was no more 'me' - I experienced utter and complete unity and truth as my consciousness dispersed into the sea, and that one eternal moment was laid bare before me. The veil of the Priestess was gone. I saw clearly who is enthroned behind it.
I have experienced ego death before in dreams that carried on into waking consciousness. Those seemed to be partial ego death and I was able to rebuild the universe. This time is very different, I experienced full dispersion. There are many lingering and intense reverberations ongoing, including the mourning of my (former) self. I don't believe I am 'crossing the Abyss', but I do believe I had a direct experience with the veil down. Can someone offer some insight as to what may have happened, and what I should do now. This is very difficult (Truth) as I always knew intuitively but to experience it is completely different.