Karma-Yoga: the next step
Reading Vivekananda's Karma-Yoga, it made me associate with what Jim said "ordeals are either of persistance or of discrimination"(sorry for spelling).
So basically, my question is "how do we know when we're ready for the next step in Karma-Yoga?". For instance, X karmic factors lead me to some job. I dont want to do it, but i do it anyway to get rid of that karma. How do i know when it is ok to move on? Is this when it doesnt bother me anymore doing that job? Does this mean i learnt the lesson related to that karma/job?
@Frater Horus said
"Chris, by that you mean it is indeed ok to move on? Because karma is supposed to bother right? So i must find out what is next that could bother me and do it until it doesnt neither... and so on until there's no karma left at all?!
Just saying that solutions are as illusory as their problems, the 'job' that you speak of for instance would be an entirely selfless service.
Under Karma Yoga, the only help i can truly give is in promoting truth and spiritual growth.. from a mystical standpoint you drop the doer from the action.. see oneself as a mere tool of the divine and to offer the fruit of our actions to the divine."be a lamp unto yourself"
I am thinking that a good analogy for this might be........
How does a pregnant woman know that it is time push out her baby?
How does a man rebuilding a vintage hot rod know when to turn the key?
There is only so much work that needs to be done on a job. If you honestly did the very best you could while working, then there should be no question that the task is done to the best of your ability. If you didn't do your best, then you know that you still have work to do.